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Everything posted by treatment

  1. quite cute. i like the color-combo. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-002124
  2. another "asia-exclusive" stuff. lol! I'm expecting massive ass-raping on this. I reckon it'll be minimum of USD$150 before any shipping fees. I skipped on MP-11 originally since the pricing was jacked even back then. Wonder if they'll add the missing missiles this time around. fwiw, I paid US$70 for a TRU-TC, $50 for a Wally-SWarp, and $35 for TRU-AStorm. I rather import a SOC or even two SRCs if this latest "exclusive" is gonna get priced above US$90 before any shipping.
  3. Guess one just can never have enough Getter-1. Sentinel's Getter-1 preorder is now up: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-002459 (8300y preorder-pricing) http://www.hlj.com/product/set88807 (8820y preorder-pricing) also, fwiw, Amiami still has Sentinel's Black Getter-1 up on preorder: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-001689 (8300y preorder pricing).
  4. songs from the Horn Again album. So very awesome. edit: updated to the more epic concert versions...
  5. moar roosters and pillows concert-sessions... (the drummer's badass on this) (manabe screwed up a bit) the pillows' most awesomely perfect concert performance so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N0HR_wkRik or if you prefer, the still-great original music-video of it: also from the same breakthrough album (Please Mr. Lostman):
  6. Yeah. My Nora does not have any droop or flop. The wings and stuff don't fall off on slightest touch or movement, either. It's always on GERWALK-mode since that's the prettiest mode for it. Maybe I'm just lucky or maybe you're just unlucky. edit: Oh, and US$450 for a Nora is way insanely too much clams. If the op can get US$200 or less for a non-abused Nora, then get it. Otherwise, just forget about it. The Nora is great, but not US$400+ great. You might as well get the DX Mazinger Z if you're willing to spend US$400+ on a toy.
  7. Btw, my Nora's still tight and stuff in full loadout. So I'm not sure what this "floppiness" stuff is coming from with other Nora owners. Of course, I don't have Ivanov's and the CF. Maybe those are the floppy-mess they're talking about? I also don't have the Brera-27 (or any Frontier-valk), but I seem to have read in the forum that the whole Frontier-valks (original and renewals) are prone to floppiness and breakage?
  8. That's because Nora was badass and Brera an emo little bitch. ++ to the maximum!
  9. also, much much much harder than the Roosters' original, tho the Roosters' live video was just damn weird... still
  10. "Happy Birthday". It's not an album, tho. Just a singles release. as for more pillows, this one's a fave of mine coz the montage somehow just goes nicely with the song...
  11. hlj re-opens their Prowl order-page, so get him at y4640 (plus shipping) while it's on! http://www.hlj.com/product/tkt47923
  12. It's not the SOC, but the SRC: http://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/2010/mazinger_z_0
  13. testing the trident stage...
  14. AWESOME! It's all good. She'll just be expecting a great x'mas gift in return.
  15. Yes! My SRC troop so far: add: Original and Shin:
  16. My last TF purchase for now. Until my datsun-bros gets delivered from hlj-pw...
  17. Right. Most of us here at MWF can't afford to collect stuff. We haven't been posting pics of our collections over the last ten or more years here in the forum. Especially those multiple MISB versions of stuff. We don't even hunt for those hard-to-get and extremely rare items. Nope. We don't collect here at MWF. We can't afford it at all. MWF members can't afford to collect at all. We got no disposable income and no paying jobs. We're just a bunch of poor schlobs trying to fit in on anonymous board by willfully paying scalpers to jack us by about 200% and more of the price of stuff for no reason other than to say we're collectors. oh, wait...
  18. Welp! Got my first SOC today. GX-45...
  19. Ayup. Takara already made lotsa money out of those scalpers who scalped up all the limited supplies of SS, RA, and TT. They got paid already for their inventory and then some. Reckon it is really only the scalpers now that are trying to pull the guilt-trip card on TF-fans to not buy KOs coz they can't move their stupidly-overpriced scalped items when TF-fans opts for the cheaper KOs.
  20. Highly doubtful that you got a factory-reject/backdoor, as only TigerTrack had been reported to have had the factory-reject/backdoor-situation, and both SS and RA already are known to have been KO'ed. Also, misspelling is very unique to KOs. I reckon it is the first obvious difference between a KO and a legit/factory-reject. As to being "robbed", nah. I don't think of it that way in this particular situation. Takara made deliberate short runs on SS and RA, and scalpers are currently having a field day on charging way way too much for the legit versions that they've heavily scalped. Scalpers may even sell KOs as legits. Lots of legit-buyers got screwed with Out-of-Stock situation caused by the crazy unrestricted scalping that happened. So, lesser of two evils or something. If you can live with paint-issues and misspellings, then it's all good. Takara should just re-issue both SS and RA (as well as TT) and price them off more reasonably and have better availability.
  21. Just go to TFW's 3rd Party forum and scan for KO in the thread-titles.
  22. I still dunno the appeal of all these train-SRCs. Wonder why Bandai doesn't do SOCs or SRC's of Macross Destroids.
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