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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. =P honkhet - they're about the same size, thanx anyway
  2. I had the urge to build this model a few days ago, but I've misplaced my assembly guide ;-; Is there a kind soul out that that's willing to scan his/her guide in? I know the site has them up, but they're a bit too small to be printed out :-/ danke
  3. the DS hit America before Japan
  4. DIY Component Cable: http://nfggames.com/forum/index.php?showto...&st=0
  5. does the kit have the option to build it with or without the landing gear?
  6. that's the decal guide for the Hasegawa plastic model kit http://www.1999.co.jp/dbimages/user/hobby/...g/10015052t.jpg also found in the Models -> Hasegawa section on the main page for the front view http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...tructions-1.jpg it's the 1J however
  7. Emilia images: http://www.villagephotos.com/pubbrowse.asp?folder_id=1773878
  8. specr- is the VF-0 wash straight over the kit? or was it painted first?
  9. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=13116&hl=sv-51
  10. have an SV-51 that i've been sitting on for awhile. Still a newbie at this stuff
  11. you can print them directly on cardstock. 110-pound worked the best for me
  12. is it sandable?
  13. anyone know the quality of the sabers from saberology.com? http://www.saberology.com
  14. from what i gathered, Geostigma was probably some kinda of virus Effect- yea that was pretty much Knight s of the Round, w/o the Knights and shorter. Omnislash was also there also, i found a "better" translation (better meaning the editor reworded the lines from the Jasconius fansub). Havent seen it with the new sub yet, anyone want it? Is it safe to post here?
  15. sheesh, let it end work on another Snatcher/Policenauts
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