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Everything posted by treatment

  1. That's probably because you got a Son May (SM) release of OST 1 and not the original Japanese release of the CD.... lol! he paid too much then if he bought the Son-May boot. hahaha!
  2. here: Glitch on the Gits:SAC SE ost-cd.
  3. It's both the underwater-scene song and ending themesong of ep-3. You mean that's not on OST vol.1? Oh, man. That's one of the few tracks I'm really taken with. Good thing I still haven't bothered with the first disc, then. Correct. YanYan song wasn't included in OST-1.
  4. Just an fyi for those that bought Gits-SAC SE. The replacement-forms for the defective CD-soundtrack had been sent out thru email-notice. I got mine this morning. Note-1: this is only for the defective CD-soundtrack. The defective-DTS dvd procedures are still being worked on. Note-2: This is only for USA and Canada customers, unfortunately. Here's a copy of the notice/form.
  5. It's both the underwater-scene song and ending themesong of ep-3.
  6. just an fyi. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VICL-61518 maybe it has yan-yan.
  7. btw monkey-n, Long shot but , can you try this Valk-with-a-BFG-pose with an Armored-Valkyrie?
  8. damn! That is SO FRIGGIN' EXCELLENT and SWEET!
  9. It doesn't mention First-Pressing. Yet.
  10. damnit! no email-confirmation from my hlj-order, yet. but good to know it's out now.
  11. The standalone-disc is a complete waste of money. Even for an extreme Mahoro-fanatic. The Limited-Edition box and the figure, however, is a must for the Mahoro-fan, as it's sturdy and pretty enough to hold all your Mahoro dvd-volumes and the figure has interchangeable facial-expression and arm and a good display-piece.
  12. Space Balls is better. But alas . No Space Balls, no Last Starfighter and no Gataca means them scientists should watch more sci-fi movies.
  13. at amazon and Toys-r-us: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...pictures&img=14
  14. I think Mika did the opening and the closing songs in MII, but not Ishtar's songs. Hiroko Kasahara is listed as the one that played Ishtar and sang the Ishtar songs.
  15. I liked all those Emulators, but I loathed everything else. lol! You loathe even the excellent Ishtar japanese-songs? fwiw, the VF-2SS and the Gilgamesh were pretty rad mechas. The Metal Siren is just a kewl and fun blending of Gundam, Valkyrie and Super Saijin-ism. Wish they made a toy out of it.
  16. The only thing one needs to worry about the Bandai 1/55 valks is the "yellowing" effect. I haven't displayed my 1/55s for awhile now due to lack-of-space and have just kept them in their boxes.
  17. I read somewhere that it's now available at Best Buy and Circuit City @14.99. Not sure about other retailers like Target or Walmart, tho.
  18. I like it. Ishtar is just divine.
  19. http://frys.com/localframe.html
  20. Got it yesterday while visiting at Fry's. The region-1 is made by Miramax and contains [*] English-dubbed US-theatrical version [*] Original Chinese version (uncut) Video is wide-screen format. Audio is dolby-5.1 in both languages. No DTS-version. Soft-coded full and signs-only english-subtitles. From what I'd watched so far, the US-theatrical version cuts the opening locker-room sequence and goes straight to the penalty-kick. It also digitally-replaced the chinese-characters with english-spelling, i.e. golden-leg, shaolin calling-card/paper, No Peeing... etc. The english-dub was actually good and not like the horrible generic kung-fu dubs some of us were used to. Stephen Chow voiced his own character in the english-version. price: $12.99 until 8/28/04 (iirc), thereafter $14.99 @ Fry's. Don't know if BB and other retail stores have it, yet.
  21. treatment


    actually, that VF-2SS kit is a Bandai-valk. I own two. It's an HG, so it's easy snappable kit. The stickers sux, tho.
  22. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10223
  23. from the mpgs , it looks like radio-control/remotes.
  24. the mpgs rule, too. robots in actual motion battling! sweet! i want somebody to modify a yammie to do at least transformation-modes.
  25. As reported in Slashdot (www.slashdot.org), http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/2004/0810/roboone.htm man, i wish they had a motorized Yammie!
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