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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Soundwave chillaxin' on some Pillows...
  2. I want an official Masterpiece Shockwave.
  3. QFT I actually think this new film is pretty kewl via the trailer. Not really sure about the negativity. The story was done and redone, and only Ichikawa's version was really the only truly badass adaptation. The Sword of Vengeance version was actually ok, too, but not quite as tight as Ichikawa's version. The rest were really pretty meh. Even Mifune can't rescue Chushingura's corniness. Ths new version is completely different, for sure. Afaict, with the exception of Ichikawa's version, this new film can't be that mediocre compared to the other films of the same title. It's got Twilight Samurai dude, ffs! Seriously, guys. It's just another adaptation of a quasi-fictional/quasi-PR Tokugawa-era bushido-play. Try not to be hatin' too much. Oh, and just so I can join the "film-geek/snob/affecionado/pretentiousness" shenanigans, too, here are my versions (missing the SoV pic, tho):
  4. OWWW! Man, you're one of the many getting scrunched-up delivery. Hope at least the actual Soundwave is undamaged. Quite a pity since an undamaged Hasbro-SW box is actually kinda nice.
  5. A couple of fans have already been discussing the video-quality between the US and Japan BD releases over at FP. I don't have my old CPM discs anymore nor do I have the recent BD-import to do any comparo-shots.
  6. piccies... Personally won't have time to play or muck around with him until the weekend, so I'm not unsealing him from his plastic just yet. Regardless, Go Team Venture Soundwave!
  7. HAI GUYZ! Went bogo today at lunch... Wasn't really planning on getting AS, but the BOGO-deal was a bit too nice to pass up.
  8. where's the Monster-killer arm-cannon? also, not really quite sure why David thinks the fold-dildo is THE accessory for the Alpha for him...
  9. over-oversized box and vacuum-sealing?
  10. Wait, what? I've never seen a VF1-v2 with FP under $100, unless it was on some great hlj-sales back in the day. --- At any rate, since the old VF1-v2 msrp was 9800y, that stupid stand adds 7000y to make the new msrp of 16800y. Really, Arcadia? Unless they add in the FP-set, that new msrp is quite messed up. --- What? Are you talking about Yammie valks or Bandai Frontier valks?
  11. yo! R1-dvd (1999 US): R2J remastered-dvd (2007 Japan): BD (2013 Japan/region-free): edit: updated BD-info.
  12. Yeah. Yet another BIG FAIL by TRU. Tried online last nite and today. I got it as available, but cart keeps going to "0" whenever I tried to checkout. Then website updated to "Sold in Stores" only. sh*t! Called the local store, and they don't have it. Called the TRU's 800# to check availability and they told me no store in my area has any stock of it at all. Both had told me to order it online instead. :blink: Screw it. Screw TRU. Hope it shelfwarms and crap on both TRU-stores and lucky scalpers. Guess it's a good thing I haven't canceled my amiami re-preorder of the Tak-version. Anybody tried ordering from their ebay-page again, btw?
  13. Is it a sign that Arcadia's gonna do zentradi and meltrandi stuff now, too? If so, that would be sweet!
  14. They're right here: http://animeigo.com/ They're still in business of selling excellent stuff. What ego? For an advertising company, I can't believe they have any ego at all if they let such a sucktacular attempt of engrish-subbing be something to associate with their company and their product permanently, regardless of the market they don't really care about. They really shouldn't have bothered with any kind of subbing at all. We'll just see how GiTS:Arise's english-subs fare next week to compare and contrast. Maybe whoever was in charge of that project will also cheap out and half-assed it to counter the engrish-subs of MPlus-movie.
  15. Still wondering why Hasbro's still not saying anything about US-versions of Sideswipe/Red-Alert/Prowl/BlueStreak/SmokeScreen.
  16. Weird that they (BV or BW) didn't just put a call out to overseas fans/fansites (like MW) about needing a new translation and stuff? I mean, they already know MP have had a much stronger overseas market since it came out. I reckon most fansubbers would have just given them their grammatically-correct translations for free and no-cost. No credit or shoutouts even needed. There was a precedent for this already with at least Animeigo asking and being given Yawara's english-subs for free by the subbers. Heck! Why didn't they just contact Neil Nadelman directly and work out some kind of deal? Double-Heck! We got some MW-people over there in Japan already for quite awhile now! For the love Sharon, they could've contacted them to do some grammar-checks at the very least.
  17. Yeah. Over at TFW-forum, someone who got a KO-Lambor is currently postively impressed with the quality. Oh, and also, beware of the current TigerTrack backdoor-rejects/not-KO shenanigan.
  18. still missing movies 5-19, and no bd-versions, yet.
  19. TRSI just delivered this earlier today:
  20. Tama-nee! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIG-MOE-8052
  21. Optimus Prime: DAT POSE! Canti: edit: added Prime's Canti-pose
  22. It's a perfect mix of ridiculous and awesome.
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