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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Oh, way before the Blu-Ray. BV "fixed" the colors in the HD-Remastered dvd --> http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/BCBA-3170 yet, some (or maybe all) of us still have the first dvd version that was bootlegged to hell and back...
  2. Well, sure. Why not? It's a nice simple deco to do these days, anyway. Fwiw and iirc, some older member(s) here have had a Yellow JR on their Roy's back in the day...
  3. It was a mail-in exclusive for some magazine back in the day during the 1/60v2 era, iirc. edit: oh, it says there in the box itself: "Macross Chronicle"
  4. I posted in the other thread that you'll now need to buy two Roy Premiums to get the tampo'ed Black heatshield and FP if you'd bought the Hikaru-Premium...
  5. Yup. Better with the Premium, especially with the black box. http://imgur.com/xcuKcMj DWC will have to buy two Roy-Premiums now to get the black Jolly Roger for both the heatshield and the FP. Otherwise, he'll missed out on the Premium's tampo-details...
  6. It's the Yammie 1st-ed. It had a description if you had clicked on either the title or the pic, Anyway, moar... http://imgur.com/xcuKcMj edit: Arcadia really should've included the Black Jolly Roger heatshield for this Premium, instead of just the regular Red. Anyway, the heatshield was borrowed from one of my Roy's...
  7. Yeah. Kinda like the first 1/48 boxes were. Before Yamato went damn crazy adding backgrounds and going multicolors on 'em...
  8. Also, I actually like the Black Box of the Premium. Wish it was a window-box, tho. Still, much better presence than the tacky ones of the regular editions. Heck! I much prefer the all-black over any of the yammies and arcadias.
  9. just received my premium Hikkie, so here's a comparo quickie... http://imgur.com/E9FC8VV
  10. I think it should just come included with the 0A as standard accessory, at no additional cost. Should act as an apology/appeasement for the 0A's kinda crappy build-quality for an expensive figure...
  11. I tell you what. Six months after Arcadia's re-release of their 1/3k SDF-1 DYRL version, they will come up with a Premium version (fancy LEDs and stuff) of it and call it wait for it, SDF-1 Macross Plus edition. Wallet obliteration complete...
  12. Since the 1/60 Max-S1J re-issue is scheduled for 12/2016 release, I reckon it's safe to say that this upcoming 1/3k SDF-1 re-issue won't release until at least spring next year. Maybe jit again for tax-refunds season or so. That said, wonder when the po will open up for both. Wish Arcadia re-issue the 1/12 Scopedogs alongside with it as well. With updated joints stuff and long-needed detailing.
  13. Maybe Arcadia's trying out the old mould to see if their current factories can at least successfully reproduce their old SDF-1 DYRL design. Then afterwards, they (hopefully) produce their SDF-1 TV mould. If they actually have one in the works and the license to produce it, that is. Meanwhile, most of us will just have to still put up with the current tiny cfs SDF-1 TV for now... http://imgur.com/3TihboH
  14. Just saw this over at TD: http://toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=254815&pid=7799846
  15. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice! Although you totally gimped Hikkie with the default stumps...
  16. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I got one at HLJ earlier. However, any of you guys successful paying at CDJ via non-paypal for this HMR? I am somehow unsuccessful with both my regular card and a newer card. WTF?! edit/update: Resolved! Finally got one at cdj and now I can cancel the hlj one. Guess there was some timing issue with the new system at cdj.
  17. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Ask ET for a refund. If they refuse, demand trial by combat...
  18. Chachi of RPA finally got his long-overdue HMR Dougram review up and available:
  19. Not sure if there's already a thread for it, but trailer's out! 12/22/17 release Looks like tons of fun!
  20. I dunno. The upcoming Jumanji film already looks like tons better than any and every Bay movies ever made:
  21. "Playable" and "Poseable" can be almost a grail thing. At least with Macross stuff. The 1/55 are extremely "Playable". They're tanks. Of course, they're not that poseable since they're about 30plus-year-old designs. The HMR vf-1's are relatively recent, but you already know about the parts-forming and the tiny sizing. The 1/48 are huge, but can be quite cumbersome and sometimes fragile, as evidenced by your bp8 issue with it. The old 1/60 (v1) are way old and more partsforming than the HMR, not to mention challenging and quite ugly now in battroid-mode. So then your best bet from your size requirements and stuff will be the recent Arcadia 1/60 VF-1's for playability and poseability without the parts-forming. They're the same design as the older Yamato 1/60v2, but with a bit of newer materials. They're quite robust and solid (more solid and prettier than the 1/48 and the HMR), but they're heckuva EXPENSIVE nowadays. HLJ has the non-premium Strike Roy and Strike Hikaru for 21,800y already that does not include shipping-fees. Add another 10k-15k for the limited Premium versions (tampo markings). You can try to get the older Yamato 1/60v2, but those can get even more expensive than the newer Arcadia-versions from the scalpers. They're a bit less robust than the later Arcadia versions, but they have the correct colors and stuff.
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