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Everything posted by treatment

  1. lol! It'll so damn hilarious and rather quizzically ironic if these upcoming KOs proves to be Toynami/MPC KOs. AHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  2. Well, the fans wants to consume some stuff and are ready and willing to pay for it. In fact, pretty much begging for the stuff. The "rights-holder" does not offer the stuff and seemingly continually ignoring the fans about it. So, then, now what? Do you expect the fans to just continue to be ignored and just twiddle their thumbs about it?
  3. Like I said in the Arcadia-thread when this news was first reported, it'll be interesting to see what and how Arcadia is gonna respond to combat this issue. Not really sure BigWest or any entity can do anything about the problem, anyway. Bootlegging Macross toys (or any Macross-related stuff) ain't exactly a new phenomenon.
  4. Yes. Joons and stuff. There were also bootlegs of the the 1/65 Bandai Macross7 toys, which were actually better than Bandai's own toys, iirc.
  5. Wotafa reviews SRC Mazin Emperor G:
  6. So they're not putting english-subs on the 2202 because the rights-holder basically says frakk You, That's Why. Great. And Eldred still wants the fans to import BDs?
  7. Finally get to watching wotafa's video. Geezus! Good luck and be safe to y'all transforming this valk!
  8. Meanwhile, it'll be nice for Arcadia to do a whole new mould instead of just tweaking existing yamato-designs and expensively charging for it. A new mould, Arcadia. Like a 1/60 Cheyenne...
  9. some dude over at TD-forums having much fun with his HMR-Dougram... Hi-Metal R 太陽之牙 Dougram - 日系英雄/機械人 - Toysdaily 玩具日報 - Powered by Discuz! samples: https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17388767_10154635466538585_9072437542246712764_o.jpg?oh=9bb1640488f1a440a5449623a3281ce1&oe=5969A54B https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17389025_10154635466403585_8430058178779635338_o.jpg?oh=7fe61cfecffaa6d256bdf87d7a9556b5&oe=595A731B https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17358648_10154635465553585_2855841895282937077_o.jpg?oh=689be1cbe30297430733f9533fa0429d&oe=5958FB79 Quite anime-accurate, actually...
  10. Not that I know of. Of course, I don't actively seek such sites as I usually just check the usual jp/chn hobby-sites/forums aggregates like TD and TH, and the official tamashii.jp site for news and stuff.
  11. You're not the only one. It's like some half-baked "gerwalk" from a non-Macross series. Just not quite the usual Macross GERWALK badass aesthetic most of us are used to.
  12. last of my RDs (until Gelgoog, Kampfer and 8th MS Team suits gets released)... http://imgur.com/HE8yqtj http://imgur.com/83f7v32 http://imgur.com/PZCmL51
  13. from TFW forums earlier. MP-36 in-hand, in wtf sideways view... https://youtu.be/rarq2lZ0TiA
  14. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    HMR Defender is coming... 8/17 7344y 135mm http://www.macross.jp/news/?id=545
  15. Not really. At least in the US thru Amazon/Bluefin, Bandai's toys (DX/SOC/SRC/SHF/SHMA/etc/etc) are about $10+ or more expensive than importing directly from Japan at po-pricing that includes the shipping-fees. Some shops (b&m and online) scalps for even more, iirc. Not sure about the tampons, tho...
  16. Arcadia can pre-empt the bootleggers by selling the FPs and the M&M 1Js this May/17, and at good pricings for each. Possibly 12k-15k yen for the M&M 1J each, and 4k-5k yen for the FPs. Otherwise, lots of fans in CHN will buy the bootlegs in June or whenever it comes out.
  17. pics of SRC MazinEmperor G from hacchaka now up: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/52000975.html sample:
  18. Also, Akeno... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-028867 1/7 @ 305mm 4/17
  19. Rias is always awesome... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-028866 1/7 @ 145mm 4/17
  20. Do the shops in japan buy and sell bootlegs at all?
  21. Well, that's just messed up. Somebody either did an insider-job of stealing and selling the moulds to the bootlegging syndicates, or the bootleggers straight up copied the moulds from existing toys. Either way, it'll be really interesting in how Arcadia will combat this issue. Just moaning and whining on twitter and/or other media platforms ain't gonna help. Premium-pricing their valks to the stratosphere certainly ain't gonna help. Maybe they'll just put a box sticker stating "Genuine scalper-priced Arcadia product"...
  22. The funny thing about this bootlegging issue is... the bootleggers might just possibly get the correct tv/ova-accurate colors on their bootlegged valks and FPs!
  23. I'm a bit surprised it took so long for the KO people to be attempting this. Arcadia's ridiculously expensive pricing coupled with the lack of availability of fan-wanted items/accessories are just ripe for those bootleggers to exploit. Afaict, anything made in China (or even Vietnam and elsewhere asian factories) are bootlegged rather easily. Arcadia better smarten up and produce the stuff the fans want and at the pricing the fans can actually justifiably afford...
  24. Imho, all bandai stuff are overpriced for their sizes. Especially their scalper-friendly TWE stuff. I wish the HMR-Dougram msrp was around 6k-7k yen, instead of around the 13k-yen mark. It is what it is, tho. That said, HMR-Dougram is still a much better toy and a much better buy than say, ET's VF2SS (all incarnations) valks. The HMR-Dougram has ridiculously excellent articulations and the proportions and weight are very balanced. It's a very solid and satisfying toy. Just gotta get 'em with the best po-discounts if/when getting 'em to soften the financial blow...
  25. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    For combined items, it does not matter if one or more items are already in stock. Ami won't send a charge until all items are in stock for that particular month. If an item gets pushed into another month (like April) for its release-date, then ami will separate and send notifications about that delayed item and will then charge for the items already in-stock for the month of March.
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