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Everything posted by treatment

  1. at CDJ for 20,710yen: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-221795
  2. 1/1000 Andromeda 2202 preorder up at ami now: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-4210 10,990yen po-pricing edit: HLJ, too: http://hlj.com/product/BANN14500 10,800yen 3/17 release
  3. Hobby Search listing at 21,800yen: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10443718
  4. ami posted their listing for the regular (non-premium) Hikkie: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-027240 20,240-yen EMS fees from them is usually higher than hlj, so be aware...
  5. Whoa! That changes everything! 1/60 Ichijyo Snowboarding Equipment FTW!!!
  6. The UN-Fleet seems to have sudden budget issues that affects even illustrations, I reckon...
  7. I dread the shipping(HA!) fees for the Andromeda...
  8. Did you also get the oversized trailer for it? I'm not that interested in the regular MPP-10, but I'm rather interested in his trailer for my Nemesis. I'm not impressed at all with the clear-trailer being marketed for MPP-10B. And there is yet no damn proper black trailer for it, either!
  9. Really torn about deciding whether to ship out my GX-71 now or wait out the exchange-rate to be more favorable to the US$...
  10. That, and I reckon Arcadia's being a bit smart. It's the simplest and most minimum repaint that's almost guaranteed to sell alot in their home market. It's even less costly than recoloring the FPs for the TV/Boobie-Duck 1S. They might even do a Max-1S, but possibly as an Arcadia-shop exclusive. :sigh: On the bright side, this new Hikkie-1S should just about crash the scalpers-market for the Yammie Hikkie-1S and the previous Arcadia Hikkie-1S...
  11. Who knows? I rather Arcadia re-release the VF-1J M&Ms first before Hikkie-1S.
  12. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I have. edit: as well as HLJ's just now...
  13. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    well, that was easy. got a spartan in from ami.
  14. Ok. I'm just amazed how much the Yammies are costing these days. The Arcadia-versions are even more exhorbitant in the used/aftermarket, afaict. As such, that Yammie-1J is a very good toy and stuff, so it should really be worthy for you. Congrats and have fun with it!
  15. Wow! Is that in US dollars? Does that amount include the shipping-fee to where again? How much was the Arcadia GBP-1J in contrast?
  16. Only in photographs, it seems. Judging from the bright white of my recent Arcadia-1S Roy, at least...
  17. Nice! Welcome to MWF, TCracker. MWF's gotten another great photographer/member.
  18. Skull Leader still stayin' alive... http://imgur.com/CRc5xUa
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