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Everything posted by treatment

  1. I like english-dubs when they sound well and are rather pleasant to listen to. GITS-SAC, Bebop, Samurai Champloo, FLCL, even Macross Plus, etc. However, the old ADV english-vocals on the EVA series were all very and really horrible to my ears to this day. I don't even get how any body can stand listening to them. Just coz somebody knows German doesn't really equate them being pleasant to listen to. Guess I just hope Netflix's new english-vocals will correct that long-standing fail...
  2. Thanks! I do have a Mustang, but it's not diecast like the Axis birds. At least, not yet. Why not? I like 'em deployed like Isamu...
  3. Max-1A is an interesting choice for the next DX. Wonder if Bandai will bundle the missiles with it this time...
  4. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, don't you usually pay them with colored beads and marbles? Your item will then be shipped via the usual gray whale annual migration by CDJ...
  5. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    ++ Kinda amusing that some here seems to go full japan-shops/importing-newbie all of a sudden whenever there's a new Macross toy getting released as scheduled.
  6. That BW stuff and pretty much Bandai seeming decision to kill that line to start or concentrate on their HiMetal-line development that lead to the HiMetal-R line. Low sales in Japan during release, anyway, iirc. Still a bit irked HLJ cancelled my order on the Max-1A back in the day.
  7. Iirc, the "circle/pointy" adaptor on this new Arcadia launch-arm stand was actually the default male-connector used in the SV-51, YF-21, and the recent Arcadia Clear stands: http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Yamato-SV51-19.jpg http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/YF-21 160 Box 2.jpg Jenius does not have a page for the Arcadia Clear Stand, but it's pretty much the same (or rather, improved) as the SV-51 and YF-21 stands. The Arcadia Clear Stand has an additional female-connector to accomodate the male-adaptors that came with the Yammies and Arcadia valks that aren't the Zero-V2.
  8. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, fwiw, the HMR is significantly cheaper than the DX YF-19. So any breakage you may experience with the HMR will not be quite as traumatic as the ones that you experienced with your original DX YF-19.
  9. The original Yamato launch-arm (and even the Mighty Blocks) did not come with any specific adapter for the Zero valks. The Zero valks came with their own adapters, iirc. At least the Zero-v1. That "circle/pointy" adapter you circled looks to be quite specific for the Zero-v2 valks.
  10. The BD's video-quality is about the same as the old ammo-box dvd video-quality. As for your ThreeZero Melkia... Is it three or four FATALITY! (or ZEROes!) now for you with this product-line from threezero? They won't even offer to fix or replace it for you, huh? I don't think you should even really give them any high-scoring when their very expensive product has extreme-fragility/plastic-fatality issues and won't offer any guarantees or any fix/replacement program for it. They might be good at mimicking the scopedog-design in the aesthetics dept, but they seem to lack any actual proper engineering to make and manufacture their "toys" to sustain even minimum handling without the toy breaking apart fatally. Just hope you got some compensation from your vendor about this fragile item.
  11. Oh, you'll just need some rum and cigar for Jobu...
  12. Bandai's releasing a "Tokyo Limited" edition of Malibu Stacy 01-R... https://tamashii.jp/item/12901/ 4/27/19
  13. fyi. Here are some quick comparo-snaps i took between this new BD-release (left-side) and the old fansub of the remastered r2-dvd version (right-side). You may notice the obvious graininess, softness/unsharpened and other stuff from the BD-release in comparison with the old fansub-version. I'm not sure if MaidenJapan got the older original video-source or the recent remastered-video source to produce their BD-version. If they got the remastered-video source, then it prolly just shows the limitation of it when MJ converted it to BD format. I'm not sure if the fansub-group did some additional video cleanup and stuff on their version since I don't own the actual R2J remastered-boxset of VOTOMS-tv (it was/still is way too expensive!) to verify their video. Who knows? :shrugs: I didn't bother taking snaps from the old ammo-box r1-dvd from cpm since that was an even older non-remastered version, anyway.
  14. Just noticed this, but the always-venerable and always-reliable Mike Toole (at least from old-school anime fans) recently wrote an article about VOTOMS: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/the-mike-toole-show/2019-03-11/.144186 For anybody interested in VOTOMS anime universe/legends/myths, and would like a more solid background writeup on it...
  15. heads up! OVA-1 is back on amz again for preordering: https://www.amazon.com/dp/6317740445/
  16. Dunno. It's still listed on TRS, tho, so maybe Amzn's just being jerks about it.
  17. Disc-3 stuff. The "movies" are just compressed 60-min versions of the arcs and stuff. The highlight of disc-3 was pretty much the "re-animated" op-themes using either some 1/48 ActicGears or prolly even ancient 1/24 kits... I'm a bit peeved that amz canceled my ova-1 order, so i'll prolly resurrect my acct at TRS if MaidenJapan didn't cancel their OVA-offering altogether...
  18. Damn right! I just might get Unit-02 just coz it's Asuka's, and it's also damn red. Bandai should add an SHF Asuka with it. A pirate-head SHF Asuka!
  19. Well, you say you're broke. That should be the end of any discussion about it.
  20. hory crap! They're making a Bunny Nishino! Finally? https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-046766 1/4 scale 20,610y po 12/19 release Quite pricey. I reckon if it's planned, the Aya bunny will even be more nicer as well, and the Satsuki and Kozue bunnies will be even more glorious!
  21. So let me get this straight... The offer was for only one? That's a fair reasoning for somebody who missed out on the PO. However, I was rather under the impression that Slave was willing to take over multiple orders from each respective disgruntled members here? That would've been really costly, hence my "generous" comment...
  22. That was rather generous of you to offer, but I gotta ask the question of "why would you do that?" Just some personal motivation based on some sort of loyalty to an import-store in japan that you have no business links with? As such, thought I remember N-Y was not offering any refunds on it, but was trying to issue some "credits" that cannot be used on existing orders? Besides, how long was the wait? Two years or so?
  23. Nice! I reckon OVA-2 will contain the native BD-versions of PF-movie, AA, Phantom Arc, and the parallel-uni tiles Case:Irvine and Votoms Finder.
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