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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Really, Arcadia?
  2. wotafa's so-called "first impression review" of MP-44: he didn't show his usual technical transformation process skit. maybe he'll do a part-2 to do so...
  3. SV-262 is about as disco-valk as you can get...
  4. Most of us can barely afford and barely secure a preorder nowadays. You either just camp and wait the DX valks out on release-day, or pay the scalpers' ransomware pricing. Or just give up altogether and find another hobby to afford. It is what it is.
  5. I still don't understand why teh fugazi Amz-JP direct won't sell this particular Arcadia item to a US-address. Still. Every other Arcadia item they offered are not embargoed like this SV-51 Ivanov. The amz-jp reps I talked to about it don't know and don't have a clue about the decision, either. Would've quickly cancelled my MP-44 order in favor of this item if only it ain't bizarro embargoed from Amz-jp.
  6. Yeah. 8300y is quite excessive fee for a single VF-31 DX order to be shipped to the US. Unless either you ordered more than one single item, or your shipping location is South America or Europe or even Australia?
  7. GX-87 Getter Emperor review by fellow MWF-member CharlesXavier...
  8. btw, from that distance, that 0D-PF's blue-ness seems to still be the not-anime-accurate...
  9. Welp! I'm in, even tho the battroid-mode is still fugly as heck. as well as the more recently released HMR VF-4, too, right?
  10. ~you get to burning...~ oh wait... just airing them out at this time of the year...
  11. Yeah. No idea why an M7-license is required for an Isamu valk...
  12. ready for a v2-PF from Arcadia...
  13. Takara's DMZ-01 from '06 against Hasbro Siege "Jetfire" (should be same toy as Takara SG-26) ... and some AA-size batteries...
  14. Just hope it doesn't have the exploding hips or whatever issues the original 0D release have been reported to have had...
  15. Received Hasbro's Siege-line Skyfire... Quite derpy in whatever Hasbro calls it in armored-mode thingy...
  16. just saw this posted over at hobbylog... https://twitter.com/Masaki_Plus/status/1149935334018260992/photo/1
  17. Ok. Assembled one of mine earlier. It's an ok improvement over the Yammie. Especially the new storage-compartment to store stuff. Fwiw, this Arcadia Launch-Arm does not include the previous baggy of various adapters that came with the original Yamato Launch-Arms. Some pics. Didn't have any of my Strikes available, so I grab my Hikkie-1J instead: Oh, this is the only adapter that came with this Launch-Arm, and it seems to be specific for use with the Arcadia VF-Zero's humongous valk-mode adapter:
  18. Wonder how much it'll be this time. Assuming it'll have actual anime-correct colors this time, of course. At any rate, finally got my launch-arms from DHL. Reckon Genie helped...
  19. Well, yes to both, and more. Let's put this way: ActicGears: -- toys -- you can abuse it. -- tiny/small -- no clicks. -- no springs on ballistic-punch effect -- pilots are not articulated (most are not even painted) -- cockpits are not detailed. -- relatively alot lot cheaper than the DMZs. DMZs: -- collectible. -- have delicate parts that may easily break (tummy handle on the DMZ-01, especially) -- nice paint and weathering details. -- detailed cockpit -- spring-loaded ballistic punch -- lots of clicks -- articulated Micro-Man pilots/figures. -- can be quite expensive. That said, DMZ-01 has alot of issues regarding fit and quality stuff since it was the first iteration. It can be a pain to handle. It does really live up to the junkyard-dog feature from the tv-show, fwiw. Subsequent DMZs (starting with dmz-02) are all comparatively better in fit and quality stuff, and more enjoyable to handle than dmz-01. Fwiw, I think the DMZ-01 is fine as it is despite the issues, but I personally wouldn't get a DMZ-01 for more than 8000y. I think Jenius has an old written review for the DMZ line: http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=5915 However, I'm not sure if he has an actual yt-review for the various DMZ 'dogs, but he does have the DMZ Red Shoulder Custom Parts yt-video. Those RSC missile-parts require lots of Future polish to keep in place, btw. Browse YT for other video-reviews to have a better gauge on 'em.
  20. LRS is still the best OVA entry, and actually still better than the TV show, imo. None of the later "invincibility" or other shenanigans that they later infused with the other OVAs...
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