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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Yeah. Isamu luvs the boobies. There is no doubt. In contrast, Basara loves...something hard and something long. He loves playing with it, too. Alot. Basara also loves screaming. in a very girly-scream manner. Alot.
  2. The Hikky-1S with the Strike-FP, imo. but if you must have the 1J, oughta get the Grey-visor edition instead of the regular white-visor edition. coz the grey-visor is just much kewler. especially with the GBP. edit: hah! see eugimon's GBP-pic above.
  3. is the MP-10 trailer compatible with the MP-1? obtw, i've been seeing lots of Generations series-4 at wally's lately. well, except for Warpath.
  4. It's all about Ishtar to me. She's still the top Macross-Babe for me.
  5. that is just completely utter nonsense. I think some member(s) here bought the old International Version, but I always thought they were the same Animaze-dub that MangaEnt used in the R1.
  6. obtw, besides the theatrical/DC/UR/Spe, there's also the specific Criterion editions. fwiw, i still haven't bought nor seen the recent non-Criterion BD of Brazil.
  7. I luv the Blade Runner collector's edition and I reckon that's how releases should be. That edition contains all the known official versions of the film. However, it seems like it's the biggest exception to this issue. Not really sure why Lucas don't want to include the theatrical originals (at very least, the original trilogy), alongside his new-and-improved versions. I mean, it prolly will give him even more profits and very much less rage directed at him and his shenanigans. :shrug:
  8. meh on this official SW-BD shenanigans. i really rather get the BD edition of this: http://winterson.com/2009/01/episode-iii-backstroke-of-west-redux.html
  9. well, it is a desktop-thread, not a wallpaper-thread. can't upload the skin, but you can try searching for "Desiree_Chang.wsz" for winamp2-versions and/or get the http://www.skinbase.org/rate.php?skins=17860 for the winamp3-version. anyway, i usually switch from anime to non-anime wallies every few months or so, hence the monotony-thingy. here's the clean version for my current non-anime wallie:
  10. attempt to break the monotony...
  11. Thanx, dude. Wasn't really keen on the cybertronian version since I already have classics Bumblebee.
  12. so, been reboxing some stuff and noticed that my Decepticons badly need more familiar members to go against my Autobots...
  13. hah! finally got Warpath from the nearest local Target ($12.49) today and he's just f*in AWESOME! They stock up on generations. Lots of Warpaths, WheelJacks, Kups and Scourges. There was also a single Thundercracker. They finally got rid of Skullgrin off their shelves! YAY! Guess I'm just missing Grapple and Windcharger. Oh, well. Hasbro should bring out a generations-class Blitzwing already!
  14. aside from Macross, my 80's collection are pretty much just: Maison Ikkoku anything based on Mitsuru Adachi manga Kimagure Orange Road Urusei Yatsura bubblegum crisis/megazone/votoms/gundam/project a-ko/orguss/gunbuster (how can i forget listing GB???) cream lemon outside of that listing, the rest of the 80's anime are meh. imho, of course.
  15. :sigh: i'll just say...
  16. No. Not only is the correct terminology is important, but also the implementation of that terminology is also significant. Just so that we all know what is actually being discussed and people don't get the wrong idea to get on a completely different tangent. I think you're the only one being hardheaded here because you simply just got the wrong idea in the first place. All of which have nothing to do about wishing SS is more streamlined or making Jetfire's crap tolerable. See what you just wrote there? That's not the "kibble" being talked about. That's why you're in your own separate confused little world in this thread.
  17. oh for the luv of Shammy... take off the non-Macross stuff in this thread!
  18. i think knoted just like to justify his bizarre preference for kibbletastically fugly TFs by being delusional about the Valkyries' supposed "kibble"-ness. by moving his goalposts too much, i don't think he actually knows what "kibble" even means at this point anymore. that is, if he even knows what kibble means in the first place.
  19. Both Target and Wally's over here have been stocking up on those. Was surprised to see two WheelJacks last weekend. Except for WarPath. But. They are still stocking up on their favorite SkullGrin.
  20. Since I got both... The 1/60 v2 DYRL-valks Skull team are "off-white"/"dirty-white". Not grey nor light-grey nor very light-grey. The TV-valks are "bone-white"/"clean-white". I like to call 'em smudge-magnet, actually.
  21. The Lizard is now officially confirmed in this reboot: http://herocomplex.latimes.com/2011/07/22/comic-con-meet-rhys-ifans-the-lizard-of-amazing-spider-man/
  22. still meh on the costume, but... that trailer is such a wicked tease. really projecting a darker reboot. if they really do go dark with this reboot, poor Gwen...
  23. yeah, but, uhhh, the exchange-rate's already at the abysmal 79.03y and still going down even further...
  24. Saw it. The non-3D edition. Was so stoked when Shockwave actually The downsides were: --- The good stuff are: --- The stuff that could've been better: Overall, actually a pretty kewl movie to watch in the theater. At least, the non-3D version I saw.
  25. surprisingly scored these today at wally's:
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