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Everything posted by treatment

  1. just saw this on tfw2005.com: http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=11070 seems like The Ark of DOTM is a FAIL... ... Also, I was at Target earlier and they have a couple of Sentinel for like $42.something. Unfortunately, I was quite underwhelmed with it, so I passed. No Shockwave or Thundercracker in sight.
  2. For me, I'll prolly wait for the Blazer version. Maybe it'll have the fixes and improvements. Don't really care that much about the Kai, anyway. D'OH!!! That's a very nasty breakage.
  3. lol! I like that subtle Big Mac background.
  4. Unless I'm missing something from your post, I don't think there's anyway to attach or even secure the unscrewed lower-bit of the gerwalk-adaptor into the battroid-adaptor to adapt it for use with the yammie-block. They are of different sizes. Maybe you can post pics of how you did it?
  5. The clear-canopy thing at around the 2-min mark is a bit interesting: edit: damn frickin' IPB doesn't seem to embed the yt-link properly, so here's the actual url for the 2-min mark: can anyone verify if the dude just didn't lock it properly or if the canopy just will not close/lock when the pilot-seat is switched/turned for battroid-mode.
  6. The YF21/VF22 can be posed in Fighter and GERWALK modes with the Yammie-blocks. Unfortunately, there seems to be no appropriate adaptor to use to pose it in Battroid-mode with the Yammie-Block or even with the Yammie-Arm. At least, none that I found from the adaptors-bag that came with the Yammie-Arm. You'll have to freestand it or use the sv-51 stand for Battroid-mode poses.
  7. prolly coz it doesn't contain the McDonald's logo...
  8. Macho Man is gone. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2011/05/20/pro-wrestler-randy-macho-man-savage-dies-car-accident-report-says/ RIP.
  9. Well, M7 mecha are decidedly more popular over there in Japan since it's relatively more recent/still-in-memory and the japanese-fans are just damn crazy weird about M7, I reckon. As much as I like to have a Spartan have a chance, I rather urge Yamato to do the VF-0D Shin instead.
  10. sorry if already been posted, but ... from http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_095/
  11. hmmm. sorry, but in that pic... the Kai really looks like a clown next to the 11b. better get bettah pics than that.
  12. yup. title-change is needed. just coz Milia's variant is an S... you might want to repeat that for those that didn't read it the second time...
  13. Nope. My first order was already shipped before I did the second order.
  14. Nicely done! but you should really get the 1/60 Max-1A TV, too... Also, major props to Frogze for the hilarity!
  15. I'm tellin' y'all. The studliest 1A ever. Even in the simplest of poses...
  16. well, so much for trying to stagger my purchases. both my orders' payments got posted last friday from my card, even tho my first order was pre-Golden Week and my last order was days after Golden Week. Should've just ordered both at the same time to save at least $5 or so on the shipping cost.
  17. yeah. that was weird when it got locked. was it really taking that much attention and posters away from the VF-19 Fire Valk thread?
  18. sale's almost over, guys. am personally still debating myself whether to get a yf-21 or a kaki-tv...
  19. no. it's gonna be similar to/improved-upon this old mold: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_bandai_vf17d.htm
  20. nice news! i want the Milia-variant asap!
  21. i guess you were just looking at the not-correct places. it's even on-sale right now: http://www.hlj.com/product/CMS65031 you might try risking ebay if you just want the specific Max qrau-figure.
  22. The Max Q-Rau figure is in the top pic. Maybe you missed it. Due to Golden Week, my SVF1A-Max ain't here, yet. It's slated for the Skull-Team top-shelf, tho. Waiting for a re-release of the regular Max-1S since the Weathered MAX-1S is way too overpriced. Never like the Virgin Road Max...
  23. getting a bit claustrophobic, but still missing the 1J's-v2... edit: another shot added
  24. ROFLMAO!!! that was totally funny, dude. guess the Bandai Quarter needs viagra... :lol:
  25. just saw this:
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