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Everything posted by treatment

  1. another Arcadia YF-19PF review: No arm/shoulder breakage at all...
  2. I tell yah, wotafa makes transforming the PF so seemingly worry-free. At least, his PF copy. His YF-19PF is definitely gorgeous. Still, be careful with your own PF copies...
  3. Bandai's DX forgot leg-day when compared/contrasted with that PF...
  4. moar PF badnews/goodnews... https://twitter.com/tachi_yuji/status/1641352513696993280 (autotranslated): vs https://twitter.com/zerostart08/status/1641423888684060674?cxt=HHwWhMDUrZCVwcctAAAA (autotranslated) Y'all be careful still when transforming your PFs!!!
  5. from https://twitter.com/hami006/status/1635244163171254274 c;'mon, Bandai! DO DAT, STAT!
  6. I like this dude's pics... https://twitter.com/masani_papa1002/status/1641069285350195200?cxt=HHwWgIDS0b_0n8YtAAAA sample (resized for forum):
  7. anecdotally... this guy tweeted no defects found on his four PFs... https://twitter.com/XXXG00YSW/status/1641064711109353473?cxt=HHwWgoDR8Z7qncYtAAAA
  8. How will it look like as a PF?
  9. Another user got YF-19PF extremely stiff/tight joints failure on shield removal transformation... https://twitter.com/CrabmeatOmelet/status/1639947910392737793?cxt=HHwWgsDTkfH7ocItAAAA samples: Be rather careful with your PFs!
  10. PSA!!! seems Heppoko Samurai broke his PF right away due to the stiffness and stuff: https://twitter.com/simsim5479/status/1639432759394566144?cxt=HHwWgIDQjZPat8AtAAAA here's his pic of his first damage: https://twitter.com/simsim5479/status/1639421975759298560?cxt=HHwWgIDR4brmssAtAAAA
  11. Some of those pics are from this twitter guy: https://twitter.com/cross_W42S https://twitter.com/cross_W42S/status/1639601729410060288 His followup so far: https://twitter.com/cross_W42S/status/1639619419155623936 sample:
  12. as always, excellent detailing job!
  13. at the 9:28 time-stamp mark for the battroid-comparison:
  14. hacchaka pictorials... https://hacchaka.net/archives/52092459.html samples:
  15. from https://twitter.com/simsim5479/status/1632214634081169409?cxt=HHwWgsDR2fqj5aYtAAAA
  16. https://hacchaka.net/archives/52092407.html samples:
  17. It'll be quite interesting if Chronocidal can get his dud-yf29 replaced either by BBTS or by Bandai themselves since this item is a WWM release and also definitely a big glaring Factory/QC-FAIL.
  18. It's just gotten way too silly now mostly due to the rise of parallel importers and Bandai being quite a dick about jp-shops allocations. We used to compete for PO against the local japanese scalpers, but at least the regular japanese-shops were offering nice discounts (10% to 20%) then. Nowadays, big nope. All jp-shops set the pricing at full MSRP (most with tokyo-tax added already). And still the parallel importers always hooovers up all avaiable POs with their bots. Welp! It is what it is. And then one may get lucky enough to get Bandai'd when the item gets delivered... 😝 The usual local japanese scalper-shops/"third-party" were doing their usual gatekeeping of amz-jp last nite. I saw at least 30K-yen + 12k-yen shipping for either HM-R last nite (Orguss and 0D). I think they're still at it, but at 25k-yen or so now. It's quite slapstick hilarious... 😂
  19. I know, right? Feels like somebody (or everybody) at Bandai thinks pricing it exorbitantly will somehow make this figure more valuable or desirable.
  20. hmm. Even with the ok exchange-rate, I somehow don't feel like preordering at MSRP (or MSRP+TokyoTax) these Bandai HM-R toys anymore. Might as well just wait until release-date, if I'm still interested. Maybe this 0D (and the Orguss) will get discounted nicely a bit at release-date like the HM-R 0S...
  21. Yeah. Way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overpriced. fwiw, the previous Megahouse Hi-Spec was also way overpriced even back then...
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