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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Guess their bassist really love this song since he's just awesomely rockin' it! http://youtu.be/OGodfQMTIi0 pv version: http://youtu.be/qaBjeWKROmE
  2. Yeah. The Itano-circus missile at the end was pretty kewl, too. Anyway, more suneohair! http://youtu.be/zQy_oH8Vdyw song's pretty nice and video theme is weirdly kewl.
  3. 1/4 Cecilia Alcott Bunny Ver. PVC by Freeing http://www.hlj.com/product/FRE29476/Fig 17416y Oct release
  4. HLJ is now listing her 1/6 figure specifically just for you. It probably will have "Just for Mike" emblazoned on the box: http://www.hlj.com/product/APS17048/Fig Well, dude. You must get this also while you're at it... from a recent Ami blog entry.
  5. They are nice. They're just not over-3000y nice. Prolly just 1200y nice at the most. Anyway, at least I can make some lemonades out of mine... RX-78-2 with Tomino's favorite realistic weapon... and Tom Babbler makes a better updated foreground character for Wing's old dvd cover-art, dontcha think...
  6. I think you only should display the arms-less GERWALK with the VT-1, and a one-armed GERWALK with the VF-1D. Unless you got some effects to display Hikaru's missile-barrage from his 1A.
  7. song: sakasama bridge. another great live performance of suneohair. especially the percussionist: http://youtu.be/Yf8mHSbflKM non-live version:
  8. live-performance of "split" by suneohair http://youtu.be/gukN9H3wJbk ref: honey and clover II ed song
  9. My new RS Wing and RX-78-2 came in today, and meh. On both. Guess I've been spoiled by the RS Sazabi, but I'm severely underwhelmed by Wing and RX-78-2. I got them both for about $40 incl shipping, but I still think I overpaid on them. Some scale-stuff with my old MSIAs and a AA battery: I hope Gouf Custom will be bigger and more tolerable than these two. I'm already thinking of cancelling on the Nu. I'm stopping on the RS line now after I get my Gouf-Custom.
  10. pfft. It ain't Macross if it doesn't have GERWALK. Heck! You ain't really a Macross-fan if you don't like and/or don't get GERWALK-mode at all. Also, it's just possibly some cretins can't display their valks in GERWALK-mode properly:
  11. japan, srsly?! ridiculously NSFW http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-005548 ridiculously NSFW
  12. And in non-bishoujo news, don't really know where to put this and don't want to do a separate thread, but I know we got a bunch of fans of this series here at MWF. So, You get to burning... http://amiamiblog.com/amiamiblog/2014/4/9/miyazawa-model-exhibition-2014-everything-else
  13. oh... http://amiamiblog.com/amiamiblog/2014/4/9/miyazawa-model-exhibition-2014-bishojo-figures
  14. this one looks promising... http://amiamiblog.com/amiamiblog/2014/4/9/miyazawa-model-exhibition-2014-everything-else Wait, is she another Rias Gremory figure again?
  15. A new Lum is coming! Yay! Wait. She looks derpy. And anorexic. Well, other interesting figures from Bandai and Kotobukiya are also coming... http://amiamiblog.com/amiamiblog/2014/4/9/miyazawa-model-exhibition-2014-gsc-kotobukiya-bandai
  16. oh. nice. wow. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-005493
  17. Yeah. She looks much much better with the pink uniform than with the blue. And in other news, somebody got a flame-thrower ready for this... thing?! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIG-DOL-7027 Maybe somebody should nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure...
  18. what the...?! guess if somebody here is into mermaids... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-005478
  19. GGGG: so i'm calling it "Genesic GaoGaiGar Super Kancho attack!!!". Neat, huh? Getter-1: ...
  20. Oh, hey! Merda's back at ami... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-003226 I really wish MH makes an eventual v2 Shiny Ass edition of her. Soon...
  21. cdj also has her at 10450y: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-108982 cdj does not have pw, tho, so hlj's a better deal for the same pricing.
  22. Some of you guys... sheesh! Maybe the new TV-series will just have mechas with prominent boobages...
  23. Hello from, well, the box spells her name as Merda Ditz...
  24. Hello from, well, the box spells her name as Merda Ditz...
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