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Everything posted by treatment

  1. The OVA are pretty good. The English-dubs are actually pretty good and not even remotely robotech-dub (RT's one of the worst anime-dubbing ever). Macross Plus is one of the best english-dubbed anime out there. Too bad that Mangle screwed up the Movie edition with its vhs-dump, the hard-subs, and the lack of the excellent english-dubs. It would've been alot more awesome with the english-dubs in the more mature-scenes.
  2. The Caesar mech in BT was the Regult in the Avanti's Angel (Double-Blind) novel, iirc. I think the old sourcebooks had the arms for the Caesar, too. Weird. Tough time to find a pic of it since my books are all in storage already, but here it is from another site: http://eco.khstu.ru/HomePage/Wildratt/Batt...s/mchcaesar.gif
  3. What the....???? That Omega Supreme Energon looks eerily like the SDF-1 in ship-mode!
  4. fwiw, Max's VF-1S never had a blue-shield in DYRL. It's always black. Only his VF-1A had the blue-heatshield. Roy's and Hikaru's were the only ones with the dual-colors.
  5. Fwiw, he's the same Roy Focker from 20 years ago in Macross-TV and DYRL. He's old as dirt now, but he's still one of the premiere and best-known anime-vocals. He did tons of vocals in many of the famous anime-shows since the 80's besides being THE ROY FOCKER.
  6. Graham, It's been like 48 hours. What's keeping BigWest or Yamato from making any statements regarding this bootlegging?
  7. update: 3:49pm PST It appears to work fine now. Thanks for fixing it. or something. --- errr, scratch that. It only works if you're logged in. It still gets you to the first-post if you're not logged in. oh, well.
  8. I might pick up a Strike if I find one for a $1.50. yeah. i guess so. $1.50 for the whole set of six should be good enuff price for it. $1.50. that's Buck-Fifty, for the dollar-impaired.
  9. what? where did you read this? I'm guessing you mean the upcoming VF-1J-GBP (or the currently on-sale Super-1J Hikaru) and not the Hikaru DYRL-1A.
  10. hehehe Somebody oughta inform Toynami that the head-lasers of DYRL valkyries points forwards instead of their current rebadged-bootlegs' backwards TV-lasers. sheesh! fwiw, is anybody here really gonna buy these dyrl-bootlegs when these become available after Toyfare-2004?
  11. I'm not sure if anyone have reported this, yet, but when I click on the Get New Post link from any of the forum-topics in main, I get transferred to the first-post of the thread, instead of the last post or the newest post. I'm using Mozilla browser, fwiw. I'm not sure if it's true with IE or other browsers.
  12. heh! i'm finally getting my vf-2ss kits next week from hlj. wish me luck. i still am not sure what paint-scheme to apply.
  13. just wondering. It's one of the pinned threads in Toys-section. I guess it's alot more for Macross franchise than just DYRL.
  14. I just started a thread at AnimeOnDvd-forum about this pre-order announcement. I'm hoping that since most US/region-1 company-reps regularly visits and posts in AOD-forum that this particular issue may get escalated throughout and that we'll hopefully have more answers on what's going on with the DYRL-license.
  15. Fwiw, there is a new trailer with the Yukari-sensei and Chiyo-chan (same as the dubreview.com rip) english-dubs. http://www.advfilms.com/titles/azumanga/index.html forewarned: Yukari-sensei's dub is quite awful. I rather listen to MXC dubs.
  16. well, according to TRSI, here's the art-box. It's going to be a 6-disc series, btw.
  17. What about the Hong Kong release of Mac0, they have subs don't they?? They are a region compatable with the US. No offense to anybody in HK, but a lot of their subtitled crap sucks. I bought several and it's really fortunate if you find a couple of them comprehensible. To stay on topic, I think if Macross plus was able to make it through to the US via Manga, I think given the popularity of Macross 0, we'll see it a couple of years down. Not anytime soon though. Oh and, HG BLOWS! Ya i have kind of heard that about HK releases. But I guess its better than nothing till Manga (or someone else thats credible) releases into the US market I'd hate to bring the HG subject up myself... they don't blow... they BLOW GOATS Woops... did I let that slip? Mangle's credible???
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