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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Thought the Bandai dude said that missiles are not gonna be included due to price-point or something?
  2. It's like the typical One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards mentality. The naked YF-19 was rather simpler, easier and quicker for me to transform in all three modes, in contrast to my YF-29 and VF-31 experiences. Then FAST-packs installation on the same valk when in Fighter-mode made all that simplicity into assbackwards pants-on-head WTF, BANDAI?! "engineering". Fwiw, the FAST-packs are only easy to install when the valk is already in Battroid-mode, where you really don't move/pull/twist/align/etc any valk-part and just peg the FP parts to their respective placements. And just leave it alone in Battroid-mode with all that FP.
  3. I don't have the VF19-Adv to make a direct comparo, tho. Aside from the tampo, the heel and possibly shoulder-sizing are the only visual cues I can spot as different from the current pictures.
  4. Did you bend the gun? It's actually bendable at the stock, you know. Once "bent", it should be relatively parallel with the arms/underside.
  5. Iirc, the genuine 1/55s were only available in Asia and Europe, but not in the US. Not until the Yamato 1/60v1 came out that it actually proliferated and became somehow available and relatively affordable in the mall/comic shops here. That was late 90's/early-2000's. I still remember my astonishment of a Yammie 1/60v1 and a Bandai 1/55 1S-Roy/1J-Hikaru side-by-side in a display-window at the local mall. Each for about $90. Until the HG mall-gestapo shenanigans, that is...
  6. I tell yah. Putting the FAST-pack on while in valkyrie-mode on this DX YF-19 was an exercise of WTF, Bandai!?!! "Lining up" the legs properly, lining up the shoulder armor and underarm cover so the armor tabs properly on the lower leg, the back-knee addon popping out all the time, trying to make everything flushed and smooth... took alot of unnecessary time for me last night. Not to mention those damn insecure stabilizers popping off at the slightest feather touch that I just removed them to avoid breaking them accidentaly and install them as final part. And the wings don't even line up properly to tab in place with the leg-armor's existing tab-hole. All the while the leg/shield gap was messing up my view on proper alignment. Geezus! Guess this is just old stuff for VF-19Adv owners.
  7. Most of us prolly had Joons or some other korean/chinese bootlegs first before the 1/60v1. There were a few ones that usually have the severely-yellowed Hasbro Jetfire they were scalping at >$500+ or so.
  8. I say worry about dealing with N-Y only if/when your item from them arrived with broken antennae. Maybe their CS will be more accomodating since this issue is clearly a packaging/shipping/handling stuff. Dunno if people experienced the similar and relatively-recent SOC GX-75 issue with broken chests out of the box from them and how N-Y handled that snafu. As for the HLJ offer, 2500y is about US$22 at the current exchange-rate. It really ain't that much fair compensation for a US$300+ valk, tbh.
  9. I would return it to HLJ if I were you. Especially if they're paying for shipping it back to them. With your N-Y order, tho, I dunno. Good luck dealing with them if your N-Y order has broken antennae, tho.
  10. here: original image from http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=8151
  11. It is stupidly expensive. It's like US$380 at amazon-direct/bluefin right now. Bandai's just being too greedy again.
  12. You cannot hope. You will need to loosen up the hip-screws.
  13. No. As Jenius said earlier, it's a Bandai "feature" (or shenanigan, if you will). It's the same crap they pull on any of their current toys that uses flaps and stuff. Banda just doesn't want to add the usual metal pin to secure it better. Possibly simply due to cost.
  14. Bandai will most likely do a Fire Valk and/or an Excalibur before they do a 21. Possibly just to reuse their VF-19adv/YF-19 mould with just minor specific mods. Bandai luvs making the Fire Valk and Excalibur...
  15. The 25. 27. 29. 31 all have the obvious codpiece to mimic the pose, but they just don't look quite Obari to me. Not even in the anime. The Bandai YF-19 is just a natural. The shoulder, back and torso curves to the jutting crotch codpiece make it a pull an effortless Obari pose. Especially when seen at the side profile. Not sure Bandai really intended that, but it's there. I didn't see it in the Arcadia nor my old Yammie. It's kinda funny coz the valk that Obari actually worked on was the Macross-II valks, yet the HMR VF2SS is kinda quite a mess and doesn't really pull the Obari poses from the anime. At least, not as smoothly. The YF-19 in the anime was pretty much always in rather subtle Obari-poses.
