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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Somebody over at TD-forum showing off a panel-lined DX-1J: http://toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-276984-1-1.html a couple of samples in battroid-mode:
  2. Tried the "special stand" that made this release a "Limited Edition". Other than the tampo printing, it ain't special at all. At least in functionality. In fact, it's really kinda stupid. Not really sure why it's even a separate part other than maybe to make the box-packaging equal to the DX-YF19 box size to charge more shipping fees. There are grooves for specific positioning ("A" =bank right, "B"= neutral/non-bank, "C"= bank left) on the adaptor-piece. You have to always remove and reconnect to the arm-piece to do specific banking or non-banking display. And that's about it. Try not to get tempted to bank the DX while the adaptor is already connected/engaged with the arm. It's not articulated like the old simple Yamato mighty-block stands or the recent Arcadia simple clear stands. As always, I reckon Yeti will be offering better stands for this DX 1J. If his current yeti-stands aren't already compatible with this DX, yet.
  3. Ya know? Wonder if these KO-blokes will try to do a properly-colored 1/60 VF-0D instead of the VF-1xx and the VF-31xx stuff. It'll be a very very interesting development indeed...
  4. Discovered what seems to be the only compatible part between the old Yammie-1/48 and the new Bandai DX-1J... Yeah. The Skull heatshield. Woo hoo or something...
  5. Bandai is sure to offer the GBP-specific missiles-launch effects, too. Separately. Tamashii Nations Events showroom exclusive at first. Then TWE after a month or so. Oy, vey...
  6. heads up! as of this posting, amz-jp has one for 19440y again, but there's only one left! hurry! https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07FVSX5BL/ edit as of 11:52 PST: gone now. hope one of you got it. amz-jp stock might show up again, so just refresh the link regularly. Also, jp-holiday is over now, so regular import-shops (ami, hlj, hs, cdj, etc) should be open again. Check them for stocks also.
  7. lighting from the monitor can be interesting sometimes...
  8. You know? Not sure if anybody else already mentioned it yet or not, but... It seems this DX 1J's nosecone/cockpit section is non-removable, This is in contrast to the yammie/arcadia 1/60v2 feature. Can't remember if the old yammie 1/48 had removable nosecone/cockpit section,. Wonder if Bandai will update/tweak the design if/when they make a DX VF-1D. Or just make it an exclusive feature of the DX VF-1D since it's the only valk in the anime that the feature was shown being used.
  9. Charles (charlesxavier here, i think) review:
  10. Welp! Finally had some time today to do the transformation. Went straight from Fighter to Battroid mode. Overall, it was not all that exciting if you're used to the Yammies/Arcadia or the HMR. This DX seems to incorporates all the past innovations and stuff from both. At least the good ones. Bandai also introduced some new annoyances, which are sometimes unnecessary or just to be different from the Yammie/Arcadia valks. Annoyances (to me): Swingbar separator. Nice concept, but it's a fail-point if you don't align the back properly. Also, the swingbar themselves are very tight like the recent DX-YF19, so the nose-housing for it will not be closed and the "separator" will disengage if things are not aligned properly. Don't forget to connect that back-brace thingy to secure the back and alignment help. Nosecone-tip is annoyingly feather-sensitive and annoyingly disengages all the time when touched slightly. The chest is floaty and does not really secure. To secure it properly, you'll need to install the under-arm option-parts. It really helps secure the chest from being floaty. The wing-flaps are annoying. The leg-flaps are less annoying. Easy to pop-up and go inwards or outwards when accidentally touched. At least, it's not as obnoxiously WTF/stupid like the DX-YF19 vertical-stabilizers. Other than that, this is a very nice valkyrie. Big, hefty, and no chicken-hands. While the yammie/arcadia 1/60v2 is still more superbly elegant and sexy to me, this DX is rather more mecha beastly and is a very nice chogokin. I say a really better chogokin than any of the chogokins (macross, SOCs, etc) in Bandai's stable.
  11. Sure. Here: don't mind at all. I don't have the yammie 1/48 Hikkie-1J anymore, unfortunately, but here's DX and the 1/60v2, instead: And if somebody's interested, here's DX Hikkie inside the 1/60v2 Yammie:
  12. received mine. Haven't transform it, yet. Nice heft and heavy enough. Rear landing gears are a bit articulated with side-to-side movements when deployed. It has detents in forward positions, but not with the side-to-side positioning. The wing-flaps are annoying, but quite secure enough. anyway some initial pictarz... box comparo pics: dx/yammie160v2/hmr valks sizings... comparo of various 1/48 "head pilots" (legendary and still funny mwf thingy) ...
  13. Mine's currently in route with the delivery courier. As such, Don't think onnasake bought one, so gotta wonder who else here will the first to get Bandai'd by this DX. Most likely DWC...
  14. You know? That reminds me. My DX-Mirage nukes are red-tipped. Wonder if they're compatible with the DX 1J...
  15. getting ready for the DX 1J edition...
  16. welp! buyers from amz-jp, check your tracking now! mine says: Looking like Monday (12/31) delivery, if customs don't hold it up...
  17. Yeah. Nice yt-review. It'll be interesting to see how the backpack actually holds up the eventual FAST-Packs securely. iirc, the old Yammie 1/48 has a little hook to help secure the backpack, whereas this new DX does not have it.
  18. It's the weekend over in Japan. Also, most shops in Japan are most likely already observing their new year's holiday break till next week. Better try to check them again around thursday or friday next week. Think only scalpers are currently selling at the moment.
  19. The leg tbar connectivity/position is lower and nearer to the nosecone-tip on the Bandai DX, making the nosecone about parallel to the wings in the back. It makes the DX seems a tad taller than the old Yammie 1/48.
  20. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    It's a big box. Iirc, the separate cannons are very light plastic tubes, but the body is rather not as light as the cannons due to some diecast (inner frame of the feet?) mixed in. edit: ya know what? if you haven't, yet, then just check out jenius' review of it to get a sense of the heft and sizing and stuff: http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=8442
  21. Multiple items it is. F360 was right, too. Not sure SAL-Parcel if will be cheaper (significantly or not) than EMS, but I reckon it'll be slow shipping and stuff in comparison.
  22. whoa! EMS to Canada or multiple items?
  23. Yeah. Figured you used PP on 'em. Thought everybody here knew that already that you get charged upfront when you use PP on CDJ. At any rate, try to use a CC (vs or mc, don't think they accept dsc) with them instead of PP. That way, you don't get charged up front and you get to cancel your order if you don't agree with the shipping upcharge or whatever.
  24. btw. for you guys who po'ed from Ami and still not getting updates. have you guys tried chattting with them? here's the link to their zendesk support-page: https://support.amiami.com/hc/en-us sign in with your ami-acct. you may get some "unable to connect to zendesk" page-error, but the chat-box should open up on the right side with a real CS person from amiami. try it and see if they can help expedite your order before they close up for the weekend. currently around 1pm over there as of this posting and they should hopefullly still be open or something.
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