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Everything posted by treatment

  1. couple of interesting pics from the twitterverse... https://x.com/Kabuto_siren/status/1809493233111822694 web-translated: https://x.com/shitopiccyan/status/1809904492424667498 rescaled sample:
  2. Box-comparo (YF-19 FS vs YF-21). They're about almost the same size and stuff, except for depth:
  3. You're quite brave to do such a straightening on a rather delicate and thin plastic. I would've just sent it back for a replacement or a refund. Still, try to contact your vendor and see if Bandai can provide support and/or a free replacmeent fin/antennae at least.
  4. Nice! Would've been a bit nicer if you had instead used the more recent non-PF reissue with the 40th-Anniversary logo to comment if it did improved the loose ankles and wings of the original release.
  5. err., you just paste the youtube-link/url and the forum will auto-embed it unless you select the display-as-link option as shown below: --- meanwhile, https://x.com/Ezwea1/status/1809747342435971161 web-translated: click on this twitter-link for full-scale of his pics...
  6. hahaha! Awesome! Great job!
  7. meanwhile, back at the New Edwards desert base on my desk... Have to use the Arcadia Launch-Arm stand since the DX YF21 is significantly heavy for the Yammie VF-11b to support on its own. The DX YF21's skirt is also quite short... reference snap:
  8. needs proper diorama background, but somebody tried and nicely recreated poses from the OVA's brawl scenes on ep2: https://x.com/biguro0079/status/1808849633042706580 web-translated: downscaled sample (the DX YF-19's gunpod looks defintely pathetic): ova-scene:
  9. Good news! Hopefully it gets resolve without you sending back the whole item for replacement. Return shipping-fees sucks. Sheesh! Such crazy fees over there at EU...
  10. hmm... reminds me this MWF classic.... https://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/27410-bandai-160-dx-vf-25-transformable-toy-thread/?do=findComment&comment=666926
  11. moar DX YF21 Backpack shots... braced: unaugmented freefloating: no-brace,non-augmented, saggy:
  12. re: no-brace skirt-augmented backpack DX YF-21 vs yammie-21 unaugmented
  13. Also, as @Actar mentioned earlier, watch out for these wing-parts coming off when you're transforming your DX YF-21. They're kinda loose. The two smaller ones dropped off mine when I was TF'ing mine. You don't have to glue them back, tho... https://x.com/XXXG00YSW/status/1807436674676429116 web-translated:
  14. I transformed mine to Battroid-mode. No FAST Packs, tho. As such, this DX is quite a looker in static battroid, no doubt. However... OCD trigger warnings. For some bizarro Bandai reasoning, the hip-swivel area does not have any position-lock/stopper tab like the YF-19 when in Battroid-mode. So you'll have to pretty much guess the best postioning of it. Especially in relation to its torso, waist, and chest areas. Then try to deal with it moving out of position when moving/ranging the hips/legs for whatever posing you desire that is other than neutral stand. The battroid-brace is really essential. Without it, the backpack will sag insecurely and will swing freely, and get the two tiny internal tabbing un-tabbed easily. You can use the skirts to at least both temporarily hedge a static position and keep it from further sagging or swinging freely. As with ever other high-end Bandai products, this DX YF21 seems to follow the Bandai toy-standard of being meant to be pose-once-and-do-not-touch-ever-again philosophy.
  15. Bandai should start changing their DX boxes to Flip-Top Windowed boxes...
  16. https://x.com/febrral/status/1808526405585825972 web-translated:
  17. Haven't really messed with mine as much, but there was something that was bugging me with the various pics and videos. This: I took a BD-snapshot to check: Seems the barrel should not be extended nor stay extended like in the DX when in fighter-mode. Nothing in the manual about retracting it at all.
  18. Maybe @graphic revolt is just robotech-ing it for us... 😝
  19. here's an interesting comparo: full-scale pics at https://x.com/muko037/status/1808064935403938095 web-translated: highlighted re-scaled sample:
  20. seems another QC defect issue on the DX YF-21... https://x.com/ousama_T/status/1808283459116569046 web-translated:
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