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Everything posted by treatment

  1. oh, meow there... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-006306
  2. This was the legendary and awesome original version that was purportedly thrown in the river back in the day due to rights-issues. Yeah. With tutu-wearing Bob Stinson's twanging lead instead of the obnoxious horns of the later radio-friendly version. And the equally legendary acoustic version that was only previously available in the old underground tape-trading circles... :hail: And I suddenly feel way too old now...
  3. Still waiting on my Hasbro Grimlock, but somebody at TFW posted this no-brainer "fix" for the loose hips: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-news-rumors/986125-tru-mp-grimlock-released-109.html#post11100051 So it's just a loose screw that made the hips loose? Nobody else thought to try to tighten their's before applying Future? You guys...
  4. Reviving this thread, since I just got the very pretty Cryska figma. her cuteness is over 9000... :wub:
  5. over 9000...
  6. all your arguments are infinitely invalid...
  7. Heh! I stopped active hunting after the debacle that was WalScream from years ago.
  8. Guess I should've added other AOE figures in my post to have been clearer. Evasion Prime is the only AOE figure that I have not seen in the stores. The only ones I saw were the Grimlock (all classes, it seems), Slug (deluxe), the two-headed thingy (deluxe) and those little one-shot-transformation of Drift, Hound, the green car, Prime and Bumblebee. You should always call first unless you live about 5-mins from any TRU. Fwiw, each of the TRU near me are at least 20-30 (or more) miles away.
  9. kinda cute, but a bit too busy with the kibble. also, expensive. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-006242 i have no idea about the character or the anime...
  10. I have not seen Evasion Prime at any of the Wally's and Tarjey's here. It's only the weird blue chopper thing and rhinox. Besides the AOE figures, that is. Which reminds me, the AOE Slug deluxe-class I saw was kinda kewl purple and chrome combo.
  11. I don't think it's even in TFW, anyway...
  12. Holy...!!! This is BEAUTIFUL! prolly NSFW link: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-006254
  13. Well, somebody at TFW posted a pic the upcoming Hasbro Sunstorm: Quite hideous.
  14. lol! It is rather easy to spot the rabid fanboys at TFW, as well as those who have ulterior motives for badmouthing a product just to make a sale for their own stuff. It is the same as over here at MWF. It's good to be a member of both forums, and many others.
  15. It was way overpriced. The current HLJ discounted pricing, tho lower, is still too expensive for a non-mecha chogokin.
  16. roflmao! So do you mean me, eriku, David Hingtgen, and every other MWF members that are also TFW-members are frothing with Hasbro's **** in the mouth, too? ahahahaha! Try not to paint too broad of a brush.
  17. Ya know? We totally need a 1/60 Minmay Doll. Get working on it, Arcadia! At any rate, this thread needs some Minmay doll pic. Kyuun, kyuun! INVADE! edit: imgur messed up.
  18. I, too, finally succumbed to the temptation coz I don't think the pricing will go lower than that and I don't think Bluefin will price-match it with the US-version. It's also a good thing HLJ's got Private Warehouse so I can at least stagger the hurt of the shipping-fees.
  19. Sometimes, I forget how gigantic my old Q-Raus are in comparison to some of my newer toys...
  20. The finger-issue is really not that big of an issue. Just be aware that it'll pop off when you're messing around with it. If you want, you can just apply some minor adhesive (like future polish or something) or just tape it up so it doesn't get lost on the carpet.
  21. Oh, didn't even noticed that piece was on the sale-page. Well, I think most of the nicer/good stuff have been jacked already by the scalpers. But hey! Akibaranger season-2 figures are still available!
  22. I'm being too indecisive on this. Essentially, it's a brick to me. Yet, it's also most likely a nice display stuff. arrrrgggghhhh!!!
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