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Everything posted by Jagull

  1. holy hell o.o you'll probably need a sturdy type of paper or card-stock. Do they even make 16x20 card-stock?
  2. Hummingbird?
  3. they sell individual parts?
  4. Jagull

    New Model

    ^ it was a pre-order bonus for one of the recent Harvest Moon games
  5. unless that's what he's trying to go for
  6. O.o looks like Kyla Cole should be doing some Millia cosplay oh, what the heck
  7. i may be interested in them boosters, have a Nora type in box - jut waiting for some paint to arrive you have a buildup of your Gerwalk conversion?
  8. them packing peanuts look like pringles o.O
  9. Which evil round parts are you talking about? If you're talking about the barrels, try rubbing the sheet over the corner of a table to give it some bend. Then, you may want to try using a wooden dowel for support while you glue the barrel closed. Also, don't try glueing all the tabs in the barrels at once. Take it one or two tabs at a time. Does that help, or are you asking about a different part? it helps, was talking about that circular knee piece. should stop gluing all them tabs first *drool* low viz
  10. any tips on them evil round parts? already screwed mine up
  11. Jagull

    Lego Konig Monster

    another VF-1 http://www1.linkclub.or.jp/~zizy/ROBO/work3/91/index.html
  12. what type of paper is best?
  13. i have, using the HD Loader application.
  14. was your nose cone filled with pinholes/airbubbles? everytime i fill them in and sand the material down smooth, more of them pop up
  15. what red are you using for that dress?
  16. Jagull


    hmm i do have spare gundam parts as well as a fire valk
  17. O.o had the same deal a few weeks ago
  18. i use a Paasche VL dual action lets you control both the airflow & the paint flow. Push down on trigger for air, pull back for paint
  19. I recently finished one for a customer. One leg was twisted slightly. I had to shim it with some sytrene strip to even things out. was it the entire leg? on mine it's only the lower half -.- time to bust out a hairdryer
  20. is one of your legs twisted a bit? i test fitting mine and noticed the left leg (from back view) is rotated slightly to the left
  21. wont acrylics not stick to styrene?
  22. couldn't you just add a few drop of paint to some Future and let the piece sit in it overnight?
  23. ... Get Central Anime. good, already had 20 of their eps before i posted the question
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