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Everything posted by treatment

  1. pretty pic for both. now it's a matter of which one gets loose and floppy first from purchase/delivery-date...
  2. wally's got alot of both Shocky and SkyHammer voyager-class dotm-figures for $18.77 lately. I bought Shocky right away, but will get SkyHammer's next week, as he looks pretty kewl in his box. Anyway, a little disappointed with the Shocky-dotm. his cannon/mechteck can be put on his left arm, but Hasbro prolly deliberately made it insecure on it. The "hose" is a bit too short (when connected to his back) and the arm/shoulder are bizarro in design, which makes it challenging and limiting to properly pose Shocky's cannon pointing straight or up without the cannon being a rather ugly sideways contraption. His cyclops translucent-eye trick is very neat, however. anyway, here's his shot along with Alternator Shockwave: edit: added Shocky-dotm solo shot.
  3. welp! last quick shot of my VF-shelf for the year since i'm reboxing them up for storage again:
  4. nice promo. crappy flash/lighting. wait. is the nosecone supposed to be "raised" like that, or is that a gap in the tummy?
  5. The VF-0A has now been added to the sale with the pricing of 9240y: http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00042
  6. ouch! didja tell them yamato-toys people about it? what's their reply?
  7. currently, i got more dyrl-valks (v2) than any. simply because I missed out on the various TV-valks and the other lineups are damn expensive. ; as such, favorite lineup is still DYRL v2. still wish they'll reissue the ones I missed out on in both TV and DYRL lines.
  8. hey, uhh, anybody knows what happened to the poll in my last thread?
  9. so, in addition to the toys poll-thread, here's where we break down your 1/60 collections inventory. note: the old 1/60 vf1-v1 line are totally disqualified. i just don't think you really want to dig 'em out anymore. other than that... the old yammie 1/100 vb-6 and Bandai VB-6 both are included to pad the destroids-line. the upcoming YF-29, VF-X, and AngelBirds are also included. the Q-Rau's are included! it's at the bottom due to the 20-choices limit. the VF-17 and Blazer VF-19 are not included, as they are prolly still on early CAD designs. apologies if I'd missed a particular 1/60. go Mecha Shiva! edit: hmmm. what happened to the poll???
  10. updated first post to use direct links to the valks and the quarter.
  11. just out of stats curiosity. you can list whatever you have only as long as it's been seen in any of the anime series. in whatever scale. so, stuff from games, manga, magazines, etc, that did not appear at all in any of the anime series are disqualified. of course, MII might be severely disadvantaged since it seems to only have one toy ever produced from it, but oh well. it's still included in the poll-choices. go team venture!
  12. bummer.
  13. yeah, but I think you know that's not really the yammie-arm or the yammie-block. that's the yf-21 stand that came from the first-ed, which is the clear-version of the black sv-51 stand. i was hoping you got the a pic of the 21/22 battroid adapted on the yammie-arm or the yammie-block.
  14. you got a pic of that adapted to the stand (either yammie-arm or yammie-block or both)?
  15. so it popped out of the peg by itself, right? sounds like it was somehow already rotating out and then just slid off the guide stubs by itself. not sure if it's normal, but just plug it back in. it should still be tight enough. anecdotally, both my Max and Milia popped their left legs out when I transformed them for the first time. as such, i thought i was the only one who seem to always start out pulling with the left leg unconsciously/subconsciously.
  16. what exactly do you mean "fall off"? do you mean "easy to detached while pulling out from the storage bay" ? yeah, I'm a little confused as what twich means with "fall off", too.
  17. it ain't not glowing, is it? just kidding... could be just some packaging sealant or something. No. Just. No. Don't even think about it, yamato-toys.
  18. doesn't even need any stands nor any special poses to be awesome badass...
  19. we need more comparo pics of the Kai with the yf-19, as I'm getting confused as to how really tall the Kai is against Alpha-1. http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_095/img/photo23b.jpg http://higehobby.web.fc2.com/review/04_robo_gokin/gex_fire19/gex_vf19f_024.JPG also, that higehobby-pic above is hilarious in trying to make the taller than it should aesthetically be.
  20. weird. your's prolly the first one I'd read about having gerwalk-issues with the 22. seems like hlj's vf22-stocks have gone progressively worse since the first editions. could you post a pic of the issue in the vf-22 thread?
  21. why would you want another floppy MacF-valk from Bandai?
  22. :sigh: enough with your non-VF19 shenanigans! let's get back to the clown...err VF19 Kai-specific discussions and pics!
  23. sale-page to check for remaining inventory/quantities (valks at the bottom rows, while quarter's at 2nd-row): http://www.hlj.com/scripts/specialsale/?GenreCode=Sci&fb=0 direct links: Kakizaki-dyrl -- 5880y Kakizaki-dyrl-fp -- 7680y Cannon-Fodder VF1A -- 5880y YF-21 -- 9776y DX Macross Quarter -- 9900y VF-0A -- 9240y also, there's a piddly 20%-off fedex shipping from 5/27 until 6/24 jst. edit: direct links added edit2: VF-0A added edit3: sale-price over for yf-21. back to regular 15980y pricing.
  24. hlj's been trying to sell their yf-21 inventory for around US$155+ (ems) in their past couple of sales this year, regardless of the exchange-rate. this seem to be their third attempt to offload it at the same 48%-off cut. why don't they just cut the pricing further down to 65%-75% off instead of doing that now-familiar 48% off yet again?
  25. The comments at TFW2005 were quite interesting.
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