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Everything posted by treatment

  1. dude, that is soooooooooooooooo kewl!
  2. hmm. I only got 6 re-issues. two 1A hikaru. two 1S hikaru. two 1A CF. I gave my nephews both the CF and one of the 1A. They put it thru hell and back and it still ain't broken. I think they lost the canopies, tho. I'm gonna be painting one of the 1S into a Blue Max.
  3. treatment

    HLJ Crazy Sales

    I think it took them a week to send me a confirmation-email. I just dont have the tracking stuff anymore like their old ups-stuff. It's been a week since HLJ said they shipped my orders. Still waiting.
  4. I still luv the 1/60 line. The weight, the die-cast, the class. My 1/60 collection ain't complete, yet. Just no moneys yet for the VT, VE, 1D, and the M&Ms. But they're all pencilled in my x'mas budget. I got the 1/48 Hikaru-1A and am planning to get the whole line. It looks good and all, but it just lacks die-cast content of the 1/60 and the plastic seems a little brittle-cheap. It's fairly lightweight. For that, imho, the price of the 1/48 is just not good enough for me to be rushing to get it, as opposed to when the 1/60's made it's appearances. Wish Yamato can sell 1/48 at the $80-$90 range instead of the current $140 range. --treatment--
  5. Tohrou Furuya? I thought he was Fef. Kinda makes sense since I coulda swore it sounds like Kyosuke (of KOR) vocals on Hibiki. So was it a dual-role for him as Fef and Hibiki?
  6. Dude, like, welcome to MacrossWorld. But, uhh, wrong-forum, man. This is the Toys area. Check the Newbie-thread in Movies and TV forum above this or re-post at the Other Anime forum below this forum where they're some big discussions with regards to the Robotech YF-1R.
  7. Ok. I've been re/watching Macross-II again and kinda got sidetracked on identifying the japanese voice-actor that was playing Hibiki. It's not listed in the Compendium, Animenfo, or ANN-encyclopedia voice-actor entries. Anybody here knows?
  8. waaa nooo no messing with my elf looking babe Veffidas. errr, didnt see any sarcasm-tags on yer post, but... I don't think Veffidas looks quite like an elf. Sybil's the protodevlin elf-babe.
  9. You guys think BigWest will release a special 20th anniversary edition DYRL? I'm hoping that they do and that they put FB-2012 together with it in one special box-package, ala EVA-renewal. Won't that just r0x0r? :sigh: --treatment--
  10. yes. but it's quite different from the Movie-edition.
  11. I'm not sure if DigitalEyes still have stock or not, but here are their prices: http://www.animeonestop.com/anime-Details....?info=ANI002230 http://www.animeonestop.com/anime-Details....?info=ANI002231 http://www.animeonestop.com/anime-Details....?info=ANI002232 Send them an email to verify. --treatment--
  12. Bummer, man. I don't serve mp3's anymore. Fwiw, I'm not sure I have the Inside Story cd. I do know I have the Miss DJ and Macross Vol-4 (misa) drama-cd's.
  13. treatment

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I'm fervently hoping it's a kit. The classic Yammie-1J is already kewl and really don't have any QC-issues. Most of us already have them. Some of us even have more than one. It won't be kewl if it's a bundled-stuff.
  14. Uhmm, I like EVA and EVA-toys alot and all, but.... why is this thread in here instead of in the Other-forum? --treatment--
  15. treatment

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    hmm. will it be a kit-only release or a complete gpb-1j release next year? If it's a kit-release, then the FAST-pack kits for the older 1/60's should be released as well. I already have two 1/60 1J. All I need is the GBP kit. well, i need to complete the 1/48 line, too. but no moneys, yet.
  16. thanks for the replies so far. Tho I do have steady hands and have brush-painted stuff before, I am kinda leaning towards spray-paint this time as it seems more convenient and easier than a brush-on. I'm just not sure about which brand to get, as I've not really spray-paint a toy or a model. I see cheap sprays from testors. I still got a bunch of regular krylon, i think. Haven't seen a Tamiya spray, yet. Guess it's about time I find and visit the local model-shops (if any) around here.
  17. treatment

