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Everything posted by treatment

  1. yup. otherwise, she'll be touching her groin instead. edit/add: here's a shot with the shoulders regularly closed-in and a pilot-moonshot, since she keeps popping forward from her rotated seat when in battroid-mode.
  2. i didn't. i may have to use some paste to keep her on her seat properly. or just put her in reverse for a mooning position.
  3. I just got my Milia-22s today and the one thing that bothered me most as a negative is that it's obviously back-heavy in battroid-mode so free-standing her will take a bit of an effort and balancing. She does stand fine on a regular pose, but mine was wanting either to do a bow and/or a split when I tried some wider stance poses. Prolly need to get a stand for her if you want her in exotic battroid-mode poses. Not sure if the Max/Gamlin/yf-21 have the same free-standing issues in battroid-mode since I have none of them, yet. As such, the Fighter and Gerwalk modes were relatively fine, tho. more add: another thing to watch out for is that the rear landing-gears don't have any detents on my Milia, so consider when in fighter-mode. You might as well check the VF-22S thread for more of the issues regarding the 21/22S.
  4. treatment

    1/60 Yamato Glaug

    nice. so it'll be like the Yammie Regult kit, right? that partial "6600..." is such a teaser.
  5. welp! the 2% stuff has ended and the exchange-rate's @ 82.84y right now, so i reckon you can order more stuff again. until the sale is over, that is. anyway, my Milia-22s via SAL should finally be arriving this week (fingers crossed!). decided to go ahead and order the Max-22s today, even tho I still don't have my Milia to really justify it. I reckon HLJ's inventory of the M&M's are prolly running out by now and reissues of 'em are unlikely the way the VF1v2 M&Ms went. :sigh: if only the yf-21's got a better sale-price...
  6. moar pix and stuff! http://www.dailyblam.com/news/2011/03/30/new-wonder-woman-tv-series-set-pics-reveal-changes-to-the-heroines-costume they went with the red boots and darker pants, but Adrianne's still a DAMN FINE HOTTIE! even her stunt-double's quite physically fit and not that bad, either... another vid: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/nick-allen/8417104/New-Wonder-Woman-in-action.html
  7. nice, but i'll just wait for the BD release. hopefully they finally make live-action Ikkitousen (at least Dragon Destiny) next after this. they really should!
  8. Yup. Exactly. During's the keyword. Like I said before, Frontier-BD was the best chance for Bandai to get around HG's continued blocking and trolling of the Macross-bridge to the US. Frontier was a new and native-BD production back then and the BD was highly anticipated since it's gonna be playable in US-players without any modifications. Not like the MZero-BD where they will actually cost them more to add english-subs post-production years after. As soon as I got my preordered Frontier-BD vol-1 and disappointingly discovered Bandai didn't put any english-subs still, I canceled all my remaining Frontier-BD preorders from AmazonJapan. There just wasn't any point for me to support the title anymore. http://macross.anime.net/production/animation_live_action/plus/index.html http://www.onlineghibli.com/hear_the_sea/
  9. welp! Here goes my current valks using their stands to give you more ideas. fwiw, the Yammie-block can actually support the weighty Roy-0S with the Ghost booster with not much of an issue. I just prefer it hoisted up on the Yammie-arm. just hope Yamato-Toys bring back the Yammie-blocks. To me, they're good enough for valkyrie/fighter-modes even tho they're damn relatively cheap. for now, however, the rather expensive Yammie-arm is the only one available on sale. I think the flightpose-stands are a bit much cooler, tho. Bummer I don't have a 21, yet, to test on the yammie-block. My Milia-22s is still in transit, but I don't think it supports the yf-19/yf-21 armor-foldildo thingy. Hmmm. maybe I'll just unbox my old 1/72 yf-21fp instead. nahh...
  10. And like I said, that's BS. Subbing-cost will be insignificant and will be not a factor when producing them during the BD-creation. Actually, you don't have the relevant titles that's why you didn't know what you're talking about. Your point doesn't stand at all since even I can't believe you forgot about Macross Plus stuff. I thought I didn't have to, but check my attachment. Tell me where you can find an earlier licensed R1 edition of that in the US.
  11. Err, you missed the point. Bandai was heavily pushing BD back then as their primary media and Frontier was the best title at the right time that had the best chance to really show off the tech that that is capable of including multiple subtitles. Bandai elected not to add subs on it. Iirc, there were some data that showed Frontier-BD actually had significant import-sales. say what? :sigh: So you just don't have any Ghibli R2J-dvd's in your possession, then. Moving on. Macross Plus had english-dubs and english-subs when it was first released in the States. I believe there was even an international-version from Japan that had either a dub or subs or both. When I got my remastered Plus-box, it didn't have any english subs or dubs. So what are you were saying again?
  12. I'm sure many of us will be happy if they can finally distribute the Macross titles with english-subs on 'em on shiny media (dvd and/or bd) for us to purchase. Until then, however, skepticism will continue.
