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Everything posted by treatment

  1. just received MP-10B reissue today and could not resist taking it out... https://imgur.com/vqQPooG Yeah. The Weijiang-OKO's dull matte-finish is just quite completely meh next to the Takara's MP-10B's rather nice glossy finish...
  2. It is definitely much larger than the Scopedog in Votoms. edit: OT, but here's something that could give you an idea regarding the height: https://youtu.be/OJZnejcp-qo :sigh: Not really sure why you're arguing "scale" when you clearly have no idea the reason for my pic in the first place. It's quite ok to admit to not know about Battletech. Only a few of us here are familiar with it, and we prolly don't even agree on stuff about it. I tell you what. Why don't you just post your own Votoms toys/kits instead of trying to argue over the internet? Much more fun to just post pics and stuff.
  3. I'm using the weight-scale from the Battletech-universe to display the UnSeen mechs. I even put out the links on it. You are aware of the Battletech universe, right? The last pic with the SOC and SDF-1 was just an amalgamated display thing that I thought looks nice enough before I move the items somewhere else in my house.
  4. 1/48 Space 'Dogs doing escort duty... https://imgur.com/Nfycs62
  5. before they fold to the living room later... https://imgur.com/Nfycs62
  6. Techroid Blader is a different series than Dougram, afaict. I'm not familiar with that line or series. You might as well start a new thread about it and help us out. Here's TD's thread about it (it got some other pics, I think): http://toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-265096-1-1.html
  7. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup. Some people are just weirdly sensitive about it. Like the Up and Down votes are very important to their sense of fulfillment or something. Bizarro mental case, if I may say so. I don't personally care about the Down-vote feature, but I did used the Up-Vote feature when it was first implemented here or so just to try it out. I never used the Down-vote since it is quite pointless to me. If I don't like a posting, I'll either reply to it if I care enough about the subject, or in the usual cases, I just move on without replying. That said, the down-voting stuff was a pretty hilarious phenomenon in the 3P-TF section where TJ and Mike constantly gets "down-voted" on each and every posting they did a few months ago or so. As for non-Macross HMRs, I got a couple of threads in the Anime-section (Dougram and Xabungle). Just go look for it there. Btw, I must've missed it, but was there ever a specific schedule-announcement on the VF2SS Nexx? Want the bigger railgun...
  8. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    re: down-voting The "down voting" feature as currently implemented in MWF is very stupid and unnecessary since it's anonymous. It hides the mentally retarded stalkers and creeps that abuses the feature since it gives them cover to hide their pathetic lives. Dunno why it's even on or why Invision crippled it by making it anonymous. It would be far better if it is not anonymous and you can tell who the voters are. A few members are decent enough to out themselves and explain why they down-voted something, but it is a pretty rare occurrence. Most that don't out themselves are low-life stalkers and creeps. As such, the best and only thing to do is to ignore the feature altogether. Maybe somebody will care enough to bother Shawn or Graham to disable the feature. heh! I haven't even messed with mine other than taking it out of the box when I received it. That said, it is a very pretty valk, but it is also a rather very fiddly OCD-central figure. Minor misalignment and stuff while just posing it in neutral mode out of the box is making me not even want to touch the figure right now...
  9. 35Max's... https://imgur.com/YMaT99c Never like the 35max's 'Dogs at all and not willing to pay ludicrous scalper-pricing on the Fatty...
  10. Scaling is fine... http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Archer --> 70-tons Heavy Class (HMR) http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Crusader --> 65-tons Heavy Class (HMR) http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Rifleman --> 60-tons Heavy Class (HMR) http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Atlas --> 100-tons Assault Class (RDM)
  11. Classic RDM 1/24 RSC Scopedog scaling fine with my HMRs... https://imgur.com/4BMxsBm
  12. You guys doing any updates/upgrades right now? Forum is very laggy as of this posting. Even more laggy when trying to log in.
  13. Wotafa reviews the legendary classic Popy Godaikin VOLTES V : https://youtu.be/u19c8XmQh6U
  14. Hacchaka pics of HMR Timp... http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/52017602.html samples:
  15. Jenius' review of Sylvie's: https://youtu.be/jYuirOv87Io
  16. Doubt they were isolated cases. Their original is currently at US$380 right now at amzn-us. Thought I saw it dipped under $350 or less last week.
  17. It was not bad nor brutal at all. It was rather easy on mine. Just angled in and push. I don't have the original to compare, tho.
  18. Felt like similar to the regular. Not as soft as the premium.
  19. Just got mine from amz-jp. Quite a first as in... Seems like amz-jp took a page from amz-us packing: Good size box, with just a bare, single paper to act like an afterthought. No padding/protection. Arcadia box is corner-dinged, as expected. :sigh: Seems like DHL also had to open the amz-box for customs inspection or something. On the Arcadia box... not a flip-top. Can't find my regular camera for any pics, but here's a crappy phone-pic...
  20. hacchaka pics of SHF Yamcha... http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/52016768.html and, of course, the obligatory...
  21. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    better late than never. Josh of CDX reviews the HMR Destroid Monster mk2: https://youtu.be/CrTT_jO9jtQ
  22. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah. Other pics from the MMM page, http://www.macross2.net/m3/macross2/vf-2ss-sap.htm I don't see the antenna in Bandai's hmr-page: http://tamashii.jp/item/12210/ I don't have the old Bandai 1/100 kit anymore, but it seemns that also don't include have the antenna per google-images. I believe the ET includes the antenna.
  23. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    hacchaka just got his HMR VF2SS Silvie pictorialized: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/52016411.html samples:
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