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Everything posted by treatment

  1. pre-order pages now open... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-GDM-2454 http://www.hlj.com/product/ban985135
  2. You got the dead-eye version of MP-10. No wonder he can't find Buzzy...
  3. black reideens are 20% cooler and more awesome...
  4. and in better news... the purple angel doth arrived today with her black bodyguard... fembot...
  5. Well, guys. Seems like I'm just not having any luck with this GX-62. Pricing-issue, box-issue, and just now, out of the box for the first time... a defect. GX-62 looked a little funny when I first stood it up. Thought it was just a minor misalignment, but it just wasn't minor: Yeah. That's the right pelvic/crotch swivel-joint area. Fused or mushed. Swing/Rotate or a pull-down/pull-out attempts definitely not quite recommended, or it will most likely break/gouge the plastic further. In contrast, the left pelvic/crotch swivel-joint looks ok and no movement-restriction. The gap is unsightly, tho (cannot be unseen): Already reported and getting a replacement. I have to return this defective unit, tho. This is quite an unacceptable bummer. Not sure if I'm the only gx-62 owner who's got this particular issue.
  6. Thanks! Dancouga and Baikanfu are both interesting, but I haven't seen any good deal on either of them for me. I usually get only new/sealed items, but even the b-grades of these two were fetching close to US$200 minimum before shipping.
  7. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-001920
  8. Welp! My SOC-Danguard arrived today. Like, yay or something. I'm a bit underwhelmed by the box, as compared against my other recent SOCs... I'm not a box-whore, but it also has a minor box-damage that I'm seriously considering returning it for a replacement, tho I'm not sure if I'll get an issue-free replacement. Free shipping, but damn stupid cheap insecure packaging by the river store and possibly getting tossed around in the dumbpost truck.
  9. and we're back to sexy figures... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIGURE-002714
  10. The Zeorymer's from the Super Robot Chogokin line.
  11. Delivered today. Kind of a mistake order actually, but decided to keep 'em anyway: This Zambot-dude's gonna be massive, I reckon: Pretty sure Iron Gear and Ideon are even massive-er...
  12. as long as we're interrupting the bishoujo flow here with nendoroids... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIG-COL-5845
  13. getter robo armageddon src/soc scaling...
  14. Never ever seen any clearance-downpricing of TF-Masterpiece (Grimmy, Rodi, TCrack) items specifically in TRU. They either stick to that $75 no matter what, or just remove the item entirely from store and inventory. At least in their retail stores. TRU-Online might do it differently, tho.
  15. I think I want to get this, but I'll most likely be in the doghouse if I do... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-001828
  16. some scaling stuff... Shin-Getter1 pinhead with MaZ and Grendy... my SOC troopers so far... Despite his anime-accurate tiny head, Shin-G1 is really pretty nice. Still, hope Bandai make and release SRC Ryoma Getter-1 (both regular and black). As well as both Getter-2 and Getter-3, too. Black Reideen is darn boss, tho. Will definitely ty to get his SRC-version sometimes.
  17. So what is wrong Metro? I've been holding out on him and I've read/watched loose-reports on him.
  18. roflmao! We all have varying fail-issues with Hasbro-TFs, but man, you seem to be the one that is so damn unlucky with your stuff per your story. You should've just given up and switch to collecting Soul of Chogokin or Super Robot Chogokin instead long time ago.
  19. Huh? My Hasbro ain't got any of those issues. When/where did you get your Hasbro? As for the colors, no amount of "darker purpleish blue tone" can fix the dead-eyes on the Takara. Besides, the Hasbro blue ain't actually that bad as the online "pictures" show. I was tentative of the Hasbro before with the online pics until I actually got mine. The various online pics seems like simply a case of improper flash/lighting and exaggerated vivid-setting on the camera possibly due to some photoshop shenanigans. An example is below: Noticed the direction and volume of the shadows from the figures and flooring?
  20. Done. PM sent. Anyway, moar Pillows! Here's a song that really shows how much they've changed styles from R&B'ish to their current Hard Rock: "Tiny Boat" (original version 1996) "Tiny Boat" (2004 awesome remake) http://youtu.be/z5OzdxbKjMs I like both versions. Same song, but just different styles.
  21. from the Trial album: "energia" (can't find the full video, so...): http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xnvyz2_the-pillows-energia_music "movement" (live):
  22. gx-52's gatling-handling... ain't got time to bleed...
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