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Everything posted by treatment

  1. a fellow member from another forum scored himself the SOC GX-71 while at Akihabara and posted a quick-lookie for it:
  2. Veef's got his review up on CDX yt-channel...
  3. heads up! Check your email and stuff, as HLJ just charged me for SOC GX-71! Now have to wait until DC-Mazinger to ship both out. Next year...
  4. http://imgur.com/sqWdogF
  5. Wow! Never realized it was doing that effect. Sweetness! edit: you know what? I'll repost it in the scale-thread to somehow freak out some people there, too...
  6. Hmm. Intriguing observation. What or how does it make it "look like it's closer"?
  7. I'm not getting spammed yet, but I really rather that any of the notifications feature be turned off altogether. Or at the very least, make it disabled by default unless the member specifically check-enable it.
  8. and now in bot-mode... http://imgur.com/NiWsVZX
  9. lotsa new pics of SOC GX-71 from tamashii.jp: http://tamashii.jp/t_item/107/
  10. Nice! It prolly would be better if it's articulated and not resin, tho...
  11. Still encountering some minor DNS propagation issues or something. Ignore-feature seems to have a new option, but could still be better with a full-on total ignore option, imho. Otherwise, it's all good so far.
  12. from toysdaily... http://toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=253688&pid=7757100 upcoming 1/1000 Andromeda
  13. while MWF was out... http://imgur.com/aqNErbk and my latest MP... http://imgur.com/MptfJ1R
  14. courtesy of toho.seesaa.net via TD: http://toho.seesaa.net/ http://toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=251924&pid=7756797 shot of upcoming box/box-art...
  15. YAY! MWF is back! So's the 1/60v2 Skull Leader! http://imgur.com/sqWdogF
  16. Tonite's the nite for preordering the latest Yuki... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-026808
  17. Tonite's the nite for preordering the latest Yuki... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-026808
  18. my latest TR fig... http://i.imgur.com/6e8A2xXl.jpg
  19. hmmm. Thought you would be moar excited with this girl since she has bigger... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-026606 1/6 @300mm 3/17
  20. welp! Already got the Yammies v2 Roys, but I gave in and ordered that box-damaged Arcadia. Guess I just convinced myself it's them pinkish Arcadia and not yet-another-Yammie-Roy... If only the Arcadia 0S pricing wasn't too, uhmm, disappointingly expensive...
  21. fyi. now also up @ hlj : https://hlj.com/product/TKT87716 12k-yen
  22. MP-37 Artfire up on ami po early: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-026548 11,270 yen 5/19/17 release-date
  23. meanwhile, the Soul of Popynica PX-05 Swordfish II... http://imgur.com/vEUUdRp https://youtu.be/Wtsu2PLhLnU
  24. Got the Takara LG-25 Blur a while back and he's really pretty awesome! http://imgur.com/xRk59lP Then I got these three today at the local Wally's, and aside from Hardhead, they're kinda meh coz of issues (loose Xort, facepaint on Hot Rod): http://imgur.com/kdWg37z
  25. Nice!
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