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Everything posted by treatment

  1. roflmao! think that's the first time ever I got cart-jacked at CDJ earlier. already at checkout and stuff, then after the circle-of-blank-page-of-wait, got the red notice that it was unable to proceed due to no more availability. amz-jp was stupid. got it in my cart and checking out, then "does not ship to your location" crap popped up. oh, well. not sweating it since I already got the original yammie and the pf from arcadia that includes all FPs and missiles, but this was certainly quite an amusing experience. just hope you guys don't buy it from the scalpers who got this and that they get stuck with it unsold. maybe just hope Arcadia re-issue their PF to get your version of the Strike-Hikaru with all the needed parts included already...
  2. It's not just Macross items that has become challenging to preorder from Bandai. Almost certain popular toys from Bandai have become very tough to preorder recently. Metal Build Gundams, Eva, and Mazingers, Soul of Chogokins, and even SH Figuarts. I reckon it's mostly a combination of Bandai limiting production runs and the scalpers (local and overseas) hoovering up local japanese inventory.
  3. I don't have the yammie, but they're a pain in the ass to try to remove on my Arcadia. I just leave them on for now. Maybe I can use a blowdryer to soften 'em up a bit for successful removal later.
  4. fyi for those (still) interested in getting this valk. just saw amz-jp listing this valk for around 24k-yen shipped to the US in two-to-three days: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B07MZ68RY9/ dunno how long it'll last there.
  5. Either that, or maybe ET's really diggin' and intensively studyin' your video of their stuff? Translating your english to nippongo or mandarin or cantonese and back to english, and then back again into japanese/chinese takes a bit of time and tries, I'm guessin'...
  6. Yeah. Mine has the amz-box a bit crunched, possibly due to some thing(s) being stacked on it during deilvery. Got some minor tear on the lip of the flimsy Arcadia box where the amz-box was crunched. Good thing the toy itself is undamaged and the option-parts were still secured in the baggie.
  7. Heck, it'll be even easier for Arcadia if they do a Booby Duck PF...
  8. I like to think that Arcadia's gonna do a silent release of their VT-1 PF as a followup to their VE-1 PF. It'll be much more acceptable than their expensive SV-51.
  9. I like to get this Strike Hikaru. I'm not that sure if I still want to compete against the scalpers during PO nights anymore for a naked valk like it. I prolly will compete more if the Strike-FPs (alongside missiles) are included in one single package with it like the DX-YF19.
  10. Yeah. Mine's at already the warehouse when I checked tracking this morning, but holiday rules. Tomorrow delivery is expected and fine with me. Just wish my Su-34 will get delivered along with it instead of Wed.
  11. I don't have any of the Wave kits so I'm in the dark as you regarding them.
  12. too lazy to take pics myself, but here's an old classic pic from some fan regarding the various scaling of the available 'Dogs back then:
  13. Could you show us a picture(s) of the "loose hips" on your VF-1v2? Maybe something else got jacked in that part that the nail-polish thing cannot address. I'm interested since none of my yammie-v2s has any looseness. Better to really see what you're specifically talking about to prevent similar things on ours.
  14. Excellent collection. Hope you do find some other reasonable shops to import your ACs if the Manda-shops don't work out. Also, iirc, I think there were a couple or so other VOTOMS-fans/collectors based in Oz who will have better information than me on where to get stuff into Oz. Just can't remember their nicknames anymore.
  15. Oh you're in Oz. Yeah. You guys got some new restrictive laws and stuff about imports that the Mandarake shops most likely don't want to deal with anymore. I think Sahra had a 2k-yen Actic Gear Brutish Dog recently, too. It's a bummer. I think Ami-ami is possibly the only shop that will still ship these particular LRS kits to you, albeit very very expensively most likely.
  16. Are you in the US or elsewhere? It may depend on which country they can ship to. fwiw, I'm in the US so the kits are usually shipped via EMS or DHL only, and gets really pricey quickly. Only the Sahra store gives out shipping-fees cost before actually placing your order. The others usually don't and/or only after you actually placed the order. At any rate, here's the 8k-yen from the Sapporo store: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1112217209&lang=en There's another LRS at the Complex store for 9k-yen. add/edit: Sahra, Shibuya, and Kokura stores has the recent Sansa Red Shoulder for 10k-yen: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/DetailPage/item?itemCode=1097260618&lang=en add/edit2: Here are ami's links (they're a bit more pricey since they add tokyo-tax on their items) : LRS with turbo-sack pack: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-4125-R LRS without the turbo-sack pack: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-4156-R Sansa Red Shoulder: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-4938-R Sansa Red Shoulder with bonus clear-file: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-4678-R and they even have the Space Dog kit: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-4576-R
  17. What do you mean? I have the 1/20 LRS Turbo Custom. Got it from Mandarake years ago. Yeah. Shipping to the US is a bitch for it. Think it was 5200yen or so when I got it. As such, it's usually offered at ami and mandarake in opened/slight-box-damage condition. I just saw both the LRS TC and the recent Sansa Red Shoulder TC over there right now at both sites. Fwiw, think Bandai cheaped out by making the turbo-heels not wheels on the TC. Also, the feet spikes are solid single mould part as well. Quite unlike the separate-pieces/movable spikes of the regular non-turbo 'dogs.
  18. Why/what for is this feature? Is it supposed to make it rotate to a side position or what?
  19. You might want to check if those dvd's are still playable. I've had some of my old dvd's (anime and otherwise) giving me playback issues for whatever reason nowadays.
  20. yup. https://www.amazon.com/dp/6317849846/ 7/23 stupidly shocking expensive po-pricing at US$60??? it should go down in pricing. At any rate, let's see. I do hope these are the native bluray versions instead of the yet-another-sd-versions. 9 episodes should be: -- six for Phantom Arc -- one each for Case:Irvine, Votoms Finder and "Chirico's Return" <-- gotta be the "Alone Again" ova. -- still no Pailsen Files Movie nor Mellow Link. WTF, MaidenJapan???!!!
  21. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    The Sylvie seemed to have sold fine and still holds its initial-pricing in value. In contrast, the Nexx Hibiki didn't do so well and is the one shelf-warming right now. Maybe it would've sold better and on par with Sylvie if only Bandai released it with the actual Nexx pilot...
  22. Seems that only the Pailsen Files movie have had a blu-ray release from the PF-series.
  23. Yeah. Not sure if there's really any truth in that rather persistent rumor. Maybe only Mellow Link's masters really got lost in a fire or something. Regardless and despite being SD-dumps, "Last Red Shoulder" and "Origin of Ambition" video-qualites seems to hold up and actually still looks good to be watching and stuff. Even Big Battle's video-quality is ok, tho the video-quality looks more similar to a cleaned-up TV episode. Unfortunately, both Shining Heresy and Pailsen Files are where the low SD video-quality shows up and becomes really noticable. Rather ironic since these two were the more recent titles than the 80's OVAs above. We'll see if Maiden Japan will license and release the rest of the later VOTOMS anime. "Alone Again", "Phantom Arc", "Votoms Finder", and "Case:Irvine" definitely have had native Blu-Ray releases in Japan.
  24. Nope. All look like SD-dumps from original/old masters. Were the japanese-versions ever remastered? On the good side, seems like they're at least using Nadelman's translations per the english-credits.
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