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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Spartan was in DYRL. Phalanx was not. Think the Armored Valkyrie GBP replaced the Phalanx's TV-role in DYRL.
  2. I actually just got the US BD from amzn. It went down to $40 or something last week, so I finally snagged it. I'm only a few episodes in, but the video seems very very nice and very clean. From hazy memory, this Orguss US-BD's video quality reproduction seems much cleaner than the Voltes V and Kimagure Orange Road US-BD releases I have from Discotek. I will have to do a re-watch on those two titles just to properly verify, tho.
  3. Mr.K's WonFest-2022 article: https://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12758085033.html Use auto-translate from your browser. Lots of pics and stuff.
  4. You somehow just completely missed noel's dedicated thread...
  5. https://twitter.com/Mrk_arcadia/status/1553304844223410176?cxt=HHwWgMCjvdWhuY4rAAAA
  6. Not Wotafa's, but prolly the first DX-31AX Bogue video-review, I guess...
  7. Arcadia yf-19 reissue delivered today! w00t! All joints definitely much tighter and much snuggier than my original Arcadia release, especially the ankles... Finally and definitely, this Arcadia 1/60 YF-19 reissue is... THE _DEFINITIVE_ and MOST AWESOMEST PERFECT TRANSFORMATION YF-19 COLLECTIBLE TOY AT THIS POINT IN TIME!!! It's just finally frickin' really magnificent now as it should've been in the first place! fwiw, I think only the PF edition will top this. If you're into the PF edition, that is. I'm just more than satisfied with my non-PF edition. At least, for now...
  8. yeah. for those that don't go to twitter, here is the snapshot as well as the arcadia shop-site again: arcadia site-shop: https://arcadia.ac/products/detail/354 get ready with yer proxy stuff to order/reserve it!
  9. meh. Also, why does it have DYRL-hands instead of TV clown-hands, anyway? Bandai Assymetry again?
  10. Wotafa's gonna have a review soon... https://twitter.com/wotakufighter/status/1551904459345006593?cxt=HHwWgsDUicW4vIkrAAAA
  11. video tweet of fighter-mode from the same person: https://twitter.com/simsim5479/status/1551766674059120641?cxt=HHwWgsCq2bDk_YgrAAAA looks like it prolly still require massaging and stuff...
  12. https://twitter.com/Mrk_arcadia/status/1551071485623558145?cxt=HHwWgoCjnYvTwYYrAAAA
  13. https://twitter.com/Mrk_arcadia/status/1551065932381859840?cxt=HHwWgMClreyPv4YrAAAA
  14. It is a bit confusing, as this pic shows a "premium" one and an undetailed "cream" one at the back: I'm gonna guess that the current preorder one is the regular non-detailed but not cream-color one like below:
  15. summer wonfest-2022 pics from dengeki hobby: https://hobby.dengeki.com/event/1619750/ samples:
  16. summer wonfest-2022 pics from dengeki-hobby: https://hobby.dengeki.com/event/1619750/
  17. shots from denkeki hobby: https://hobby.dengeki.com/event/1619750/
  18. Yeah. The Arcadia launch-arm stands are great and you can never have enough of it. As such, I still want Arcadia to resurrect the Mighty Blocks and release it with improvements. They're prolly easier to produce than the Launch-Arms. I really like using 'em with older Yammies and even Arcadia's in banking poses: Unfortunately, the newer Arcadia SV-51 has gotten a bit too leg-heavy to do banking poses on the Might Block, hence the need for improvements...
  19. Possibly, but Bandai made a big fuss about it as being the definitive TV version instead. No other DYRL valks have been released since Kaki-DYRL, which had the correct-it-yerself decal...
  20. Just Bandai's latest ass-ymetry in action. Maybe they'll include a decal sheet when released...
  21. too lazy to do gerwalk, so fighter-mode for now...
  22. Ok. You may still need to go the Tenso route like SiP mentioned earlier, as we don't really know if Arcadia will offer support (especially return-shipping) for non-japan residents.
  23. Do you mean the form is in Japanese? Not sure which browser you use, but it can be auto-translated if you use Chrome web-browser.
  24. fyi. from Arcadia tweet: https://twitter.com/ARCADIA_Co_Ltd/status/1546479124637618178?cxt=HHwWhMCoyb-kmfYqAAAA Here's the Arcadia contact-form: https://arcadia.ac/contact
  25. I wish/want Arcadia to specifically offer this particular deco... https://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/21339-yamatos-160-sv-51/?do=findComment&comment=458719
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