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Everything posted by treatment

  1. hmm. I like all my macross toys. Even the VF-4G in its fugly battroid-mode. It'll be tough to do a top-3 favorite/least-favorite, but here I go... favorite: 1/60v2 VF-1 <-- pretty much perfect rendition of the classic VF-1. 1/60 VF-11b <-- Bestest and most AWESOME non-VF1 perfect valk. 1/60 Destroids <-- heavy and chunky. Just add some Future/Pledge to tighten up the waist and it's perfect. least-favorite: 1/60 VF-22 Milia <-- Chest just doesn't lock securely like the VF-22 Max. DX YF-29b <-- banana ears out of the box. no extra ears included. HMR valks <-- tiny and the parts-forming is meh. Prolly would've put the 1/48 in the list of least-fave just coz of the chicken-hands and stuff, but I don't have those anymore...
  2. HMR-Dougram has apparently been officially released by Bluefin in the US and is available at Amzn for US$134.99 : https://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Tamashii-Nations-Hi-Metal-Dougram/dp/B01LXDO69X/ Free shipping, too. It seems like amzn/bluefin's current pricing on the HMR-Dougram is a bit better than most of the online shops/scalpers pricings right now.
  3. MP-36 really needs MPs of Blitzy and Space Choo-Choo to properly recreate Triple-Takeover scene... http://imgur.com/ZHIvQjU
  4. I think it was understood that that model was actually the colored version of the same VF-X-4 from the TV-series: http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/vf-x-4.htm
  5. ohhh, bunny Chou'un with eyes opened and pink undies this time... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-029908 1/6 6/17
  6. placard says 1/72, so not hmr... https://i0.wp.com/www.decultureshock.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/MDSC_24.jpg
  7. Prime, say hello to mah little friend...
  8. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    so ami's po-page for that hmr vf1s anniversary/messer-scheme thing: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-029876 7480y usual opening at 16:00 JST...
  9. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Ya know? This Messer-vf1 scheme kinda somehow reminded me of the old Galaxy Defender from Wally's in reversed colors... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/16592-155s-revisited/?do=findComment&comment=340296
  10. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Meh. Not really impressed with the Messer-scheme on a VF1. Rather they just do a straight HMR VF-X instead for a simpler color-combo. It's more canon, anyway. Kinda weird Bandai's doing this Messer-VF1 first instead of the much simpler HMR VF1-EX.
  11. Arcadia and HLJ are trying to be funny...
  12. HS' po-pricing (21,800y) is rather kinda weird. Basically, it's 8% off the msrp (23,544y). 8% is Tokyo's tax rate. When did HS start pricing their stuff with Tokyo-tax just to discount the Tokyo-tax?
  13. All must bow down to the mighty leader of the Decepticons... paint scuffs schmuffs. Megatron, degeso...
  14. yup. http://hlj.com/product/ACA82137/Act 21,800y no po-discount...
  15. Well, one can only hope and pray that the us-dollar spanks the yen at least 180-1 by release-date...
  16. I currently see a 59k-yen and a 56k-yen on Mandy. Wonder if Mandy and other outfits will get a bunch of suddenly-unwanted Yammie Milia-1Jv2 later on and how much the scalper-pricing will drop to...
  17. Then Arcadia offers the Weathered Premium three-to-six months later after the white Premium gets released. For perhaps another extra 10k-yen...
  18. iirc, only the first Arcadia Hikaru and Roy 1S'es included the stands, and the valks were identical to the last Yamato versions, eg. no pinkish effects, iirc. Jenius prolly has a review of them to further verify or not if they're really identical. No more stands included after the first Arcadia Hikaru-1S for any valks released (Not sure if the Armored-1J came with the stand), iirc. I got the recent Strike Roy (no stand), and the only difference was that it's brighter-white than even my yammie TV-Roy. Maybe it's newer plastic-material, but can't really tell.
  19. Well, the recent 1/60 VF-4G reissue from Arcadia pricing wasn't any more expensive than the Yamato 1/60 VF-4G pricing...
  20. from TFW-forum today: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/masterpiece-megatron-v2-0-is-happening-in-2017.1088513/page-502#post-14518192 Camera iPhone 6 Focal Length 4.15mm Aperture f/2.2 Exposure 1/24s ISO 250
  21. Peaugh's review of MP-36: https://youtu.be/X2EgALWza8U
  22. here we go. the 1/72 Big Foot aka Battlemaster in Battletech is now availalbe on PO: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-4262 170mm 8/17
  23. Guess some fan in japan wants the upcoming Strike Roy Premium and just sold his regular copy recently, as ami's now listing an A/B condition regular Strike Roy: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIGURE-018953-R006 Still priced high at almost 20k-yen, tho. An available new-condition is only at 21k-yen...
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