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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Yeah. That's a ScopeDog from VOTOMS. No, it ain't a Gundam.
  2. Judiciously AWESOME!!! These Gundam-PODs reminds me alot of the old BattleTech-pods at the old Virtual World Centers, except completely updated with full 180-degrees view.
  3. That's what's wrong with Plus and Zero. No bridge bunnies. 325149[/snapback] Well, there's always Lucy in Plus. at any rate... The only things I like about M7 was Max's VF-22 and Milia's VF-1J appearance.
  4. In addition to my School Rumble post, I highly-recommend getting Honey and Clover Definitely serious-type anime, but really funny and with excellent characters.. Out on R2-dvd and fansubs.
  5. I didn't find anything childish about AOne's written view of M7. Aside from a specific and noted spelling-issue, it was rather well-written and quite objective to the point he was making.
  6. *sigh* MI == excellent. M7 == crap. I suggest that you use another anime-title that has long episode-count instead of sullying MI's reputation.
  7. the new trailer is kewl. tho that's a bad lag-time. the camera's an hpb!!!
  8. from http://forums.animeondvd.com/showthreaded....w=&sb=5&o=&vc=1 Just an fyi to other VOTOMS-fans here.
  9. uhmm, I actually did.
  10. That's exactly what I was gonna say. AND this isn't the first time someone has neglected to add the VF-4. What's wrong with you guys? hmmm. My memory's most likely hazy now, but in which anime-series did you guys see a transforming VF-4? The only time I had seen the VF-4 in anime was in FB-2012, i.e. Hikaru in fighter-mode.
  11. With only 20-items allowed for the poll, I tried to give each series a standard of three-valks. Fwiw, M7-series already has four choices instead of the standard three.
  12. This will cover only the valks featured/seen in all Macross-anime that transforms. You can also specify the variant if you want. Go Team Venture!!!
  13. lol! frickin' horrible. somebody having fun with a Sharpee. hahaha!!!
  14. another one: fact/myth: Myung Fang Lone of Macross Plus is korean source:: various fan-assumptions from online-forums, including MW-forum, because her name sounded and looks spelled as korean. reality: No. Myung's just from the Planet Eden. Her racial/nationality/bloodlines were not nor ever specifically mentioned in Plus. Per Compendium entry, she's half-chinese/half-white.
  15. That is true and is the result of that damn formal/informal indirection that japanese uses in their way of talking. However, the way Minmay uses nii-san in DYRL was the more formal/respectful form, so therefore she would've directly mentioned itoko as well as a follow-thru to make it clear that Kaifun was indeed a cousin instead of older-brother which the nii-san usually connotes. Oh, well.
  16. fact/myth: the YF-1R/VF-1R exists in Macross-universe source: robotech reality: NO! It does not exist in Macross canon-universe or alternate-universe(MII). Whatever "lineart-inspiration" tomfoolery the MPC-toy/Battlecry-game was cobbled from was most likely an animation/art-mistake similar to the infamous nosecone-lasers. --- fact/myth: there is a Gundam in Macross-universe: source: Macross II reality: Macross II is alternate-universe and the "Gundam-Valk" (aka Metal Siren) only exists in Macross-II.
  17. Kaifun is Minmay's cousin in the tv series, and recasted as her brother in DYRL. This is to simplify the love triangle for a 1-1/2 hour movie. 318868[/snapback] actually, according to the Macross Compendium : Fallacy: "Kaifun is Minmay's brother." Explanation: Kaifun is Minmay's cousin (with no blood relations between them). Minmay says Kaifun is a "cousin who is like a brother" to her in his debut during the first series. Source of fallacy: Assumption based on Minmay's name for Kaifun ("Kaifun-niichan"), an affectionate name for a brotherly figure. 319153[/snapback] Actually, the Compendium is referring specifically to the TV-series relationship, i.e. Kaifun-nii-chan. The DYRL-relationship is brother-sister, however, i.e. Minmay specifically referred to him as nii-san. Therefore, nhyone is correct.
  18. *sigh* JB0, I think you need to really need to re-watch Plus. Again. So that you don't make mistakes such as saying the YF-21 never getting hit by the X9 as "fact" or missing the scoreboard, etc etc. All of your counterpoints are pretty much wild speculations and wild guesses to try to argue about Isamu's or Guld's abilities or even the X9. Therefore, they are all null and void. Re-watch Plus. For your sake.
