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Everything posted by treatment

  1. heh! my amj-order is scheduled to be shipped on friday and the expected delivery is next week.
  2. You mean "Skyfire". Coz a "Masterpiece Jetfire" has already been made and soldout in both 1/48 and 1/60. Just not branded/licensed by TakaTomy/Hasbro. At least, not yet. Here's the 1/60 version...
  3. speaking of which... MP-13 is up on HLJ's Sept-Restock at 12640y. For those who prefer him over Hasbro's upcoming version. Also, MP-19 Smokescreen up on pre-order as well at 5200y Dec-release. A bit of a price-hike in both preorder and msrp from both Prowl and Bluestreak versions. Smokey must have some other extras included to justify the price-hike.
  4. ten more days till release. then add at least another 2-7 days of express-shipping to US....
  5. fwiw... I have my own issues with BV, most especially with their DYRL-BD shenanigans. However, this upcoming MP-BD set is gonna cost me US$145, including shipping. I paid a very reluctant and regrettable US$175 for my DYRL-BDLE that cdj won't let me cancel coz of the "special purchase" shenanigans. Both Renato and Tochiro have had positive feedback on the MP theatrical-showing they watched, in contrast to their negative feedback regarding the DYRL theatrical-showing they watched. I just think this will be a much better buy than the DYRL-BDLE ordering-shenanigans most of us went thru. obtw, the only definite negative I can think of right now is that stupid busy box-art for this MP-BD still definitely sucks.
  6. Welp! Bought some kreon from the nearest tarjey at lunchtime: They got at least three full boxes there, so I was able to pick and choose. Hope I got the correct codes for these little thingies: 66 - Bulkhead 69 - Arcee 70 - Acid Wing 73 - Powerglide 74 - Perceptor 76 - Hoist
  7. Ok, guys. Somebody tell BigWest and/or Mr.K we totally need a life-size VF-1 now just to out-awesome this: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/05/23/the-46000-pound-x-wing-how-lego-built-the-worlds-biggest-star-wars-toy/
  8. Springer's back up at US$22.99: http://www.amazon.com/Transformers-Generations-Voyager-Autobot-Springer/dp/B00ATA2T9Q/ hurry!
  9. fyi. For those still needing the voyager-class generations triple-changers, amzn is now listing Blitzy and Springer at US$22.99 (plus applicable state sales-tax, of course): Blitzwing: http://www.amazon.com/Transformers-Generations-Voyager-Blitzwing-Figure/dp/B00ATA2SUQ Springer: http://www.amazon.com/Transformers-Generations-Voyager-Autobot-Springer/dp/B00ATA2T9Q/ --- edit: As of this edit-time, amzn inventory sold out. Hope you got your orders in before the scalpers.
  10. Behold! My current kreons! I reckon they're a bit evenly matched so far. Obviously missing Ironhide and Wheeljack for more G1-ness, and I think I need more G1 Decepticons, too. If there are any actually available that's pre-movie and/or not comics-based. Oh, well. Fwiw, I've actually warmed up to the combiners after seeing my nephews put 'em together the first time, so I bought this second set for myself and also getting a third set for their individual modes. They're just so kewl!
  11. some snapshots while watching from a 7" tablet... not bad, i say.
  12. WOW! If only I'd known about that Asuka then...
  13. I say, get all the official versions...
  14. anybody ordering this? http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-000069 looks neat. wonder if there's an Asuka...
  15. I agree that Quakewave's the best available Shocky to get. Quite expensive for a 3p, tho. As such, the best official Shocky is still: Scales rather nicely with Springer and Blaster.
  16. oh, hai thar! old-school awesome...
  17. US Navy Drone launch on Carrier! Hello, Macross Zero ghosts era! edit: oh, obligatory equivalent Macross Zero Ghosts clip: http://youtu.be/HduEZ_MSzhg?t=5m16s
  18. already told he's quite short to be a Seeker, Blitzy then auditions himself to "Jetfire" for the exclusive and uber-badass GERWALK-mode A-stance club of the famous yammie Macross Valkyries... Blitzwing prolly needs to visit the Battletech/Mechwarrior-franchise next to audition for a Cauldron-Born role...
  19. http://youtu.be/7VO_SjXC1ug
  20. Wreck-Gar: My 'stache really is more epic than your's, Scourge...
  21. Optimus: triple-changers, meet _THE_ triple-changer par excellence:
  22. Yup. Blitzy's jet-mode is gappy and stuff. You can try raptormesh's suggestion of going full-loadout on him with his sword, gun, and turret, tho: Blitzy's jet-mode also features his most critical flaw: gummy nosecone... The only way I know how to get the gummy nosecone less gappy (without diy surgery) is to do this: Imho, the gummy nosecone flaw is more fatal than the shoulder-tab issue. Hasbro's choice of both materials and materials' quality is quite unfortunate. Maybe Takara will use better plastic and stuff for their versions of Blitzy and Springer. Honestly, I was already quite meh on Blitzy's jet-mode from the first online pics coz it was quite an unhappy departure from his simpler diaclone/G1 jet-form. The gummy nosecone-issue just adds to the meh-ness. Regardless, for a $22.99 triple-changing figure, the flaws are mostly tolerable. I don't feel like I got jacked severely like I felt with my FoC-Grimlock purchase.
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