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Everything posted by treatment

  1. mmmm SHF Rei-Rei... http://tamashii.jp/special/pickup/201801reky/?wovn=en Somehow, much much better looking than the SHF Yuki...
  2. Awesome and thank you! Always need more VOTOMS reviews (yt and otherwise). Keep at it, man. Much appreciate it.
  3. Saw it last nite and went NOPE on it easily. Really hoping it turns out as an expensive market and profit FAIL for Arcadia. Runaway toy pricing like this should not be tolerated in both Japan and outside of Japan.
  4. Testing some posing of the 1/18 DMZ on a rinky-dink bandai-stand... http://imgur.com/Mu28z6Z Was trying to emulate this old 1/24 cover-art: I really oughta get the much lighter 1/20 Melqy kit to do floating poses...
  5. Oh, ok. Thanks for the additional info!
  6. Some new-ish pics of that upcoming HMR Not-Zaku p-bandai shenanigans... http://tamashii.jp/akiba_sr/?p=6269
  7. I see. I supposed the other TRU-exclusive (parachute-pack set) also had a v1 Red Shoulder Scopedog. That's quite a bummer. Maybe if I see either of these TRU-sets go down to under 8k-yen, I'll bite. Wishful thinking, of course...
  8. from hobbylog: http://hobbylog.jp/archives/1067397167.html
  9. Augh! Need to find another MAP-03 for my regular dog (dmz-01). My Melqy totally looks alot better with it instead of the Roundmover. Incidentally, is the TRU exclusive-2 red-shoulder yamato a v1 or a v2, or a v1.5ish?
  10. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Tekering had posted one last week: Won't have HMR-Defender until next month, but I'm not in any rush for it...
  11. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Hacchaka's HMR-Defender pictorial: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/52010121.html sample:
  12. Tough choice you got there. Would be nicer if ThreeZero agrees to pay for the return-shipping directly instead of going thru HLJ. Heck! Be even nicer for them to just send you a complete figure free of charge! Oh, well. Your call. As for the DMZ hands, indeed they suck the way they are compared to the ThreeZero's. Then again, they're from an older design and not really as bad for me. I rather just consider it as an extra weapon: rocket thumbs! Takara's articulated fingers on the Melquiya was a little better. but not really by much. Prolly be better if they were of the later more secure MP-11 Starscream-esque hand/fingers instead.
  13. Per your review, great sculpt and stuff, but fatal issues. The u-joint breaking issue on your copy and the quickly-loosening/broken/needing-repair-right-away shoulders-joint issue on Capedbaldly's copy make this new and very expensive ThreeZero 1/12 version behind both the older DMZ-1/18 and the Yammie-1/12 in purchasing/ownership worthiness. Maybe ThreeZero was just way bit optimistic pricing this in the 49.8k-yen range with those issues. I think the DMZ is still the best of the big Scopedogs.
  14. wait. "treatment"== fix or "treatment" == me ? At any rate, I don't own the ThreeZero toy but Capedbaldy and Jenius both do.
  15. I like the Takara 1/18 and would like them to revive it with few improvements (moar diecast, double-jointed elbows, etc). Arcadia doing a 1/18 would be very interesting, but I still rather they re-visit and redesign their 1/12 yammie-moulds and make the necessary improvements like the redesign tweaks they did on their Macross Zero line (minus the exploding hip-joints, of course). As such, got some 1/18s some time ago to keep with my 1/20 kit some company... VOTOMS, de geso! http://imgur.com/QthjVtD
  16. I'm waiting on Arcadia to restart their 1/12 VOTOMS line. With the necessary ratchets and other improvements from the yammie-v2s, and with some detailing/panel-lining at last. I want a Melquia v2 for my figma Sumika to pilot...
  17. I've seen the regular Strike-Hikkie dippped into the 18k-yen pricing with new/non-box-damaged status at ami when the PF was released. Quickly snapped up, tho, so you better check on 'em regularly. I'm anticipating the same thing will happen on the upcoming Super-Milia if it's still available when the PF gets released. Unless, of course, the various scalpers beat you to it...
  18. Astralith was just saying he hasn't seen a valk under $300 in months. Which is kinda weird since the regular Hikkie and Roy were available for around 20k-yen (ami) and 21.8k-yen (hlj) until about couple of weeks ago.
  19. They were both around 20k-22k yen, iirc. Never saw 'em at full msrp at either shop. The box-damaged were around 17k-19k yen. Especially at ami. I think the slightly-used (A/B conditions) were around 17k or thereabouts. add: I think it was only the Roy-PF that was at MSRP (31k-yen +) at hlj. My Hikaru-PF was 25.8k yen from hlj.
  20. eh? Where were you looking? and which valk? Ami and even HLJ had the non-premium Hikaru and Roy for under 20k-yen as recently as about a couple of weeks back. Even the upcoming Super Milia is about 20k-yen on po currently, with a high possibility that it'll go even down at around 17k-18k yen after release due to the PF.
  21. I tell yah. Arcadia should just cancel their non-PF release altogether. Then release just PF. At the non-PF pricing. That'll drive all the current scalper-pricings of the old Yammies down to, well, maybe US$0.20...
  22. Well that totally sucks, man. The hobbylog-thread has a pic of the arm/joint thingy, too: Hopefully ThreeZero ships you a new one that is fixed. Maybe a v2.0.
  23. pics at hobbylog-thread (Yamato 1/12 vs ThreeZero 1/12)... http://hobbylog.jp/archives/1067289088.html
  24. so-called SOC Dynamic Classics... http://imgur.com/9lV7Cq0
  25. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

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