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Everything posted by treatment

  1. movie-chars reunion, and Kup having fun re-enacting with Blitzy...
  2. dafuq? MWF being trolled...
  3. I don't have tfp-shocky to compare, so I can't really say. At any rate, moar pics of Blitzy in tank-mode (my fave mode). With Warpath!
  4. So I played with Springer more by getting him into his other modes and... Holy crap is he gaps-happy in chopper and vehicle modes! His pegs don't quite want to peg itself properly, too. Especially the main windshield and the back thigh-covers. The yellow-paint on his fenders easily smudges as well. From what I read here and other forums, I really thought Blitzy's the one who's gonna trigger some latent OCD in me. Yet it was Springer who's quite annoying me now. Despite all that criticisms, I really like Springer and he's really worth his msrp. Even being a bit gap-happy and stuff, it still is a very darn awesome toy! I just think I like Blitzy a bit more now than yesterday, tho. Springer's bot-mode is already pretty super. Definitely both are way ahead in worthiness and way way better in every aspects than my highly disappointing F(AIL)oC-Grimlock.
  5. moar pics! the new "Generations"... a little short for a Seeker... dude, you've got the touch to have grown taller since the movie...
  6. HA! Finally have a completed Seekers set: My Classics and MPs versions are always missing one of them...
  7. So I've gone Teletraan on these Kreo thingies from yesterday... Decepticons: Autobots: teletraan lazy: Screamer and Skywarp were the mystery figures. Darn Seekers. Go figure. Unfortunately, now I gotta find Thundercracker for completion... At any rate, I must admit these Kreo thingies are just damn KEWL!
  8. still a little iffy on these guys, but they were relatively cheap at amzn, so... might have to just gift it to the kids.
  9. Well, here's Swindle doing a handstand. Coz he can. With his doors. Yeah...
  10. Yeah. Black Convoy is totally nice. Unfortunately for me, ... I so sad.
  11. HELL YES!!! Awesome news! edit: oh and can any one of the mods update the thread-title with this news? thanks!
  12. I just hope it's just amj's player messing it up. Did some snaps on it. tint-file shows more tealish shade than blue. tint1-file shows oversaturation of teal. tint2-file shows some oversaturation on the orange and reds/pinks background and a faded skin toning on Sharon. tint3-file shows more Sharon's face as more greenish/tealish and the whites are more eh. Sharon's hair shows a different kind of red shading on the amj player, too. Like I said, hope it's just amj's player messing up the colors.
  13. C'mon, guys. Try harder with the theme-ing...
  14. what the...??? don't tell me Bandai Visual's just jacking it up with teal and orange tinting.
  15. saw these at the local tarjey yesterday and thought might as well grab 'em: Really think they're overpriced at $9.99 each set, but I they're retail-rare enough for me and it completes my Blaster minions. They're also kinda cute.
  16. Err... Way too busy and loud box-art. Artist trying to overcompensate on something? Inner jacket art is kinda meh, too. Still preferring the minimalist-but-simply-awesome box/art of the remastered dvd-version.
  17. I think Sunstreaker/Sideswipe does the opposite and fold (rather, hide) their arms into the trunk.
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