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Everything posted by treatment

  1. me Kreo-Grimlock say M&M's are sweet...
  2. me Kreo-Grimlock thinks these are not the Seekers me looking for...
  3. GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE! Per Gold of Robot-Japan, Bandai is showing off their upcoming SoC reissues! :hail: I reckon the scalpers currently charging ludicrous prices on the old versions will start dumping them and flooding all/most online shops and auction sites soon at lower pricing and easier availability.
  4. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-006426 I think she has a sad coz she couldn't see properly with just one eye as to who stole her boobs...
  5. Behold the newest upcoming Chogokin from Bandai... http://tamashii.jp/special/chogokin40th http://tamashii.jp/event/95 http://tamashii.jp/special/sf_robot
  6. I don't think Mike has this, yet. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=HOB-FIG-6590 A-/C condition, 2008 release but with a jacked-up current pricing.
  7. Very nice song, but there is no official video. So here's a fan doing a nice lead-cover on it: song: Ninny album: Another Morning, Another Pillows originally released as a b-side of the "Instant Music" single,
  8. Skull Leader to all units: You heard the lady. Assume Intercept Formation 17! Roger!
  9. Sh*t! My area's tru, wally's, and targey have a whole section of that blue chopper thing. Along with Rhinox. You should be suspicious of anything on ebay. I read some sporadic but optimistic reports that the TRUs in SoCal are slowly getting enough Grimmy-stocks and not running out since yesterday. You guys up in NorCal should even have more stuff coming in before us down here. Try to ask a supervisor or two when you are at TRU and they may just have one or two saved away from their known scalpers. I say just wait it out a bit. Another week or so. In the meantime, just get Kreo-Grimlock to tide you over. He's about the same size as MP-Grimmy, anyway.
  10. Kreo-Grimlock is a worthy buy at $25, dude. Oughta get it! anyway, moar Grimmy! me Grimlock ready to partay...
  11. Good news! Went on a late lunch and decided to hit another TRU for the Grimmy-Kreo. Per chance, I asked one of the rep on the returns-aisle if they have any Grimmy-Masterpiece as I was leaving. She wasn't sure, so she asked a supervisor. The supv said they got one left. SWEET! The supv said they held it out from an earlier customer who was buying more than one early this morning. Guess they got some stricter one-item-only policy for Grimmy-MP. They got it for me. The box was a little dinged on the outside, but it is sealed. $79.99. Tried to use the 20% coupon, but they said they can only use the original instead of a printed copy. Didn't argue it for now since I'm already late going back from lunch. Bummer, right? Then I remembered I still got a valid unused gift-card in my wallet, so I used that instead. Done. Now I have another Grimmy-MP. Some related kid's gonna be happy this x'mas with it. I hope.
  12. Unfrakkingbelievable. Just called the two nearest TRUs here (about 20-30miles each on different directions from me) a few minutes ago. 10:00am and 10:05am, respectively. Opening time. Friday. They confirmed (finally) that they had delivery and stock today. Three in one store, and five in the other. They're all out already. C'mon! At 10am and 10:05am. Seems like these "interested individuals" (most likely scalpers) have been camping out and just stormed in right away when they just opened up the store, per the reps. Reps told me to check again next week since no more deliveries this week. Sometimes you just gotta admire these people. Like they don't seem to have any regular jobs that requires them to be at work instead of camping out. I can only guess that camping out is their work, at least with some of them. Or taking a day off just to camp out. Kinda funny coz the two TRUs I called today weren't exactly in the nicer part of the city to do any camping out. Guess there will be some brand-new auction-listings up starting today for Hasbro Grimmy. !&($@#&^%#(&!%&! TRU should really just flood their stores with more than enough Grimmy-inventory so that others who don't/can't camp will have a chance to purchase the item.
  13. Ok. Another Tama-nee. Actually, another re-color of another Tama-nee. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-006347 Nice blacks, but uhh yellow undies? Srsly? Whoever dumb corporate head thought that yellow undies looks good with the black outfit of Tama-nee is way too beyond frickin' color-blind to admit color-blindness/color-blandness. Heck! Yellow with Tama-nee? REALLY, JAPAN?!? :sigh:
  14. me Grimlock has Optimus riding me Grimlock has Optimus riding me Grimlock... just had to be done.
  15. Wish I can find Grimmy over here locally. I'd like to get a couple more for the kids for X'mas. As such and as with any screw/plastic-stuff, just be mindful and feel the tension so that you don't accidentally break the whole thing. The Future stuff is more a simpler fix and process if you're already used to it.
  16. Yeah. The lighter grey was actually rather nice in person. Guess the various pics makes it look more drab and bland than it really is. Even the translucent green was nicer in person and doesn't really stands out as much as I thought it would. Wish Hasbro included the old smoked-grey for people who prefers it. Heck! Wish they included the waiter-outfit from the original Takara version.
  17. Thanks for the feedback. Yeah. It kinda looks like it, but I can't actually strip the screws with that particular manual screwdriver I'm using. Plus, you can feel the tension rather well on Grimmy's screws, so it can't realy be stripped unless you really really really forced it, and break the whole plastic casing altogether. As such, I would've stripped it within three seconds if I was using my standard electric.
  18. Got my Hasbro Grimmy delivered today. The hips were a little loose, so I tightened it up with a screwdriver. I uploaded a muted and unfocused video thingy for those interested about the loose hips and the stuff : My Grimmy video thingy... YT said the music on my original upload was not kewl with some lawyers and accountants, hence video is muted. oh, here be a pic:
  19. nyah!!! uhhh wait. WTF is this, Japan?! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-006307
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