    HLJ Crazy Sales

    placed my order. havent ordered for awhile from hlj. not sure about their shipping. came up to 2600+g for weight on my order. we'll see if they charge me sal or ems on that. and how much. --treatment--
  18. So does this ruling really mean and affirms that Yamato toys (excluding the 1J) can be retailed here locally now without anymore undue interference from HG? I like to see a toy/anime shop again displaying both and not being harassed by HG. HG can retail their Robotech Macross-TV toys and Yamato can retail DYRL/Plus/M7/M0 toys. And all will be good. --- what's up with this thread's borked sizing? No wordwraps.
  19. It's sold out from the Walmart I visited earlier. bastards.
  20. I'm thinkin of finally paint-customizing some discarded chunky-monkeys re-issues and contemplating on getting some Hase-models in the near future, hence the question. Of course, it's the usual Max and Kakizaki colors stuff. --treatment--
  21. babelfish is always funny. great source of humor.
  22. This is a region-0/hk-bootleg dvd-review. The anime hasn't been licensed in Region-1. It's currently +ACQ-30 for 3-discs/12-episodes. My copy is of AC. Scores: -- Art [*] A : A pretty good Mahoromatic-esque character art here. -- Video [*] A : Colors are bright and vivid. Animation-level is standard. here're some snapshots of child Warukyure: adult Warukiyure: Warukyure and Katsuoto: -- Audio [*] A : good stereo mix -- Voice-acting [*] A : pretty good Kanon-esque vocals. -- Subtitles [*] B- : Fansub-quality, with some spelling-typos here and there in some episodes. Seems that Warukyure's and Haidori's were in translated Chinese-names ( Flower Akirei and Edla, respectively). Grammar structure gets a bit engrishy in some places. It's easily followable. -- Story and Presentation [*] A : The story is a sci-fi romantic/drama comedy. -- Fanservice: [*] B : There was a goodly amount of fanservice here being set in a public-bathhouse setting. Catgirls in maid-outfit. Naked human and anthropomorph girls. Lolicon-heavy. -- Verdict: [*] B : as long as you keep your lolicon-bias in check. Otherwise, it'll be a C-grade because of the lolicon-fantasy premise. : This is a very interesting series, to say the least. It's chockfull of fanservice. It's lollicon-heavy with some pedophilia-vibe that the series acknowledged itself. Despite it all, the series is funny and engaging. High-schooler Tokino Katsuto inherited and runs a public-bathhouse from his grandpa. He's managing it with his sister. He gets pretty much gets killed or mortally-injured in the first two episodes establishing the story. Warukiyure's the reason. She crashlanded her ship on the bathhouse and gets him killed/mortally-injured again while playing hide-and-seek. Warukiyure imparts to him part of her soul for him to survive. The consequence is that Warukiyure becomes a kid and Katsuto becomes her legal-guardian. Haidora's seems to be related to her and was fighting her until Akina (Katsuto's shinto-priestess childhood (girl)friend) put a spell on her and transform her into a child. It gets a little awkward, to say the least. Beware: The critical misgivings I have for this series was Warukyure's character-premise of child/adult transformation. It's a little unsettling as it conveys pedophilia-fantasy, despite the innocent understanding/acceptance of high-schooler Katsuto as the main lead guy in the story. That stuff pretty much distracted me at first viewing while trying to enjoy the series as it pretty much got to my head of "WTF?! That was too blatant!". Oh, well. I'm not sure if I'm being a little too overly critical of this series, even tho I enjoyed it. I just didnt appreciate the subtle implication of trying to justify lolita complex thru the Warukyure's transformation. Despite that critical misgiving, the series is really enjoyable. --treatment--
  23. This is a region-0/hk-bootleg dvd-review. The anime hasn't been licensed in Region-1. It's currently $30 for 3-discs/22-episodes. Some shops sell it up to $40 (not worth $40). There are several bootleg-versions of this show. My copy is of MI (Manga). You'll be better off getting it from the fansub-circuit. Scores: -- Art [*] A : A pretty good updated tenchi-esque character art here. -- Video [*] A : Colors are bright and vivid. Animation-level is standard. here's a snapshot of Shao-rin: -- Audio [*] A : good stereo mix -- Voice-acting [*] B : pretty standard tenchi-esque vocals. Ruan's vocal is Ayeka of Tenchi. -- Subtitles [*] B+ : Fansub-quality, with some occassional very minor spelling-typos here and there in some episodes. Grammar structure was pretty good for the most part in the early episodes of disc-1. Then it gets engrish-heavy in the last episode (the ruann cat-training episode) of disc-1. Disc-2 seems to start off with good grammar-subs again. -- Story and Presentation [*] B- : The story is about some variation of the Genie-myth. Very kid-friendly fantasy comedy. A little boring in the earlier episodes. No fan-service. -- Verdict: [*] B : This is a variation of the Genie-myth/story. You guys seen the 60's live-action sitcom I Dream of Jenie, right? Basically the same stuff, but set in the anime-standard high-school setting. Tasuke's dad sent him some Chinese artifacts that contain the moon-spirit and sun-spirit guardians. You got Shaorin as the moon-spirit and Ruan as the sun-spirit competing to be their master's, high-schooler Tasuke, only guardian and have his favor. Shao-rin becomes a student and Ruan becomes a teacher. They pretty much trash the high-school building (again and again) with their fights. The series drags along in the earlier episodes and really doesn't get interesting until Izumo (pretty boy adult shinto priest) got interested in Shao-rin. Ruan's an adult, too, btw. Tasuke's two buddies have crushes on Shao-rin and Ruan, respectively. I haven't finished all of this series, yet. I'm a little dis-interested with it at the moment. --treatment--
  24. meh! I'm gonna wait for AoD's actual review of this upcoming Mangle-package. I ain't gonna pay twice for the same crap as Mangle's Plus-movie. --treatment--
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