  16. From F360's pic, it actually looks like the Arcadia squished it. Both of Bandai's follows the Yammie torso-profile.
  17. Speaking of purchasing considerations... Anybody here actually interested in an unopened-but-damaged-packaging condition DX YF-19? The one in Mandy is still available since possibly yesterday or so. 35k-yen plus shipping. I would think you guys will be more cautious simply coz of the broken headlasers stuff being reported, but if you are willing to gamble 35k-yen plus EMS/DHL shipping on the one in Mandy right now...
  18. Coz if you had just bothered to follow the current discussion within the last 12 hours or so about the YF-19 vs VF-31 stuff, you'll figure out that Dobber's now interested in his own 31 to possibly compare to his recent YF-19. I just gave him extra purchasing considerations. Dobber prolly already visited the current separate 31-thread and found that it's all about just the 31-A drama llama nowadays, hence his question.
  19. Well, not sure if you looked around before ordering at amz, but there are a few VF-31 at ami ranging from 20k to 23k, conditions A (S and F) to B+ (J). Regarding the 31A drama, it was a TWE last year that N-Y seemed to have over-ordered, and only now seemed to be slowly fulfilling last year's orders with bizarro excuses/non-responses or something from N-Y themselves. It was quite a hot discussion in the 31-thread.
  20. The ankles on the DX seems to be better than the ones on the Arcadia. I think they both engineered sucky insecure/free-floating wings. Arcadia's wings seems to be worse than the DX, tho.. Other than that, it's more an aesthetic and pricing differences than engineering differences.
  21. I only have Mirage's...
  22. I'm not that sure Bandai's efforts are as impressive as it seems. Engineering-wise (as in toy-engineering), the YF-19 and the VF-31 are about at the same level. Being both DX-Chogokins class, anyway. That said, I think their VF-31 has got too many panels and stuff to open, close, rotate, and put in place. Their YF-19 doesn't seem to have as much.
  23. Another thing. If you're into Obari-style pelvic\crotch-thrusting poses, the YF-19 is the only valk that can do so. In fact, once you transformed it into battroid-mode, it's already in Obari-pose in neutral stand. Without even really trying...
  24. It rather depends. Build-wise: the VF-31 class is very solid and have less issues out of the box (broken antennae) than the YF-19. Accessories-wise: the YF-19 has the FPs and quite a lot of ordnance already included. The VF-31, the FP and reaction-missiles accessories are a scalper-friendly expensive extra. Aesthetics/Designs: fighter-mode: The VF-31 is very slick, pretty and quite anime-accurate in fighter-mode. The YF-19 in fighter-mode is just at least line-art compliant, but not quite anime-accurate. gerwalk-mode: I'll give this mode to the VF-31 as the YF-19 is always ugly in this mode due to Kawamori's design. battroid-mode: Definitely YF-19. Way both pretty and menacing and no unsightly overhanging kibble. Much more intimidating "macho" presence on the shelf and elsewhere. In contrast, the VF-31 looks exactly like damn damselfly robot. Quite an insectoid. Thin biceps and unsightly overhanging wings back-kibble. Emotional/Nostalgic factor: You'll prolly like appreciate the VF-31 alot more if you'd seen Macross Delta anime. The YF-19 is one of the legendary and iconic valkyrie of the Macross franchise, and most of us had watched and thoroughly enjoyed the anime it came from.
  25. ok. Transformed my dx-yf19 earlier. For a change, the manual on this DX YF-19 is actually in COLOR and also quite glossy paper this time. Unlike most (if not all) of the Bandai-manuals I usually find in my SOCs/RD/SRC/HMR/DX-Frontier/DX-Delta/etc toys. Anyway. transformation into Battroid wasn't really that hard nor complicated for someone who don't have the DX VF19Advanced nor the Arcadia YF-19. The most challenging part was the damn uber-tight hip-bars that you need to push and rotate to get the intakes above the cod-piece. I thought I was gonna pull an onnasake on it and break it completely. Then I realized, I ain't gonna get Bandai'd with this thing.. Got my precision screwdriver nearby and loosen up the damn screws. That helped. A LOT. My other gripes on it: I don't quite like how the wings are pretty much free-floating. There doesn't seem to be a locking mechanism or a damn tab to secure it. Also, I keep depressing the inner shins and that was triggering my ocd. The shield's kinda dorky, too. I'm way too meh on the ordnance accessories. The FP are a bit too dark for me. Other than that (and the canards being irritatingly non-anime-accurate when in fighter-mode), it's quite a nice YF-19 valk. I do wish Arcadia make a v3 of their 1/60 YF-19 to fix and clean up the shenanigans they did on their v2. Finally, some pictars!
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