Got it yesterday while visiting at Fry's.
The region-1 is made by Miramax and contains
[*] English-dubbed US-theatrical version
[*] Original Chinese version (uncut)
Video is wide-screen format.
Audio is dolby-5.1 in both languages. No DTS-version.
Soft-coded full and signs-only english-subtitles.
From what I'd watched so far, the US-theatrical version cuts the opening locker-room sequence and goes straight to the penalty-kick. It also digitally-replaced the chinese-characters with english-spelling, i.e. golden-leg, shaolin calling-card/paper, No Peeing... etc.
The english-dub was actually good and not like the horrible generic kung-fu dubs some of us were used to. Stephen Chow voiced his own character in the english-version.
price: $12.99 until 8/28/04 (iirc), thereafter $14.99 @ Fry's. Don't know if BB and other retail stores have it, yet.