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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Honestly, I don't think the recipe is the issue at all. It think it is just how the recipe is used/cooked. Fans like me love the sdfm/dyrl/plus/II/zero flavors of the recipes. Alot of the japanese fans love the M7 flavor of the recipe. There's a bunch of other fans that just love the Frontier recipe. :shrugs: fwiw and imho, a Macross series has to sell these for BigWest: -- mecha (bandai/arcadia/etc) -- music (victor) -- idols (figure makers) I reckon they should just re-hire Shinichiro Watanabe to helm this new upcoming tv-series. He'll do a fine Macross Champloo Dandy Bebop series...
  2. treatment

    Macross figures

    finally got the petite macross grrlz...
  3. It comes with some thing that's technically a kind of a "stand". More like a prop... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=3d6eb898298cfbd8ec9c632b64a21b71&showtopic=39282&page=13#entry1075970
  4. so... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-007057
  5. I reckon they're intending to make both Generations Bruticus and Generations Defensor to re-use these new members of the Aerialbots and Stunticons. Alpha-Bravo (Not-Slingshot) will be recolored as Blades and OffRoad (Not-Wildrider) will be recolored as Swindle.
  6. It seems that TFW's getting hammered right now, but here's their Generations Superion official images page: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/generations-classics-44/sdcc2014-transformers-generations-2015-aerialbots-official-images-180792/ Yeah. Slingshot's now a chopper instead of a harrier jet. WTF, Hasbro?! In contrast, there are now apparently six Stunticons as the Generations Menasor seems to have added a new member and Wildrider's now some kind of a sport-truck thingy (?) called Offroad : http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/generations-classics-44/sdcc2014-transformers-generations-2015-stunticons-official-images-180793/
  7. somebody prolly forgot to order this... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-002780
  8. GSC will surely make a figma of her in that particular getup. With the requisite trench-coat, too. It will be the most awesomest figma ever.
  9. Look at the maths done. It's only a 19% increase when you look at what the yen was worth then and now. You can't look at currency as same numbers or value now and then. They're worth differently based on how the economy works. Ayup. Also. The Arcadia VF-1S also comes with an included stand, whereas the Yamato VF-1S never did. Must factor that in along with the regular inflation stuff.
  10. The bizarro character Remon Yamano: Got it for around 3k yen during the hlj fire-sale. It's quite a boring 1/8 figure. I can't believe the current scalper-pricing on it among online/auction shops. Weird blokes.
  11. I don't think they ever did. They made this, tho...
  12. I'm not sure why you're hung up on this. The grey is consistent with the armor's aesthetic and perceived functionality. It is not an animation error. The only animation error(s) in DYRL is the first release's Max-1A (chest-stripe) and Roy-1S (heatshield) color-change, which was subsequently corrected in the Remastered DVD and the later Blu-Ray versions. The Takatoku 1/55 1J Hikaru was released with grey-visor for whatever reason. Yamato did not follow that with their regular Hikaru-1Js. The Yamato grey-visor Hikaru-1J 1/60 was a limited edition.
  13. This figure makes some pretty big impressions... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-006641
  14. here you go, Mike and you other moonies here. Uranus and Neptune now listed at amzn: http://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Tamashii-Nations-S-H-Figuarts-Sailor/dp/B00LOR0KXK/ http://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Tamashii-Nations-S-H-Figuarts-Neptune/dp/B00LOR0LMA/ $49.99 (plus local sales tax) each.
  15. Heads up, my bros! Just saw amzon listing Chromey Kaiser: http://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Tamashii-Nations-Chogokin-Mazinkaiser/dp/B00LBZUB1Q/ $76.99 (plus local sales-tax)
  16. These kewl Akibaranger petite chibis were practically being given away during hlj's firesale a couple months ago at 540y for the whole boxed set: Nendoroid Ruri-Ruri's a bit bigger than petite Aoi:
  17. I think he just needs to watch DYRL. Not sure why he's depriving himself of it.
  18. Is that brass? Oh, and the colors are a bit not blue. WTF, Mr.K?!
  19. Don't worry about what he said. He's just making stuff up.
  20. Less capital to start and no factory-discounts/influences in China pushes prices up significantly. Possible, but not quite as simple I reckon. Yamato was not making and selling Macross-toys exclusively. They have had other lines which were not quite as profitable as their Macross-line.
  21. She's finally up for preorder now for Mike and other interested fans... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-006933
  22. The Major is officially confirmed by GSC as figma #237. Already pre-ordered at ami.
  23. time to make Mike a bit more poorer come september... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-005506
  24. w00t! Got my Yamato-2199 today from the hlj fire-sale a couple months ago...
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