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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Well, David might like this news about TRU-Online finally putting MP-Thundercracker on clearance-sale.... at $79.99. ---add oh, and almost forgot to mention that the local Wally's here got TFs again... ...all of which are Weaponizer Bumblebee's.
  2. heads up! Rebuild of Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo. (Blu-Ray) (KIXA-290) available for preorder now for 4/24/13 release! http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/switch-language/product/B00BHO0FK8/ref=dp_change_lang?ie=UTF8&language=en_JP http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=KIXA-290 funnily, it doesn't have the usual preorder-discount from amzn-jp.
  3. ok, guys. FoC-Grimmy and FoC-Blaster are both available for US$22.99 again at amzn: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AMI5FN2/ http://www.amazon.com/Transformers-Generations-Voyager-Autobot-Blaster/dp/B00AMI5FPU/ hurry if you want 'em before the scalpers clean stocks again.
  4. AWESOME!!! Put it all in one pic, dude! edit: frakk it. mwf rescales both.
  5. Why is that dude calling red Frennzy as Rumble? and who the frakk is "Jaguar"? :D --- There was some funny shenanigans over at TFW-forum where someone had some sand in his panties and quite seriously repeatedly arguing Rumble is the correct name for Red coz of the comics and everybody else telling him Blue is TV canon and it doesn't really damn matter anyway. Hilarious read over there.
  6. Heck NO! Been waiting for it to go lower than $75 without hunting some stupid TRU coupons since early Dec last year. Afaik, it ain't been moving at all. The shelving for it should have some obvious and severe discoloration by now. Yet TRU's still being such a douche for not discounting/clearancing it. I'll prolly just give in and get TC one of these days, tho. ::sigh:: --- At any rate, read some rumor at tfw that Wally's will be stocking Grimmey and Blaster, and both will be at least $2 cheaper than TRU. But all the Wally's near my area still do not have any TF nor TF aisle-section anymore when I visited today. I'll try Tarjey tomorrow since got some errands, anyway.
  7. yo! Voyager-class Blaster is up again on AMZN at US$22.99 : http://www.amazon.com/Transformers-Generations-Voyager-Autobot-Blaster/dp/B00AMI5FPU/ Dunno what game amzn or their supplier is playing, but availability has been up and down since yesterday. The pricing never goes below US$22.99, tho. Friggin' bastards. I've had no luck hunting him down from retail stores the last couple or so weeks already. His cassette-minions (eject, rewind, ramhorn, sunder) are currently being scalped there, tho. Good luck to those who want him. edit: oh, and FoC-Grimlock, too: http://www.amazon.com/Transformers-Generations-Voyager-Grimlock-Figure/dp/B00AMI5FN2/
  8. about a bajillion. tfw's saying around US$125 msrp, tho. At any rate, Springer and Metroplex looks awesome andTrailcutter's ok , but what the heck did they do to Blitzwing's head?
  9. So, I just got home from Tarjey and they got some TFs back. Mostly Beast Shenanigans crap. Lots of 'em, somehow. There was a bunch of FoC-Prime again and a lone FoC-Brawl. And the price for these FoC-dx? US$18.59 each. geezus...
  10. Of course not. Whoever was or were GU-11 hearing from in Seibertron was just simply mistaken to say Soundwave's scanner thingy was used to revive Skyfire. At any rate, was at TRU yesterday and saw the new FOCs (Sideswipe and Ultra Maggie). As usual, TRU jacked up the price at either $16.49 or $16.79 each. Really, TRU? Unfortunately, both the local Tarjey and Wally's don't seem to have any TFs anymore.
  11. They don't charge your card until they're ready to ship it.
  12. seibertron's rehosting 7dm.net's extensive pictorial of MP-13: http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/extensive-pictorial-review-of-takara-tomy-transformers-masterpiece-mp13-soundwave-with-laserbeak/26604/
  13. here... edit/add: finally got the BD-version of Twilight Samurai from hk, so attached it as well. No more windowboxed viewing from the dvd version! just need subbed BD-versions of the rest.
  14. treatment

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    in case no one has told you, yet, you're just doing it wrong.
  15. Noticed my local Tarjey and Wallys seemed to have cleaned out their TF-aisles/pegs. Like, there's really nothing other than FoC-Prime and Vehicon. Two to three weeks of TF drought now.
  16. heh! so we gotta include a Rei figure now whenever we show off our Macross collection display, eh? not that there's anything wrong with that. thanx alot, kamadoma.
  17. saw this posted at tfw : Omega Supreme (year of the snake edition) US$99.99 (plus local sales tax): http://www.amazon.co.../dp/B00AQ1NP3C/ so, fyi.
  18. So CDJ finally listed it: http://www.cdjapan.c...ml?KEY=BCXA-719 Curiously, CDJ's states this in their description: Now CDJ's been known to have incorrect info from time to time, so try not to get your hopes up for english-subs since it's not in the official description from Bandai. At least, as of yet. Maybe our Japan-based fans can verify by directly asking either BigWest or BandaiVisual if english-subs will be an option at all with Macross Plus BD.
  19. welp! I'm watching it right now. The battle at the beginning was ok. Saito should be taller and Jin'e got As usual, Yu Aoi is fantastically looking. I'm sure this movie is a nice watch, but :sigh: The negatives I've found so far: I really wish they made this movie a really more serious adaptation. I think the actors they used here have the caliber to make it so. Just disappointed they went, well, I dunno, almost hong-kong style cinema. Can't even really say it's quite chambara enough. At least for me. Guess whoever was or were in charge of this production decided to make this really more mainstream and way too accessible almost generic movie. The positives I found: Nice high-level production value and quite detailed. The actors were great, even if some were typically overacting it *cough*Kanryu*cough. The courtyard mini battle with Saito was actually nicely done even if short like Saito. Oh, did I mentioned Yu Aoi is pure , yet? Anyway, my simple conclusions for it: It is fun movie to watch and all, but there's just so much deliberate wasted potential to cripple it so as just to give it a more mass appeal thing. I say if they should have made it in a more serious adaptation ala the Yamada-films and stuff. It really does have the proper production values and the qualified acting. I mean, in contrast, the old Lone Wolf and Cub TV-edition of the 70's was alot more serious and kickass awesome and that whole series probably had the monetary production budget of a high-school theater play compared to this Kenshin-Live.
  20. hmmm... :hail:
  21. Nicely done paneling! Anyone modded a Hikaru-version on their's, yet?
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