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Everything posted by treatment

  1. YES!!! Official pics at http://www.criterion.com/current/posts/2973-opening-zatoichi-the-blind-swordsman
  2. Dai-Guard's rocket-punch! (1/4) (2/4) (3/4) (4/4)
  3. while i'm at it... Gekiganger V (awesome Hikaru version): http://youtu.be/MprQtlsNzjw Gekiganger V (dude version (with romajii lyrics in desc!)): http://youtu.be/ztAKGHxb9nM
  4. http://youtu.be/fuBFDqV4NEw
  5. been awhile since I posted some TFs...
  6. welp! pics of my latest shiny... As you can tell, the only differences from the regular Shin are the shiny chrome, the severed Energer-head instead of Garada, and the regular Scrander. Don't really get why Bandai didn't bother to include the missile-trails as a hidden surprise. The plastic tray still got plenty of space to spare. Anyway, I got it about $30 over msrp, plus about $20 shipping. Yeah, yeah, I know I willingly got jacked for it. Sheesh! F*ckin expensive hobby...
  7. Sure, shipping from HLJ-PW for both Prowl and Bluestreak costs me only around $12 paypal (1096y, iirc). But again, it still ain't 1:1 as you've already got pre-order discounts instead of MSRP. Incidentally, how much did you guys actually paid Amazon.jp 3rd-parties for the pile-drivers and stuff since Amazon.jp disallows direct US-sales on toys? Did you guys have to go thru a proxy-service? How much did the proxy-service charged you? I don't buy from BBTS so I'm not sure how much they jack up their actual pricing.
  8. I don't remember seeing 12T specifically at either HLJ or Ami at all. That said, even if you disregard scalper-pricing, you still need to figure in shipping and other fees. Takara-pricing is only for Japan and Hasbro-Asia pricing is only for Hasbro-Asia territories. It is quite wrong to try to equate either pricing to actual US-retail pricing just by basing it on existing exchange-rates. The only item near or close to 1:1 pricing was MP-13. Even that was really not 1:1, as we got the other cassettes as freebies in the US-pricing. Therefore, you must still add at least the price of shipping (EMS is about +US$20 or SAL which is about +US$12 to +US$15) to the actual pricing of either Takara-Japan or Hasbro-Asia pricing when trying to come up with equivalent US-retail pricing for non-US items. Heck! SAL is about US$17-US$20 as of right now and EMS is about US$22-US$25, and Paypal's current exchange-rate is still US$1 is 0.96y. And that's only based on using Japan-shipping fees. Not sure how much HK/TW-shipping fees/costs nowadays.
  9. Actually, that's only true if there ever was a US retail-release. You need to factor in shipping and other shenanigans such as actual availability and scalper-pricing.
  10. From TAMASHII NATION 2013 Here's the upcoming SOC-Trider's size/scaling with/against the other upcoming SOC re-releases. So, he's going to be big. Much bigger than gx-62 Daiguard.
  11. Super Red's hitting on Minerva...
  12. from Happy Bivouac album: kim deal http://youtu.be/FcaFUeX4L5U carnival (live) last dinosaur (live) http://youtu.be/TtYJwJ_YeWk crazy sunshine http://youtu.be/gbPPUBfccPA
  13. Going on past Tak-Has releases..Tak MP-10 = 260$ Has MP-10 = 130$ Tak SW = 120$ (+ cassettes = 30$ x 2 ) 180$ Has SW = 120$ Tak SS = 52$ Hasbro's Sideswipe should be no more then 20-25$ meh. I say US$50-$60 and TRU-exclusive.
  14. Akiba Yellow: Hey, Red. You really got a nice a...xe. Getter-1: Uhmm, thanks?
  15. moar pixies! GX-03B, GX-41B, GX-62: my alternate Shogun Warriors issue-1 cover...
  16. might as well repost this here. Strike-Hikky learning the macarena or something from Gipsy...
  17. partnering with the SOC fembots...
  18. these girls are shiny and damn awesome... not in a hurry to get the last three of 'em coz of the current scalper-pricing.
  19. possibly the only way I could make Zeorymer do a kewl action-pose... CHARGE!
  20. respect the pink: Arcee the badass...
  21. So the replacement gx-62 got delivered today. Yay! quickie shot: Man, gx-62 is definitely really nice. Especially when defect-free.
  22. update: I think the 5800y pricing is only at AE since it seems that the item is actually 4320y from the tamashii website: "http://p-bandai.jp/tamashiiwebshouten/a0015/item-1000084367/" 4320y still is a bit on the expensive side, but a better pricing than at AE's. Hope other sites like HLJ and AmiAmi has allocation and can sell it close to the 4320y pricing. Release is April-2014, I reckon.
  23. fyi. SRC Dynamic Option Parts Set For Mazinkaiser & Shin Getter 1 TamashiWeb Exclusive... Super Robot Chogokin Dynamic Option Parts Set for Mazinkaiser & Shin Getter 1 TamashiWeb Exclusive msrp 5800y?!? dafuq, bandai!
  24. behold her regal shineness! Queen V of SOC...
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