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Everything posted by treatment

  1. my godson already got the Nitron on his b'day, but the rest of my nerf-capable little nephews are getting these for x'mas to challenge him.
  2. damn, dude! where the heck were you? they've been on the perennial discounted-sale at hlj regularly for the longest time this year and last year. if you're not gonna take Jenius' offer, might as well wait for the annual HLJ macross winter-sale. --- btw, do we have confirmation that Yamato will definitely make and sell the Miila-17 or is it gonna be just a forever-prop like the old 1/60 Monster?
  3. damn clickity awesome! gotta luv the chunkiness of it.
  4. fyi. Fry's have been stocking lots of the Generations Series-4 TFs (warpath, thundercracker, kup, wheeljack, and scourge). they also have the IronHide MechTeck red-version for $19. haven't spotted Junkheap or SkyShadow, yet.
  5. i reckon most of you fans of there in HK also don't have to pay the exorbitant shipping-costs that us fans over here have to always seriously consider.
  6. hmm. the only macross-toy I bought that was truly meh was... The Yamato Launch Arm Display Stand . It was way overpriced when it was first introduced, and still overpriced even on sale-price. This chunk of meh was just...meh. Reasons: The clamps don't clamp and are pretty much damn useless and wasteful. It can't hold a valk with FP like what we all saw in DYRL. Which is just damn stupid since that's the main (if not the only) purpose of the clamps! no adaptor-support for the VF-22 battroid-adaptor. srsly! wtf, right?! Did I mentioned they're too damn overpriced even at sales-price? what's up with that, yamato-toys?!
  7. of course, it does. why would it not? when it's standalone, it's a Ghost. when paired with the VF-0, it's a Ghost-Booster. Heck! The old A-version was called Ghost.
  8. nice pics. you guys really have time to put this kit all together?
  9. i thought the biggest sin of Bandai is making web-exclusives stuff?
  10. all i can say is, i'm really getting sick of seeing tons of Kup and even more tons of the DOTM-line in Le Targe and Wally's. srsly.
  11. the original VF-0A's shoulder-debacle was pretty much documented here, but i honestly don't remember much of any discussions about the specific Shin-0A/Ghost bundle other than it's friggin' expensive back in the day.
  12. as for the topic in hand, this vf25-v2 is quite an improvement over the v1. for the simple fact of no more viagra-needing headlasers!
  13. uhh, dude. you're just really making stuff up now with that bolded part. how could you even dare say with a straight face that anybody here picked the MPC over the yammie-v1??? i don't even remember you here in this forum back when the yamato-v1 was introduced and all of us bought it and made the 1/55's over-inflated cost and value dropped like a lead balloon faster than speedy gonzales. not even sure why you're even mentioning the 1/48 since it's not even the same scale and released far after the yammie-v1. don't we have some timeline stuff here in the forum?
  14. just saw this: http://www.hlj.com/s...;header=macsale1011 ends 11-17-11 6pm, it says...
  15. Very nice! Never seen any TM-HOTAS paired up with a laptop until your pics. I would get a 24"/27" monitor for it. To play Mechwarrior-games. Still, definitely would be awesome if AC supports that setup.
  16. possibly that and well, the (general lack of) QC on the Milia-22 could be another reason.
  17. oh, that is nice! never got the original wally's (gotten Skywarp, tho) so i'm gonna totally stake this out better when wally's or amazon gets the US version. don't really care about the cape and crown, tho.
  18. MP-11 "Ster Scream" at 10400y preorder-pricing at http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT42286
  19. latest, with a couple of preorders: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/japanese-transformers-40/mp-11-masterpiece-coronation-starscream-official-and-up-for-pre-order-173605/ wonder if Hasbro will do a US-version. hoping the scalpers don't ruin the supply yet again.
  20. ah, i see. that would be a really interesting statistic if Graham can somehow finagle it from yammie-toys just how much us gaijins represent in terms of purchasing-stats. also, just how much exactly does Yammie-Toys market/advertise/availability wrt their macross-toys over there in japan? can't be just that they're all concentrated in akihabara only, right?
  21. i like it! but i'm priced out.
  22. uhh, maybe the fact that not everybody has money to willingly spare/spend on it given the crappy exchange-rate is more like it. not everyone's rich nor want to go and stay in credit-card hell forever. personally, i'm still hoping the VF-11B goes on a really good sale. like US$100 shipped. in the meantime, i rather get me an Onkyo-509/609 with my remaining funds instead...
  23. aside from the springs, this thing's pretty much all-plastic. no diecast, afaict. ratchety and clickety, tho. which is damn kewl! did the orange japanese-edition have any diecast? anyway, more pics!
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