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Everything posted by treatment

  1. btw, check out the VF-27's feet. quite SV-51ish, no?
  2. 12-hours up now, eh? alrighty... feel free to copy these to the Klan^2 thread: a couple of mecha pr0n shots:
  3. for the Bobby the GAR fans in here... and of course, since the Nanase fangclub is lagging again, so here...
  4. nice episode, but... Other than that, the story flowed really well. Oh, and I'm not sure if the spoiler-free zone for pics have been lifted, yet, but here's a tease:
  5. I don't think they are talking about the R2-J Remaster set of Macross Plus.
  6. Well, you can wonder all you want, but it's really as simple as Bandai does not have to "acquire US rights" regarding Frontier to tell Youtube to disallow your upload. Remember, unless you're living in japan right now, you are not even supposed to have that content you're trying to upload. Even if you're in japan right now, you're not supposed to upload it anywhere, anyway.
  7. Uhh, why are you surprised about that? You do know that Bandai is one of the owners and is also one of the copyright-holders of Frontier, right?
  8. Yeah. The Nanase fan club members here are quite sagging, I mean, lagging.
  9. Uh, nope. That thing looks too much AFOS-ish. You gotta (re)watch Zero again and then compare. Especially the last episode, as you can tell the actual form (with skin) is really quite different from the Frontier lobsters. At least, with the lobsters shown so far.
  10. You so funny, mang.
  11. Yeah. I'm still wondering what kind of craft it was. Looks similar to a VF-4, but not really a VF-4 at all.
  12. treatment

    Macross Revoltech

    Don't have 'em, yet, but per HLJ, the Regult's 14cm tall. Which is about 5.5 inches in height.
  13. Graham or Shawn should put that up as the graphic for the main site.
  14. Man, this is why Ishtar's still the babe of Macross: Ranka's flat on the topside, while Sheryl's flat down the bottom.
  15. just gotta add Bobby the Gay-GAR in there.
  16. This episode gave me some speculative ideas about Frontier's storyline... Considering the opening GITS-like cyberization, I think is a character let loose against the NUNS colonial ships. He is in the same way as Sharon Apple was, I'm rethinking now .
  17. OMG! the ep7 battles were just Total Mecha Pr0n! and we're only at episode 7!
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