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Everything posted by treatment

  1. yeah. nice, but will prolly wait for the FP'ed editions instead. or unless there's a good sale...
  2. thanks! trying to keep my NAS from spiraling out of control. tho i reckon i still want a nice dedicated macro-lens to complete my set and still am lusting after the D800. it's really a good thing that most Nikkors and stuff are almost always both out-of-stock and prohibitively expensive. all wants, never really an actual need.
  3. most likely gonna get the DYRL-CF when price becomes reasonable. don't really need the accessory-parts for it, tho. however, definitely getting another Hikky-1S. FP's are damn required! btw, does anybody know if the accessory-parts are gonna be offered separately? highly unlikely and stupid to get another set of the DYRL Skull-team just to get them parts.
  4. hmmm. me just put me current pixies in: https://picasaweb.go...gCO-wyZ2W4dnzJw camera: nikon dinky-3100 lens: nikkor 35mm-f1.8/18-55mm-VR/55-200mm-VR, tamron burrito 70/300mm VC. tripod: dolica st-500 bag: tamrac 3537 oh, guess i should post a pic: Nikkoe 55-200mm VR lens used on a rainy nite...
  5. ehehehe! just got my 1/60 Isamu 11b, and it's really frickin' awesome!
  6. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-generations-classics-30-35/generations-voyager-soundblaster-with-buzzsaw-revealed-175015/ awesome!
  7. Plus OVA/Movie were funded by BigWest, Victor, and Manga Ent. doesn't it always depend on which particular otaku-subgroup are being aimed at?
  8. btw, is it just me or is that Hasbro trailer a bit small-ish in perspective view? is it really that small on the Takara version?
  9. well, hey now! if this gets priced under $90 and readily available from amazon and wally's, i'll be getting it. Along with Soundwave voyager-class and that, well, lameass Bruticus there... oh, and hasbro's mp-10 better not be another scalper-friendly TRU-exclusive.
  10. yeah. it just really isn't what it used to be. just look at the new generations of fans. am pretty sure us fans of the older series wouldn't be doing this shenanigan: http://www.animenews...hich-do-you-eat srsly, Frontier-fans? W T F ?!
  11. well, each LE might or might not contain a used panty of each of the bridge bunnies. if you're really really lucky, you might even get the superubersecretle-doubleprobation combo used-undies pack of Minmay's + Milia's and Misa's...
  12. heh! finally ordered the VF-11B. still pricey, but don't think the price will ever be as low as 9400y. really tempted to get the TV-Roy, but already preordered the upcoming new options-equipped version. and, man! the Hikky-1J's already backordered and that doesn't even come with the grey-visor and/or the option-parts! this mecha's just so beloved...
  13. somebody should give Phalanix that red panic button...
  14. Not really sure what you're talking about regarding DYRL looking gruesome on 70"+ tv's. Either your tv, or your dvd-player or you dvd-copy (original and/or hd-remastered version) just ain't up to snuff. Or maybe you're just more into newer digital productions like Gundam UC. You just might wanna show a screenshot or two of your tv when playing dyrl to explain what you're talking about. In contrast, I do expect Macross-TV (both animeigo and adv versions) to look rather unsightly (upscaled or not) on bigger tv-screens due to the fugly outsourced productions and animeigo's fondness for oversaturating the colors.
  15. the screenshot was from a fansub of dyrl-dvd. think there's also an old howto here in MW before on how to add correct english-subs/script on your copy. that said, the official BD of DYRL will not contain any english-subs. at least, it's not listed in the available specs. bottom line is, you got way more options now than to solely rely on purchasing bootlegs.
  16. you don't need to get any "subbed" version of dyrl coming out of China.
  17. emo-helmet on dude. pony-tail helmet on blue. pigtails-helmet on yellow. and all three have... towels? totally facepalming getup, but gotta admit that it is funky! kinda...
  18. yah, know. wonder if Yamato will re-issue the Focker Strike-1S with the accessories. thought I remember it being the only valk that kinda featured the chairs in DYRL. and Roy was wearing his greys with it, so the Focker TV-1S figure will not be out of place! No helmet, tho. edit: heh! misremembered. Roy was wearing the dyrl-blues...
  19. never really cared about the points since I order far too sporadically nowadays to make use 'em, and never really needed the speedy delivery since SAL's been reliable from them. i don't mind paying good money on DYRL itself. Just didn't want the unnecessary extra cost of EMS added onto it. Damn BV for underestimating and putting rather very low preorder-quotas on shops like CDJ that can ship out overseas. :shrugs:
  20. It's not just "paper stuff". Recheck the differences between the two. yeah. it has more. like even more "paper"/card/cardboard/media crap with foreign characters/letterings you won't be able to read and understand by yourself unless you're really that proficient in nippongo and stuff, or you like pretending that you do! however, it's all good, lavinrac-dude. the uberbox will most likely have a pretty box than the regular version. and it's DYRL, mang! you just gotta have the DYRL-uberbox if you are a Macross-fan! unless you're really not, then... anyway, for those of us who preordered the "special request" thingy and tried to cancel to get the not-special-request cdjapan-item, bad news: yeah. bummer. oh, well...
  21. sure you can. i've cancelled lots of orders from them throughout the years. just need to email them if you're cancelling an order. always been their policy, ime.
  22. yeah. thanks for the heads up, mang. re-ordered it right away and got confirmation. hopefully i don't get the dreaded "sorry, out of stock" email from them. not cancelling my old order, yet. just in case. edit: btw, $175ish (sal/new order) vs $213ish(ems/old order).
  23. it will be better for you to just wait for the upcoming newer edition that will include the accessory parts: http://www.macrossworld.com/1055/more-wf-news-yamato-160-vf-1-re-releases-with-upgrade-parts-coming/ http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36371
  24. here ya go. that is, until my DYRL BD-uberbox gets delivered in July... btw, only the Animeigo set has english-subs.
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