  13. WTF? why does it have to be a set? When Frontier BD were first being produced and released, Bandai could've elected to add english-subs on it. They didn't. Seriously? You're going off tangent here. Nobody's talking about any dubs here. fwiw, I've got a couple of Studio Ghibli dvds imported from Japan when the SG/Disney dvd-titles started appearing in the States. They both have english-subs. They both do not have any english-dubs. They're both not even available in the States. Afaik, one is not even part of the deal with Disney at all. Additionally, I did specifically mentioned that Bandai do produced movies and ova's, too, like what SG's been doing. The point is, SG's philosophy seems like they don't mind people importing their titles from japan and accomodate them by at least including english and even french subs. Even if their titles are already available in Europe and the States. Bandai, on the other hand, just want to sell to their japanese base, so no english-subs at all.
  14. Sorry, dude, but no. it's 2011 already. They better put something official out based on that interest, or it's just yet-another-shenanigan. at least BigWest had the balls to have announced Sunward back in the day, even if Sunward was still-born.
  15. I may have to call bs on the programming/timing/etc/etc. When you have your production-facilities and stuff, those things are insignificant trivialities. so fwiw, Studio Ghibli's have always had english-subs on their DVD even before the massive influx of money from the Disney-licensing. Iirc, Studio Ghibli doesn't even do any subbing other than the actual dialogues and titles themselves. They don't even sell nor include much of any merchandising like Bandai does on their titles. Sure, SG only make movies/ova's, but so does Bandai, too. Has anyone seen an official english-sub on the Frontier-movie?
  16. What's damn funny in all of these crap is that we got Blu-Ray tech now. Japan and US both are in region-A. So far, none of the Macross BDs have any english-subs. Bandai can just add them at minimal or even at no cost at all. There are english-translators/subbers in japan that they can pay peanuts for the subs. Yet, still no english-subs on Macross BDs. Most likely none planned for any future Macross-titles yet to be released in japan, either. They can't use the excuse that HG's got the trademark since it doesn't apply in Japan. What is up with that?
  17. meh. If that's their official excuse, then they need better lawyers. There's a bunch of 'em. They prolly already have a lot of better lawyers in-house. They just didn't want to use 'em or go thru with it. And why only in 1999? II and Plus were out before then. Why not before or since? M-Zero even got a bunch of redesigns to distinguish it from previous Macross-properties, but Bandai just sat on it. They weren't making toys for it, anyway. Bandai just really didn't care about Macross. They were pushing the Gundam-platform into the US very hard into establishing that. To them, it makes more business sense. They're (still) Japan-centric, and the sad fact is, Macross just ain't that big in Japan compared to their other stuff. Macross was prolly deemed as a nightmare of an investment for them and a viable competition against their Gundam-US stuff. And that's even before any legal fights against HG. M-Frontier presents an interesting conundrum with Bandai. They've heavily invested on it (media, toys, concerts, etc) and from all indications, is a bonafide commercial hit in Japan. Will that be enough to push Bandai to finally bring a Macross property into the US and challenge the current Macross status quo? Who knows. For me, Frontier sucks rotten eggs, but more power to Bandai if they can get that title and its toys here in the States. Right now, HG sits rather cozy and pretty with the trademark. They don't have to do anything. They most likely can't be sued directly since they're just a sub-licensee, courtesy of Tatsunoko. At the same time, BigWest is most likely content of not having their properties here in the US at all just to spite HG. We fans still continue to import media and toys despite the horrid exchange-rate, anyway. Oh, well...
  18. nothing to dream about. Bandai's just too chickenshit to do the right thing of finally distributing their Macross-license here in the States. They just won't challenge HG for the license, trademarks, etc. They're scared of any litigation coz it'll cost money either way. Bandai would rather and would vastly prefer to sell you their Gundams and other crapola titles/toys instead. BigWest can't do poo, either, since they don't have any distribution unit other than their contract with Bandai. Victor might have some logistics like Bandai, but Victor just care more about the more lucrative music-licensing gig.
  19. roflmao! that's 1200 in pennies, right?
  20. now we just need him and/or somebody else to paint and display another one in shiny proper Macross Plus style and colors! complete with a Sharon Apple, too! then another one in Macross-II style...
  21. bummer! Anyway, yeah. Despite being floppy, the 0S is just damn awesome. Without even attaching the Ghost, even. In contrast, I think the 0A will only be ok (at least to me) if it has the Ghost attachment.
  22. those look like the crappiest valks i'd ever seen... just joshing with yah, dude. anyway, setup-a should inflict the most damage since those are damn nukes on the wings. unless they're duds...
  23. I guess you're really that serious, eh? sometimes, tho, it does help to check authors and publication dates of stuff to avoid inducing facepalm moments... anyway, back to the RT comedy-thread.
  24. coz they really want to show man nipples in 3D!
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