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Everything posted by treatment

  1. N-Y's already scalping it, eh? Geezus...
  2. Not sure if already known, but Bandai DX-1J LE official release-date is 12/29/18: https://tamashii.jp/item/12634/
  3. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

  4. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Got the VF2SS-Hibiki today and here's a quickie shot oob:
  5. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    You should read what that page says about the item.
  6. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai just luvs photochopping their stuff...
  7. Yeah. Needs eye-patch, tho...
  8. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Maybe Bandai's just saving the actual Nexx pilot-figure for their probable HMR Gundam Metal Siren...
  9. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai wants you to add a mustache as well to make it a proper Dennis...
  10. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah. Nice and all, but Bandai still gave no frakk about the non-flushed heatshield:
  11. Naked yf-19 gaps? Possibly just massaging it a bit. Except for the shield-gap. That's Bandai's bizarro design. YF-19 with FP gaps? Fuggediboutit!
  12. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    That's just the old excuse about Macross stuff back in the day. It really hasn't been an issue or a bottleneck when procuring Macross stuff in at least the last two decades, mostly thanks to online-shopping and stuff. At any rate, Bandai has always had issues (mostly self-inflicted like high pricing) in the marketing and the distribution of even their non-macross toys which they have full international-rights to outside of Japan. It's not really gonna change if they suddenly have full international-rights to Macross stuff. It'll still be the same issue, just without the tired excuse of Macross trademark-issue.
  13. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, they actually most likely do already. Bandai just recently bought out Bluefin in the US, which might partially explain why we suddenly can't preorder-import newer Bandai-toys from amazon-japan anymore recently (HM-R, RD, SOC-FA, SOC, SHF, etc). Prior to that, they had complete control of stuff here in the US marketing/distribution during the old Gundam-days. Prolly still do. Just didn't quite work out well for them since the Gundam-stuff (kits, toys, etc) were all way overpriced and totally shelfwarming at all US retail-stores (TRU, wallys, target, game-shops, even at Bestbuy, etc). Ended up with amazon doing quite an incredible fire-sale on Gundam-stuff back in the day. Think I got a few MGs like the Kampfer for about $15 or shipped from amazon.
  14. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    huh? I just went and found this: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/offer-listing/B07F3FHHY4/ Which shop(s) are you importing from? You might not find the Sylvie-VF2SS anymore coz it's long been out for a while already. add/edit: Did a quick lookaround and HMR-Nexx is still availble for PO at both ami and cdj, too.
  15. How much are guys getting it at N-Y with SAL? Saw a couple of 26k-yen at mandy last week or so. Probably ems-only shipping, tho.
  16. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Unless some people here are gonna hoard at least 10 copies per order to scalp later on, I just don't quite understand the PO-panic mode stuff on this VF-4. The last few recent Macross HMRs were pretty much available everywhere for at least a month and rather shelfwarming at release-time, and even discounted lower than the PO-pricing. I'm still a bit irked that I actually paid more on the PO-pricing (amzn, ami, cdj) than the release-time shelfwarm-discounts on the Hikaru-1A, VE-1 and the VT-1 on the same shops. Oh, well. Not sure y'all need luck for this tonite, but good luck tonite, nevertheless.
  17. M7 anime is a very very VERY STUPIDLY LOW bar to surpass. Delta anime still went "hold my beer" on it...
  18. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't think there's any HMR as of yet that shows any yellowing since the HMR line is relatively rather new and that they're usually more grey plastic than the white plastic of the original 1/100 Hi-Metal. However, I think Jenius or one of the CDX folks (josh? veef? etc) has some yellowed 1/100 Hi-Metal VF-1J or VF-1S Roy. The most severely yellowed valk I've seen over the years were usually the old genuine Bandai 1/55 Strike VF-1S (and some of the Bandai Super VF-1S variants) and the 1/55 Jetfire. Other than the various Joons and bootlegs, that is. Maybe you can google it. You might find some yellowed HCM or something, too.
  19. Thanks for the pic of the insert. Yeah. Just plain bad engineering. I think they pulled a similar "youredoingitwrong" insert shenanigan on at least the DX Mazinger's elbow-issue (http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2012/dx_mazinger_z). I just hope the fans in japan continue to complain loudly and often about this fins and other DX YF-19 issue(s).
  20. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Compare the nosecone positioning between the HMR and the Yammie. Looks like Bandai's just trying to do some sort of a failing Obari-pose with it by pulling the crotch up instead of down like with the old Yammie/Arcadia 1/60 poses...
  21. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    The HM-R has thinner lower-legs than the Yammie/Arcadia 1/60 in that comparo-pic.
  22. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Was it off-white? I thought it was bright-white when shown in the FB-2012.
  23. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Looks a bit blue/greyish. Hopefully the retail-release coloring will be in bright-white.
  24. The only thing I can think of is that barrels were just extended.
  25. Possibly the chest cannons.
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