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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Ehh? Why won't anyone play with it? They're toys. And they're well-built. I bought a bunch of it for my nephews, too. They love it. They're kids. "collect but dont play" my ass. These Taka/Bandais were toys when I was a kid. They're still toys today. Just exclusively displaying them is a stupid waste of money, imho. Plus it wont give you a heart-attack and crap if it ever falls down from a display-area.
  2. The chunky-monkeys are built like a tank or something and meant for playing. They're great toys. With a working gunshooter, too. --treatment--
  3. you're so friggin rich, mang. i hate you. didja add yer inventory to the how-many-valks pinned thread, yet?
  4. treatment

    Hikaru VF-1S

    That's a lot of hardware being pointed at your face. Is it just me, or does that look like a big nut sack behind him? hahaha!
  5. treatment

    Hikaru VF-1S

    check it out yourself: Hikaru's missile load somebody else can take a screenshot of when he was being launched.
  6. That's the thing about this upcoming Mangle crap about their Macross boxset. Are they gonna use the newer/updated R2-versions or are they just gonna re-package the old crap. My guess is they're just gonna repackage their old crap. --treatment--
  7. I dunno, guys. I still like the Metal Siren in M-II. It's basically a Gundam (without the gundam-head of course) in Macross. And it kicked so much ass. It even have that pseudo-supersaijin energy-blast crap. How fun and kewl was that? hehehe
  8. Yup. 14 is quite young. I quite like fanservices. I enjoy the fanservices in Chobits and Mahoromatic because it adds to the story and theme of the respective series. Mylene's fan-servicing basically just doesn't add anything to M7's plot or theme. It ain't even a good fanservicing. It's just a cheap hack to portray and fanserviced a 14yo mixed-race girl, imho. Rex and Sivil were fanserviced quite ok and were kinda pertinent to Basara's character-growth. Heck! Even Miria's fanservice was done good for hilarity-purposes.
  9. treatment

    Hikaru VF-1S

    ok. I got mine today from TwinMoons. Thanx, Tam! A couple of things to comment about it. [*] Yes, there is that "gap" when I took the toy out of the box. However, it's very very minor. IMHO, only the most anal perfectionist who will display this Hikaru-1S in _valkyrie fighter mode_ (i.e. jet) will be the ones bothered with this "gap". I always preferred to display my Valks in Battroid-mode and this Hikaru-1S definitely screams battroid-mode. [*] The air-break is as loose as my Hikaru-1A. Meaning, it's the same regular stuff. Other than that, the toy is tight. here are a couple of posed shots i took. (sorry, bad lighting in my room atm). Hikaru-1S quarter-side view Hikaru-1S frontal view Oh, yeah. I'm still waiting for my FAST-packs to complete the pose. Once I get it (hurry up, Tam!), I'll take a shot again in better lighting-conditions. --treatment--
  10. dna, hahaha!!! I think u do need to put in the sarcasm-tag on, tho.
  11. Yeah. Wow, I'm reeling from the "devastating" attack (the point-by-point annihiliation of the "devastation" being completely disregarded). What the hell are you talking about? The two of you have me so confused... I thought the discussion was about the sense of having the culture park... It makes as much sense as the slums/squatter-area of M7.
  12. fwiw, arranged-marriages is one thing. fan-servicing a 14-year-old is quite another. Well, Rex also had some good-size knockers, iirc. --treatment--
  13. shameless-yet-on-the-spot MIB-quote for the Hikaru-1S: You know what the difference is between you and me? I make this look good.
  14. dude, Mac + is better than any other mecha-anime (macross or non-macross), except for DYRL.
  15. check out Recon's pic of the Strike-Hikaru at http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=4&t=2853&st=80 There is just no contest. The Strike-Hikaru just look so godly than the Roy-1S.
  16. extreme ownage.
  17. ohhh, that's a really good pose, man. That pose just really pwn3dz the Roy-1S. Thanx.
  18. You may want to look at those 5 pages again dude.....specifically pay attention to page 2 Yeah, I seen the pic on the page-2. it's generic. I want the godly-pic instead of the generic. like the hasegawa in http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=3&t=2930
  19. ok, u lucky bastards that already possessed the Hikaru-1S, five-pages of discussion already and no Strike-Hikaru pic, yet. Why dont anyone of u post the godly pic of the Hikaru-1S with the Strike FAST-pack??? /me grumblingly awaits for his hikaru-1s from Tam.
  20. love hina is harem-anime with lots of slapstick and fan-service and stuff. silly in the middle episodes, but r0ck1n in the last 3 episodes and the X'Mas Special.
  21. I say just give in for now and buy him the "dolls". It's obvious that he's looking up to you and impressed alot by you. He wants to do what daddy does. He prolly wont play with it like a girl will do, since he doesn't see you playing with your dolls. It's all good. Just don't let him cosplay in the Sailor-Scout/Guardian uniforms. That would be very bad.
  22. hahaha! he 0wn3d u there!
  23. add: Anyway, isn't that a normal idol-stuff-thingy over there, i.e. most idol-worshippers in japan are male? Just don't panic. Yet. I'm sure your son will turn out right.
  24. Pre-orders, man. I get it before the retail-stores do. Btw, you're the first person I've encountered that likes the English-dubbing of Nadesico. Fwiw, I was never a "subs-forever" type-of-fan, but I just never could like ADV's english-dubbing of Nadesico-tv. Well, except for Gai's dubbing, of course. Gai just plain r0x0r in any language.
  25. Why does Macross-II and Orguss-02 have to fit some sort of continuity-box before it can be watched and enjoyed with? I mean, Macross Plus does not really have any other continuity-stuff with either the TV-series or DYRL, other than a rather irrelevant timeline-sequence. Yet, Macross Plus is still a premiere-class anime. --treatment--
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