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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Yup. They did. The GITS:SAC SE-version is now price at $37.46 http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/ca...tem/62807/4/0/0
  2. TRSI pre-order page is up for Gits-SAC!!! Special-Edition for $44.96 at http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/ca...tem/62807/4/0/0 regular-edition for $18.71 at http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/ca...tem/62806/4/0/0
  3. Actually, "Anata o kanjite-iru - Mia Santi Ren" is on the Macross II OST Vol. 2 CD. It's track 17. Yeah, you're right. It was in OST-2.
  4. The song is Yakusoku (promise) and is included in the japan-only MacII OST-2 and in the Macross Character Songs cds. However, the dub-version of MII also featured a bgm just before playing the Yakusoku-song that I don't recall the title. The vocal-song prior to that bgm was Riding in Your Valkyrie, iirc.
  5. - Moichido Love You That song is not in the OST-1, but is in OST-2 and Macross Character Songs. - Anata wo Kanjiteiru is another (more elusive, rather) Macross-II Ishtar-song that's only available in the Macross Character-Songs cd and not in either of the two MII-OSTs. Most likely this is the one Ishtar-song you're missing since it has no lyrics available, iirc. CDJapan still sells Macross The Complete for $67 + s/h (typically $10 to usa), so it's around $77 in total.
  6. Macross The Complete contains music from the TV and DYRL only. Mac-II has it's own soundtracks. Two of them. The second-ost (japan-only) contains the missing Ishtar song.
  7. Great job, dude! Very nice.
  8. It's mostly a one-time-only routine and then it's all-region for the rest of the life of the player.
  9. heh! Besides my dvd-roms players, I'm using this standalone coby-215 since I know of the rather easy all-region hack for it . got it for like $30-$35 at Fry's late last year. Progressive, mp3 and some stuff. It doesn't have audio-5.1 outs, tho, like it's older sibling the 515, but I missed out on the sale on the 515.
  10. They've been doing that since '01/'02, iirc. As such, iirc, they were showing the painful dub-version of M-II back in '01/'02. Unless they changed and now showing the subs-version.
  11. Just hoping it's soon. oh, yeah. for the triplets-fanboys, here:
  12. Speculation is rampant right now that La Verite may get an R1-release since Geneon is listed. No official confirmations, yet, tho.
  13. Ai Oboete Imasuka aka DYRL.
  14. errr, it's "losing" coz the episodes don't come out quickly enuff.
  15. huh? what was that for? He's got the Minmay doll. THE MINMAY DOLL Most of us don't.
  16. bastard.
  17. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?HSG16
  18. It is preposterous to compare character development area betweeen Plus and Zero, since Plus had finished and Zero is still going on. Iow, since Zero is still not finished, character development is in progress in Macross Zero. Fwiw, here are the major character-developments in Zero so far, imho: [*] Shin: -- skills: from hothead ace F14-pilot to a grunting second-rate Valkyrie-pilot that's still adjusting to Zero's new multi-role combat capabilities and new combat tactics. -- emotions: from typical arrogant angsty loner to a more worldly and sociable dude that realizes and acknowledges the inherent conflict between old-world culture (mayan superstitions, myths, lore and laws) and new-world culture (technology and medical benefits) and strives to bridge the two for Mayan sake. Still sorting out his feelings with Sara and at the same time realizing Mao's rather-inappropriate advances. [*] Sara -- deadset against technology and outsiders. Slowly accepting Shin as a man, but still has reservations and hostilities about everything that is not Mayan, including her mixed emotions with Shin. [*] Mao -- Established opposite viewpoint against Sara's Mayan-only viewpoint. Developed first crush on Shin and realized her sister Sara is a rival. Sibling-rivalry.
  19. Nice! But I'm still saving up for the PG GP-01FB. I'll get that Wing-ka afterwards.
  20. Hey, Six. Nice idea for a Miria-pose. I haven't tried that posing, but I'm assuming it balances out good on the 1/60.
  21. Yeah. The purple-ness could very well be just the lighting-effects caused by the sunset. Quite a nice and realistic color-effect detailing, tho.
  22. re: Macross Plus "magic" "Magic", my ass. There is NO "MAGIC" in Macross Plus. Sharon was an Artificial Intelligence. Her normal functionality was enhanced with a rogue and dangerous man-made self-preservation system addition. That's it. Calling that "magic" is extremely stupid. re: Macross Zero I like it alot. The mysticism-angle in Zero was good. It was not corny. It was old-world culture (mayan) vs new-world culture (un/anti-un). Can't wait for the remaining episodes. The only thing I don't like about Zero are the upcoming Zero 1/100 scale toys. Why the heck didn't they do it in 1/48 scale instead? *sigh*
  23. I actually first noticed from my monitors (19" crt and lcd). Video-cards are ati, nvidia and matrox. Then I checked it on my tv's (sony and toshiba). Same purplish stuff instead of the prominent blue of the Max-1A. borrowing a pic from here:
  24. Is it just me? I was watching DYRL (for the nth time) and it just occurred to me. I don't have the dvd's with me right now, but I thought I saw Max's VF-1S as purple-striped, rather than the blue-stripes he's got with his 1A. I know there a shots of his VF-1S as having blue-stripes, too. His helmet was also purple while piloting his VF-1S. I guess I was wondering also why his Q-Rau was purplish instead of Blue-ish.
  25. excellent!
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