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Everything posted by treatment

  1. so any Japan Post updates regarding EMS-to-US, yet?
  2. Yeah. Iirc, the original MZ-23 OVA was really the first anime that started the distinction between OVA and regular TV series among anime in terms of content...
  3. of 2024...
  4. Blue text means jack crap here. Different forum, different traditions.
  5. They'll call it DX-R, with the innovation/fixes being just white landing gears and a 15k-yen bump on the msrp...
  6. You never know. Kevin and the other former vendors might just encourage them to restart their old Valk distro-business given the various shenanigans that N-Y, NinNin, or whoever has been griefing everybody else here about the 1/48 DX and parts...
  7. Better discussion points than N-Y in this thread...
  8. ever tried this on your Yammie-SV51?
  9. Yeah. Kevin/Valk-Exchange was awesome. Think most of us got our valks from him instead of HLJ. lol! Think he's still around and just lurk or something.
  10. It was the Yammie 0A who had the self-disintegration issue. At least, the whole shoulders and arms, iirc. In contrast, the Yammie YF-19 had a rather challenging bicep-transformation, but it was not really a self-disintegrating part like the Yammie-0A.
  11. Dunno if lucky nor not. Anecdotally, all my yammie 1/60v2s were first-releases, and none of them have shoulder-cracks to this day and I ain't delicate with any of them. Yet various people here have reported and shown pictures of their yammies with cracked shoulders during those cracked-shoulder times. Oh yeah. Forgot about those. The 0A from Yamato, 0A from Arcadia, and the CF-171 from Bandai were notorious disintegrating Macross toys.
  12. I think we had to re-sign and re-establish ourselves after the software migration in '03.
  13. Iirc, some of the old Banpresto VF-1's were crumbling to pieces after being taken out of the box. Prior to Banpresto, I had an old cheap VF-1's from HK back in the 80's that just disintegrated after it got rained on. More recently, Takara's MP-47 Hound was pretty much breaking and crumbling to pieces on its own...
  14. hmmm. nice poses! lemme try your poses with my yammie hikkie-1S,,. fwiw, I don't really appreciate the DX's feature of disconnecting the t-bar to do swiveling. i'm already annoyed that it disconnects itself easily on its own on my DXs, anyway! At any rate, I still stand by my original assertion that the only advantage of the DX against the 1/60v2 to me is that the DX is just bigger. None of its newer features really tops the old 1/60v2 to me. Don't get me wrong, tho. I like the DX in battroid-mode. I own all three so far released and the FP for the Hikkie. Except the missiles, which I've consciously boycotted since I don't appreciate Bandai's nickel-n-dime strategy with it. That said, think I'm done with the DX after Roy-TV. Not really interested in Kaki or any of the remaining ones. However, I might consider getting the Max-1S if Bandai ever makes it... add/edit: Really ain't that sure about your last shot's inspiration at all, so i'm just gonna dig up an old snapshot I posted here back in 2011 as inspired by the actual DYRL scene... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/30854-strike-a-pose-v4-the-macross-mech-pose-thread/page/18/?tab=comments#comment-898210 btw, that old 1100y yammie-stand is really still more awesome than the stand that Bandai includes with their DXs...
  15. duplicate..
  16. Well, I'm trying to be modest and all since I'm not quite a newbie in posing stuff, but uhmm... Not sure if I'm supposed to be impressed or horrified with those poses on your pics. Seems like both Max-1A and Hikky-1S standing after a bronco rodeo ride... Well, already did that back in the day here... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/39641-arcadia-160-vf-1s-roy-focker-special-movie-ver/page/53/ With FPs and Arcee as a partner even... --- add/edit: Uhmm, not really getting why anyone would want to splay his legs out wide like that. I mean, sure the extra hip stuff is nice and some here like the poses you did with it, but any pose using them to splay the valk way out wide is really just not aesthetically pleasing to me. Guess I'm just not cool enough to appreciate those posings. Btw, can you guys resize your pics? This forum's software does not seem to do pic auto-resizing when quoting...
  17. hmmm. Don't really notice any advantages at all vs the 1/60v2 other than it's bigger: Well, the latest Arcadia stand (https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10600388) is very nifty for the price, but one does not really need it if one already had one or all of these before: https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10139388 https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10088025 <--- still love this!!! https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10298416 That said, all the Yammie and Arcadia stands are much much more functional and savvier than the generic jokes afterthoughts that Bandai includes (and even branded as "LE") with the DXs...
  18. One definite thing I like about these new DXs is the box/packaging. Quite efficient, compact and rather sturdy. In contrast, the old Yammie 1/48s (and even the YamArcadia 1/60v2s still) boxes/packaging were always just so wasteful. Just way too much unnecessary and unused space in them yammie-boxes.
  19. Very nice sculpt.
  20. The good thing about this MWF board back in the day is that various people will elucidate and elaborate comparisons. Be it Graham, EXO, etc, etc... Much better stuff for discussion than the endless whining about N-Y in this thread instead of its own separate thread.
  21. Just wish this PF-0D was available at am-jp direct.
  22. Let's try to be more specific on the Battroid that you say there's no contest and DX is indisputably better. Exactly which Yamato does the DX (which DX?) "blows anything Yamato out of the water" The 1/48 or the 1/60v2 or both? Can you specify which, why and how? Preferrably with pics showing how better the DX is/are against the yammie 1/60v2. For me, the only DX I have out on display is the Hikkie-1S with FP. In battroid-mode and in very neutral static pose.
  23. tampos are nice. when they're correct...
  24. Green knees is fine, I think. Don't forget that Hikaru's 1J had grey knees in the series...
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