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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Why not just preorder it already while you go waiting a day or so, and then cancel if you find other vendors' offering to be better than amz-jp? The amz-jp po-page says you have until 2/11 to cancel it, anyway.
  2. It'll be really interesting tonite when the regular japan-shops opens up their respective po-pages to find out how much (if any) discounts each will be offering for it. Hope it'll be significant enough to get amz-jp to knock down their current offering from the MSRP-level.
  3. Not quite sure, but I believe this is the first ever PF offered by amz-jp direct? Don't recall ever seeing any of the previous PFs from other than the usual marketplace/3rd-party scalpers sellers over at amz-jp.
  4. Arcadia never really have any po-madness shenanigans. It'll prolly have a 12-months-after-release-date "madness", but never a po-madness in recent memory. The po-madness shenanigans is totally a Bandai-thing.
  5. Well, the VE-1 was released at least twice by Yamato: 2009 and 2012(30th-anniv) versions. Both were good sellers, iirc. The high pricing on the secondary-market is/was due entirely to the scalpers that hoarded it back when Yamato was about to go under. If you live in the US, then amz-jp is currently the best option, especially with the fast dhl-shipping. Ami might have better item-discounts on it if you import from them, but the shipping-fees will most likely offset that advantage. This applies to other regular japan-shops if you import. Maybe N-Y will still offer the boat-option if you want to get the lowest shipping-fees with the longest wait/delivery. If you live in Japan, then maybe amz-jp is good enough at least for returns. Otherwise, ami and the other japan-shops will most likely have discounts and free shipping for japan-residents. Don't really know which shop(s) will better for you if you live outside Japan or US. VATs and all that other stuff...
  6. What do you mean by that? Btw, the Arcadia GBP-1J was released 4-5 yrs ago. The last Arcadia regular release is currently the Super-1J Max since the VF-1J Tux-2.0 is currently not released yet.
  7. Just wish amz-jp brings back their old combine-orders/shipping feature like they used to. That was a great feature that they somehow disabled or obsoleted. Wanted to combine this Arcadia VE-1 with my HMR-1D order for one shipping.
  8. That's just Tokyo-tax included for Japan-residents pricing. 25.8k-yen for non-japan residents.
  9. Saw it and got one, too. Kinda pisses me off that we're ordering at MSRP yet again like the DX-1J. Just hoping amz-jp kicks in some of their usual discounting later on to drive the pricing down.
  10. Not sure if it's just the marketing-sample on TH, but the "eye" sticker on it looks like still user-installed manual placement...
  11. I haven't gotten back to playing the game/mission6 again, but the Mig29 I used had LAGMs which were nice with ground-targets even with the rather slow-ish reload-time. Speaking of which, I do like the Mig29, but it seems to have significanly slower climbing ability after steep diving compared to when I'm using the F-14 using the same maneuver. The F14 is just quite fabulous to me! Oh, I just got the email from amz about my dlc/bonus keys last night. I did have to prod them a bit about it yesterday since they didn't respond after asking me for the same details again that the sunday's chat-transcript already provided. Guess I'm good to go get it now. If I ever remember my pswd at psn... edit: welp! Got my AC5 and the DLC. While dl'ing, decided to play again and just stick with the Mig29 with LAGMs and alternating it with the 4AAMs from the base. Went rather smoothly after a couple of runs and finally completed mission-6 with it. Got the A10 unlocked and the F4E dlc now shows up, too. w00t! This First Contact mission was kinda weird with all that electrical stuff, but it's already late and got work tomorrow to continue playing it. Will try again this weekend or so. edit2: anybody use their hotas setup on this, yet?
  12. I skipped the original yammie-v2, but I believe it had the most tampo-printing among the 1/60v2's. So technically, it was already "PF" even back during the yammie-days. The upcoming 25.8k-y msrp for it is just a little bit more than the msrp's for the regular Super/Strike versions, but I think that is mostly inline with the old yammie-practice of pricing it a bit more than the other Super/Strike versions.
  13. Oh, that base! Saw it in the map, but haven't had a chance to check it out. I will later on. Fwiw, finding out that the 8-AAMs were only good on parked jets, but pretty much useless on any airborned enemies. Quite a bit different from my old AC6 experience. Oh, well...
  14. What resupply? Haven't unlocked the the A-10, yet. Currently using an F-14d on it. It gets me up to 17k before time's up. The Mig29 was nice, but can only so far get 14k on it. I'll get it soon. Just had to know where the Gripends will show up after I took care of the drones.
  15. i contacted amz about the dlc/ac5 stuff, and they said the marketing/promotions team will get back to me in a couple of days or so. I gave them the link to BandaiNamco's FAQ. I'm not that worried, yet. Meanwhile, I'm currently stuck on mission-6 on campaign-mode. Can't seem to get points past 15k within the 14-mins limit,..
  16. So far, I'm only successful with PT when going from B to F. F to B, tho, always a fail since the t-bar is somehow still tight to turn even after already loosening the screws a bit, and the legs-connector will always detach on me when positioning it to have a flushed connection with the nosecone-housing. I understand the intent and all, but it's just really becoming a very annoying chore right now to be subjected to this kind of partsforming on a DX. Obtw, the chest on mine is getting floaty and insecure again even with the sideboobs installed.
  17. w00t! just got notification from amz that my copy will be deliverd by tomorrow.
  18. Yeah. Might be refurbs from actual customer-returns. We know Bandai accept returns if you're in Japan. N-Y prolly contracted Bandai to buy back these customer-returns refurbs. Might also explain why the usual brown-box is not included anymore.
  19. Thought both were made in China. Think only model-kits are actually (still) made in Japan.
  20. Other than the usual yellowing-issue, I reckon we still have and see original Takatoku and the various Bandai versions fully functional and stuff even after a long time of playing and stuff. Still springy and still have strong ratchets. There are few loose ones over the years, afaik, but by and large, not as much. I know my old '02 reissues are still tight and not yellowed. You guys think or believe this new DX will last as long and be as durable as the 1/55s, then?
  21. Changing discussion gears. While the direct comparison with the old Yammie 1/48 was inevitable and expected, Bandai continuously reiterated that this DX is a successor to their Takatoku-designed 1/55. So it really should be critically compared to the 1/55 as much and even more than to the yammies (1/48, 1/60v2). So, does it really surpassed the venerable 1/55? The 1/55 do: shoot missiles/bullets from the gunpod. spring-loaded landing-gears. simple and intuitive transformation sequence. parts-forming is limited to the heatshield and gunpod installation. it's a damn tank of a toy! What, then, does this DX-1J offer over the 1/55 besides modern articulation-engineering and anime-accurate aesthetic? Pricing excluded, of course.
  22. Wasn't the Yamato's sizing-specs retconned with the 2199/2202 versions? The Hachette kit looks to be the 2202-edition. Thought the Bandai 1/350 kit was for the old school Yamato specs.
  23. Yeah. Iirc, the 1/350 Bandai kit also had lights and electronics, and was around US$500 (excluding shipping-fees).
  24. You should definitely bookmark it. If you have time, you can also go back the forum-archives of which members bought and completed the Yammie 1/48s back in the day, as well as to who dumped them all when the 1/60v2s arrived. It'll be a fun exercise.
  25. I'll definitely get the Roy-1S and the Strike Hikaru-1S DXs. Possibly the GBP kit as well.
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