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Everything posted by treatment

  1. from the ep7 preview: As for ep6's content, it was good. I like the directorship on this with . It just really adds to the .
  2. Only the settings are superficially similar. Ain't recycled at all even at that. I think you're just trying to convince yourself that there are these "Points" that somehow only you recognized as recycled stuff and that coz of it, MF must then be recycled stuff in your observation. Which is really completely bullshit to most everyone else who both knows the story and stuff of Macross and even to most casual macross-fans. Don't you think most of us Macross-vets here would be criticizing MF as much as well when we actually do recognize the same things as you do and most prolly more than you actually recognized? Yet, it's the complete opposite right now. Most of us are glad and stuff there are superficial homages and that these homages are more than distinguishable enough to make Frontier really that different from SDFM-TV or even DYRL. No. Hikaru was duty-bound to be patrolling and specifically looking for bad guys. He was derelict of that duty by tuning in to the pageant that's why lolicon-3 snuck up on him. Alto was training in a supposedly secure training grounds with the Pixie squadron, and then Vajra directly folded out to confront them. Alto was not even supposed to fight them at all since he doesn't any live ordnance with him. Go figure.
  3. hmm. iirc, didn't Minmay got drafted heavily by the locals to join the first Miss Macross pageant for the morale of the trapped community? I don't think Hikaru ever pushed her or gave her any ideas about the Miss Macross pageant and stuff. In contrast, Ranka was pretty much heavily inspired by Alto to join it to realize something for herself and not for any community work. Another one is that Minmay, along with her singing talent, actually had a better body than Ranka, whereas the only thing Ranka had going for her in the pageant was her singing talent. Minmay was the town favorite, whereas Ranka was a nobody. Also, Alto is not anti-war as Hikaru. Hikaru ain't even attending highschool in SDFM-TV. I mean, really now.
  4. The mountain (or anything) ain't gonna move unless it's got a PC marking like in Zero.
  5. that's an interesting development. Well, as long as this news means I can actually find these Chunkies at the local TRU or Wally's or any other b&m that I don't have to pay shipping-fees and stuff, I'll be ok with Toynami.
  6. lol! I'm so quite very amused by the sudden misplaced prudishness being exhibited by some of the people posting in this thread.
  7. SWEET!!! I will damn surely be getting both. Especially the Max-1A. If Bandai brings out a Kakizaki-1A, I'll be getting it, too. Bandai better be sure to bring out the Hikky-1S as well. I'll buy two of 'em when they do! Oh, yeah. Bandai should also bring out the Elint and the Super-O, too.
  8. err, iirc, Mylene also wears some sort of funky headband, too. does that mean Mylene's a Zolan instead of a mixed human-meltran?
  9. I watched it on a HDTV set (westy-32w6) and my lcd-monitor (samsung 2220wm), alongside an old 19" crt. HDMI, DVI, VGA. However, I haven't watched it using Y/Pb/Pr connectors, so ymmv. At any rate, the graininess ain't that bad. Only at the beginning scenes of Britai and Exedol where the grain were quite noticeable. Unless of course, you sit and watch way too close at your hdtv or lcd-monitor ala watching a typical fansub. Even then, it depends on your display's calibration or, well, video-card / player settings.
  10. I prolly have missed it, but where exactly again did it state specifically that Macross Frontier is a direct sequel to Macross-7?
  11. Here's a shot of it: Looks like a A little bit different design from the Definitely not a .
  12. i just gotta add to the chorus here about ep4... the battle scenes were just wicked awesome!!! vs in a dogfight. Gotta luv that victory pose sight-gag. vs in that brawl among the wreckage! then vs in a all-out brawl! oh, and I'm pretty sure the dvd and BD versions will fix up the rather rushed/generic animated character-designs. The bouncy-bouncy in the dressing room was a nice touch! btw, am I the only one that thought the Frontier team were somehow paying homage to Gundam-0083 with the battle-scenes, wreckage background and the GP01-like ? Sacrilege, I know. But hey! I always thought the was an Aestivalis-move/homage, too.
  13. I, for one, welcome our new overlord!!!
  14. I honestly think the PS3 is still too expensive and still unjustifiable for me as a BD-player. Part of the reason is that I'm not into playing console-games and the PS3-games themselves are still expensive, However, it would be so much awesome win if the DYRL-game and any upcoming Frontier-game comes over to the PS3 domestically here in the US. Then and only then will I really put the cash out on purchasing a PS3 right away.
  15. it's all good. fwiw, as you prolly have seen already over at cdjapan, all of the previous Macross-TV soundtracks (vols 1-5) are being re-re-released again. so, yeah. lots of Macross merchandising are coming out again due to Frontier. Bandai and Victor really wants to milk out the franchise this time around.
  16. imho, even tho I agree with your reason, i still think that "unit leader" or "leader" would've been more appropriate since Ozma and the SMS are merc-units, therefore the Taicho-ranking should be clearly distinctive enough from the regular military rankings such as "captain".
  17. could be a case of the engrish. "Nome" was spelled the same in japanese in both the official Frontier Sheryl character-page and Zero's dvd liner-page for Mao and Sara (see pic-attachment*). * - scanner's broke, so camera-snapshot of it only. ;
  18. lol! i remember those Kurita/DraconisCombine-rankings in the back of my old BT-novels. at any rate, check this link out: http://www.uniforminsignia.net/index.php?p=state&id=150 the rankings are listed in the pre-J(g/m)SDF rankings, i.e. WW-II military-rankings. btw, Lucy clearly said "Tai-Sa" to Millard in the movie. Even Millard's office-sign states "Col. Millard Johnson".
  19. well, it depends if they are using naval or army ranking or some combination in both the SMS and NUNS. iirc, "sho-sa" is Major in army-ranking and Lt.Commander in navy-ranking. "Tai-sho" is General in army-ranking and Admiral in navy-ranking.
  20. I don't know about catalog-#'s for manga as I don't import them at all. You will have to rely on Graham or from our japan-based members for manga cat-#'s. As for CD's and/or DVD's, either BandaiVisual-Japan and MacrossF official websites, and/or CDJapan itself will list the catalog-#'s for audio and video merchandises.
  21. I highly suggest using catalog-numbers when shopping thru AmJ. Macross Frontier OST = VTCL-60060 OP (Triangler) = VTCL-35024 ED (Don't Be Late) = VTCL-35025 fwiw, I suggest getting the audio-cd's from CDJapan rather than AmJ, as the audio-cd's ain't discounted at AmJ like the DVD's. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VTCL-60060 http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VTCL-35024 http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VTCL-35025
  22. Still looks very fugly meh. can't help but contrast this new one with the original BlitzWing G1-toy that still r0x to this day! http://www.seibertron.com/toys/gallery.php...e=0&start=0
  23. It just went available at both Amazon-Japan and CDJapan: http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF...3002&sr=1-1 http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCXA-62 as expected, 26% off for preorders at Amazon-Japan. Remember all, this is Blu-Ray disc and not DVD.
  24. MacrossF BD preorders at amazon.jp.co: vol-1: http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF...8412&sr=8-1 vol-2: http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF...8450&sr=1-1 MacrossF R2-J DVD preorderse at amazon.co.jp: vol-1: http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF...9222&sr=1-1 vol-2: http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF...9324&sr=8-1
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