  19. Guess I need to report since it happened on my reply I posted up in the Movie-forum. So, just an fyi.
  20. hope the quote-system works. crap. it didn't. Uhmm, whatcha talkin' about? Both went after the Ghost. Isamu just got overruled 2-1 with Yang as the swing-vote. lol! No. Try not to pass your speculations as proof that Isamu couldn't handle the Ghost X9. As to your Hi-G stuff, it's non-sequitur. Isamu would've just use a different tactic against the X9. Guld didn't know anything else, so he went bruteforce kamikaze since it's his only option. Furthermore, skillwise, Isamu dominated Guld in every battle and contest between the YF-19 and the YF-21. There was the scoreboard to verify that. And again, Guld missed pointblank in the atmospheric freefall and missed with his final missile-barrage. Another speculation and cannot be proven since Guld's the only one who can control the YF-21 with the BCS/BDI system. Again, see my response above regarding your Hi-G speculation. It's a matter of knowing more tactics to use than just bruteforce. Huh? How did I say the test was rigged to make the YF-19 win? I don't see that in any of my posts. But to entertain you, Guld was the designer of the YF-21 and no other pilot knows how to work it. Unlike the YF-19, which lost 2-3 pilots prior to Isamu. Isamu proved to be the only one who can handle the YF-19. However back to the testing, that's just basic-piloting and synthetic tests for the YF-21 and does not compensate for actual combat-situations with other combat-variables. This is proven quite distinctly when Guld lost complete control of the YF-21 when Isamu's VF-11B popped up between him and the last dud-missile. Isamu never lost control of the situation. Think about that. Easy. It's called desperate gamble since Guld's tactics were insufficient to deal with the X9. Sure, he can follow the X9, but that's about it. The X9 pretty much tore his YF-21 apart and Guld's left with no other option but a kamikaze-run. Only because Isamu killed his engines while deploying flares. Otherwise he would have been 17 kinds of dead. This will be important momentarily. That's tactical superiority. Guld did not know that tactic at all, but Isamu does. That's a honed skill and applied to combat effectively by Isamu. Guld remembered something he had blocked, and realized he sucked as a person. He's allowed some self-pity. As a fighter-pilot or any soldier or even a welder for cryin' out loud, you are not supposed to lost focus and concentration. Otherwise, you're dead on the field quite quickly or you will cause the deaths of your comrades. That's why there's training to help avoid that specific situation. Military-training and experience in the case of Isamu. By the time Guld noticed the YF-19's shadow, it would've been too late had Isamu been bent on killing him like Guld was intent on killing Isamu. That's why Isamu had smirky attitude because both of them knew who has the superior position and there was no need to demonstrate it further. A. The YF-21 sensors were wired directly into Guld's mind. As soon as anything showed up on them, he'd see it just as if he was staring straight at it. And it's implied that the YF-21 has 360-degree sensor coverage. Guld had an unparalleled iew of the sky. Which wouldn't matter at all and is quite irrelevant since Guld did not detect Isamu at all until he saw the YF-19 shadow. Again, you're just doing some wishful thinking. Isamu had the superior position. Both of them know that when Guld finally noticed the YF-19's shadow. Because Isamu turns his plane off in mid-dogfight, and Guld had mental problems. Right. 316712[/snapback] hehehe
  21. With all due respect, Isamu never even TOUCHED the Ghost. In other words, the Ghost didn't hit Isamu at all. That's because Guld was just the designer of the YF-21, but he does not have proper combat experience/tactics like Isamu with heavy enemy engagement. Guld just wasn't military enough. lol! That's three strikes in a row to try to re-write what happened. Let's recap the final duel-scenes: - Guld missed with his missile-barrage. Completely missed. - Guld lost focus and control by thinking and being convinced that he got Isamu and he wallowed in self-pity. Bad move since Isamu was still alive. - Isamu was fully in control of the situation and let Guld wallow. Guld's done for if Isamu wanted Guld dead then and there since Guld didn't know where Isamu's status or location was. That's why and how Isamu was the better pilot than Guld.
  22. heh! I will have to differ with my list: top to bottom from the anime: DD Ivanov -- Roy really couldn't touch him. Roy Focker -- mad skillz. especially when drunk. Shin Kudo -- rookie with less time/more reluctant to train in the new VF-0 series, particularly in battroid and gerwalk modes. He did do the Cobra-maneuver and pretty much pwn3d Nora, who was more expert than him and did the same Cobra, but none of Shin's tactic. Isamu Dyson -- Excellent pilot. Made the YF-19 better than the superior YF-21 all because of his skills. Hikaru -- Fought Kamjin to a standstill. Went full-out kamikaze against the Bodolza fleet, survived and still managed to rescue Misa with his severely-wrecked Super-VF-1S in the Bodolza-battle (m-tv) Max -- loner and excellent on one-on-one battles, but not a team-player. Couldn't contain nor stop Kamjin's jacking of the enlargement-unit. Ran out of "bullets" in M7's final battle and was surrounded, iirc. Milia -- excellent against Zentrans, but totally got pwn3d by Max. Nora -- pretty good human pilot, but outdone by a rookie named Shin. Guld -- good Zentran pilot, but was outclassed and outpiloted by Isamu even tho he's got the superior YF-21. Had to go kamikaze against the Ghost-X9. Nexx (mII) -- Metal Siren's excellent pilot. Pretty good, but he's in an alternate-universe. and the 11th on my list is: Sylvie (mII) -- Pretty good VF-IISS pilot. Only Nexx is better than her in the alternate-universe.
  23. Since there's only 20-items allowed with this new forum-software, I could not add Veffidas for you.
  24. hmmm. 71 votes in. The current results are a little perplexing. The girls with issues (milia, misa) are leading the sexy girls (minmay, ishtar). well, keep the votes coming.
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