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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Err, where have you been? They're usually referred to as "KO's".
  2. Not trying to give it away, but there will be drama in the later episodes.
  3. and the bridge bunnies. but Ruri rulz all! HAH! You'll need to rewatch coz...
  4. I wished Wal-Scream shelfwarm in my friggin' state like TC and SW. Never saw him at all in any wally's here. Not sure about Rodi and Grim if they shelfwarmed. I know I passed on them both when I saw them.
  5. I didn't know Walmart carried exclusive MP Transformers. I was speaking primarily of Toys R Us, since my experience has been limited to them. But in the two examples I've seen (Optimus Prime and Soundwave), they seem to be incredibly hard to find -- almost never in stock at the website except for short windows of time, having to stalk the delivery trucks at the actual stores, and then as soon as they arrive they get cleaned out. Meanwhile you see them all over eBay getting sold for hefty markups by scalpers. I can't believe that TRU is completely oblivious to all that. Even at my local TRU, when I asked them about MP-10 Optimus last year, the manager gave me this annoyed look and told me "We don't know when they're coming, people have been asking me about that one all week." T,FTFY. Wally's SW and TRU's TC. Shelfwarmers.
  6. Heads up! SoundBlaster MP-13B preorder is now listed at HLJ: http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT47434/Sci 12640y (plus shipping-fees, of course).
  7. For those that missed the amiami-preorder on MP-12b Sideswipe-G2 earlier, here's hlj's http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT49828/Sci 5200y. They haven't listed mp-13b Soundblaster just yet, so if you want to camp on it...
  8. Heck! Amazon-UK was preselling MP-10 for like US$70 or so, with free shipping to the US. I preordered two from them even though I already have the US MP-10. Then some ubercrazy idiot/scalper/sh*thead determinedly complained to both TRU and Hasbro about the low pricing of Amazon-UK. All them preorders from amzn-uk were then cancelled. F&ckin sh*thead.
  9. I reckon these are the shelfwarmers in both China and UK TRU's. There were reports/pics before at TFW and elsewhere of walls and walls of MP-10 shelfwarming unsold due to the extravagant pricing of it in both areas. Now they want to con the starved US-based buyers with the same shelfwarmers and the same extravagant pricing. Plus the additional shipping cost! Oy vey...
  10. happy birthday -- newest single of the Pillows:
  11. some critter in the complex yesterday...
  12. Hoisty's kewl posing with his hooky-blaster-thingy... Hoist: Why do you have an umbrella for a weapon? TrailC: uhmm, Hasbro wants me to fight in the shade?
  13. uh-oh... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-001640
  14. So, apparently, I had preordered this sometime ago and it came today... Completely forgotten about it. Still am not sure if I can be motivated to assemble Gundams again.
  15. Only a dumbass will believe that a toy is in any way "better" if that toy is "exclusive" and "more collectible" due to the manufacturer directly artificially limiting production-runs to cause pricing inflation.
  16. Better save up your pennies, guys. Zatoichi in BD movie-collection is coming 11/26/13, courtesy of Criterion!!! http://www.criterion.com/boxsets/1012-zatoichi-the-blind-swordsman $179.96 preorder-pricing at Criterion-store. The amzn pricing is about $20 less right now. Not sure if the TV-series and the final 1989 movie will ever get any BD versions, tho.
  17. the green makes it a pita to take a snap at...
  18. re: FRumble. http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Rumble_(G1) to the rescue! I think Takara always use Red Rumble for their toys, and Hasbro just economically recycle the Takara box-art/text stuff coz they're, i dunno, lazy and sh*t, like that. fwiw, I'm TV-canon guy, so I always think the Red Rumble blokes are just plain crazy.
  19. Awesome, David! Glad you finally got it. Anyway, time for moar non-SW pics!
  20. Warpath: Who's the tonka kiddie truck, Wheeljack? Wheeljack: /facepalm ... Warpath: What.
  21. somebody at TFW requested a fusion pic, so i'm reposting here... And the unintended consequence of it... SW: gawddammit twins...
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