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Everything posted by treatment

  1. I think the Arcadia's perky-canards got it quite correct, actually...
  2. welp! finally got my dx-yf19 today delivered, so a couple of pics... fortunately, seems not-bandai'd... out of the box mcgappy, tho... I don't have the Arcadia nor the VF-19Advanced, but the canards on this DX YF-19 seems like it needs some viagra or something... edit: btw, to those keeping some shop-scores about the antennae-gate (headlaser-gate?)... I got mine from CDJ. With my then-expiring points. That pretty much paid for the EMS fees.
  3. Well, that totally sucks. All may not be lost, tho. Since you're in japan, maybe you can get Bandai or Amz-jp to replace it for you. At least, try to contact them to see what they can do for you regarding this tragedy. At any rate, mine still hasn't moved out of Hell A since it arrived there last monday. I am kinda dreading the broken head-laser and whatever other issues reported here with it out of the box...
  4. Who knows. Past DX-chogokin valks from Frontier seems to have some limb-loosening and other QA issues and stuff reported here and elsewhere. Not sure about the Delta DX-chogokins just yet since it's fairly recent and new. Only time will tell with this DX VF-1, I guess. Can only hope it'll be as sturdy and quite a tank like the old 1/55s.
  5. If Arcadia still have the 1/60 Plus toy license, then expect expensive scalping on their part for any of it (yf-19, yf-21, vf-11b/c). Then double-expensive double-scalping for the almost-expected "PF" versions of 'em. Possibly still bummed ankles or some other shenanigans on their wishful YF-19v3, too, ala their VF-0A issues...
  6. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Include me on experiencing this particular right-foot issue. Just got my second VT-1 today, and true enough, the right foot (or actually, right heel) cannot go further back in contrast with the left foot. Checked my first one, and yup. Same issue. Dammit! Tried the same, but no progress. Don't want to force the issue any further, as it seems liable to break off completely. Tragically, if so. Guess both mine will just have to be sorta limpygimpy now when in the preferred GERWALK mode...
  7. meanwhile, Blast Off and Cosmos tries to catch the UFO...
  8. quick shot of GX-79-FA amongst his dusty shelf buddies...
  9. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    welp! might as well... flighted... landed...
  10. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    re: anonymous like/dislike forum-feature shenanigans. I highly suggest you guys post over at the Bugs/Feedback-forum regarding this stupid anonymous like/dislike feature of the new forum: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/44397-please-post-bugs-and-forum-feedback-here/?do=getNewComment Maybe then Shawn and Graham can get the necessary feedback-numbers to submit to IPS to either completely disable the feature or make it not-anonymous.
  11. Welp! Finally got an english-review of GX-79 from Charles/OptimusPrimeSG: Think he's more a Combattler-fan than a Voltes-fan, as Charles didn't sing the themesong like Yukio did, tho.
  12. Wotafa don't have his review, yet (if ever), but here's Yukio's review of GX-79:
  13. Maybe they're just silently pondering of re-issuing their 1/60v2 VT-1...
  14. Meanwhile, looks like the MS-06R-A1 ain't gonna be a TWE to make the Black Tri-Stars team... http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=243321&pid=7879630 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=243321&pid=7879800
  15. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    here: http://tamashii.jp/item_brand/hi-metal_r/
  16. The 1/60s doesn't really require you to use it to keep the backpack close, as they are quite secured. It's just an added option to do so. Not sure if this DX will or will not require the clip to secure the backpack properly, but HMR sure could very much use a clip since it ain't quite as secured and has a tendency to flop out easily.
  17. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Looks even more VF-1D now. Oughta put Minmay in there instead of Misa to complete the look, since the red on the included Minmay-figure is also miscolored and alot closer to her TV red dress than to her actual orange jumpsuit in DYRL...
  18. hacchaka's GX-79 pictorial... http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/52030661.html samples:
  19. RPA review:
  20. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    meanwhile, hmr sunset beach-ii...
  21. Higher cost and expense of doing business with foreign (Chinese?) factories and labor this time around than during the Yamato days, I'm guessing. I don't think Arcadia has the same factory-discounts and labor influence stuff like the old Yamato corp. Yamato was only about a 10yo or so company, anyway. In contrast, Bandai either pretty much owns their toy factories or they have significant discounts and influences on their both their local and foreign factories/labor since they've been in business around since at least the 70's or so.
  22. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Hmmm. Is it just the lighting on those? Rather flat To compare, the orange on the valk from inside this box pic is a bit more vivid than those: http://toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=257945&pid=7877290
  23. GX-76X Spacer Set pictorial at http://blog.livedoor.jp/tamashii_robot/25273179201818 samples:
  24. Bandai's prolly prodding Kawamori heavily with that concept just to give fresh life to their nascent AGP line...
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