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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Borderline HK-bootleg subs-quality since at least there's none of the usual HK-special misspellings or bizarro name-changes. BV has some spell-checkers, but no grammar-checkers. It's like BandaiVisual hired either a japanese middle-schooler all hopped-up on disney-channel and/or a chinese migrant worker, and paid both of them 500y to do the english-translations. Kinda weirdly humorous since the Movie-edition is the more dramatic version of MP, and yet the engrish-subs made it such an unintentional comedy. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking.
  2. some comparo of the Movie's english-subs (JP-BD vs R1-dvd): _versus_ _versus_ _versus_ _versus_ _versus_ _versus_ _versus_ As you can probably tell by now, the BD has quite some fancy engrishy thing going on...
  3. Watching the Movie-edition now. A couple of observations: The colors aren't as vivid as the OVA edition, but it's still all good. The english-subtitles seems to be "newer". The grammar is... atrocious in some places. Almost bordering on engrish. Sometimes, it's not even what the characters were actually saying, I think. add: Oh, and the "what a bromance." and "Dumb ask." were some of the pure examples of flat what in the new english-subtitles.
  4. Acid Storm is the same mold as the Takara MP-11 SScream and Hasbro ThunderCracker. Just re-colored.
  5. he's being currently shown/displayed at BotCon as "Hasbro MP-01":http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-masterpiece-47/masterpiece-acid-storm-botcon-2013-images-177877/
  6. Hasbro Metroplex available on pre-order in amzn right now: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CFWWD7O/ $124.99 (plus applicable sales tax) free shipping. hurry in before the scalpers.
  7. My first impressions on Sandstorm... Sandy's just a little bit back-heavy in bot-mode and his heels could do a better job, but nevertheless, it's all good. His joints are tighter and better than Springer's. Especially the hips. My Springer likes to do splits sometimes, but Sandy doesn't. Despite being back-heavy, he is definitely a keeper. Hasbro did a great re-tooling. Might do his other modes later or some other time.
  8. I got this while at lunch today: US$22.99.
  9. Yeah. Some people like unboxing-videos. Not really sure why and I don't really care to understand, either. It's all good, tho. Whatever works.
  10. AHA! Right-leg is God Sigma! Now the jet on the head seems like a Mechander-jet, but I'm not that sure.
  11. let's see... - face is Mazinger Z. - wings are from Great Mazinger. - horns from Gaiking - right-arm is Ideon - left-arm is, wait, wait, I know this, wait... ARMD-2 - hips and waist seem to be from Combattler - tummy seems to be from Jeeg - thighs from Raideen - left-leg is GoLion/Voltron - right-leg ??? (almost like Dairugger's, but not really) God Sigma - chest is i forgot Daioja.
  12. also, Sensuifu (not sure if he's also a member here) posted his own captures recently: http://www.fandompost.com/oldforums/showthread.php?17945-Macross-Plus-Complete-BD-Box-OVA-EngDub-Movie-Edition-EngSub&s=40e35640686d3b6c5aa5cc0b8ff3377d&p=188844&viewfull=1#post188844
  13. Here's some couple of scene-shots comparo(BD vs DVD-remastered): vs vs The BD quality is definitely more vivid in colors and much cleaner than the previous dvd-remastered version.
  14. lol! You weeabos never ceases to amuse me. No "goice" and no "screenz" for you two! Just wait for your own copy and decide for yourselves. And fwiw, the "International" Version is new to me and I never knew about the alternate english-dub of ep-4. Deal with it.
  15. This is soo messed up. Guld sounded alot older and Isamu sounded alot younger. Weird. Bridgett Hoffman (Beldandy/ Rem/ Mahoro) is Sharon's new vocal. wow. Sharon is not as menacing anymore. I just can't get menaced by Beldandy/Mahoro/Rem's vocal. It's impossible. They're too ...nice and sweet char vocals to do a rogue AI. I gotta rewatch the Mangle version now for this ep. It just ain't right.
  16. ep-3 completed. No shenanigans detected. Just some minor softness in the airport scene between Myung and Kate. Sharon is awesome. Holy crap! Ep-4's dub is ...Weird! Yang and Guld are different. and Sharon, too. This is so messed up. Isamu's new vocals seems ok. Definitely not Malcolm's Dad. Yang's vocal is Love Hina's Kietaro (David Umanski). Can't recognize Guld or Sharon.
  17. screencaps either tomorrow or sunday from me. somebody else can provide it before me.
  18. ok. Finished ep-1 and i did noticed BV seems to have upped the magenta-highlighting in certain parts. Like on Myung's cuffs and from the Zentradi's exhausts in the opening battle scenes. The VF-11b's exhaust highlight-color is muted cyan. Sporadic and only in few scenes. I'll have to check the old remastered-dvd if it was ever there, too. Ep-2 now and no sign of it detected, yet. Quite cleaner so far. Crap! BV added it too much and quite unnecessarily on the YF-19's maiden thrust exhaust and on the YF-21's exhaust during the city trials/fight. grrr!!! DAFUQ, BV!!! Sorry, guys. I'm just OCDing on this rather unnecessary shenanigans by BV.
  19. watching it right now. ova intl version. from my tv. so far, it's DAMN PRETTY and appears quite more vivid for the most part. no grain detected, yet. it's like newly drawn. :-) i'll try to do some snaps tomorrow. or sunday. probably... :-)
  20. mine juuuuuuuuuust arrived! contrast against the previous remastered-dvd box: Unfortunately, I gotta head out so I won't get to watch it until way later tonite.
  21. ohhh.... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-000625 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-000628
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