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Everything posted by treatment

  1. I predict 12,800jpy MSRP (excludes tokyo-tax), or 14080jpy with tokyo-tax.
  2. That sux! Manufacturing/Factory damage. Try to return it for a replacement asap!
  3. from https://twitter.com/muko037/status/1737020432535204177/photo/4 https://twitter.com/muko037/status/1737020432535204177/photo/3
  4. This guy tweeted some pics of the Yammie and the reissue together: https://twitter.com/muko037/status/1743874315341410605 web-translated: Seems other older tweets have also mentioned the reissue being slightly darker than the previous versions.
  5. wotafa retro-reviews Takatoku 1/55 VF-1J a few hours ago:
  6. Or try Manda on jp release-date for the usual disappointed owners and/or box-damaged ones... Might be cheaper than US release even after ludicrous shipping-fees...
  7. At any rate, try your luck at AmiAmi tmrw or something if you'd missed out tonite and still want to try to PO it from a legit jp-shop... https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-164591 01/11 @ 11am Japan-Time
  8. Add AJP to that po-unicorn list... https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B0CRK23S71 I clicked and failed on AJP before I even got one at HLJ...
  9. Same effort to do with the Movie version, but you'll have to find the old fansubs to get the proper english-subs. That is due to the JP-BD's movie-edition having engrish-subs. The old US DVD Mangle had burned-in subs. See diff here: US Mangle dvd's old burned-in subs: vs JP-BD native engrish sub: vs JP-BD with old fansubs:
  10. It'll require some minor effort, but do try to get the Japanese-BD and just add Neil Nadelman's excellent english subtitles from your Mangle DVD... See the video diff here: Manga's old US DVD OVA edition: vs JP Blu-ray OVA-1 with Neil's subs... I'll post the movie-version diffs next... Fwiw, the JP-BD's OVA version does not have english-subs. Only japanese/japanese-subs and english vocals.
  11. web-translation is a bit iffy, but this is one of the great features in certain Yamarcadia valks... https://twitter.com/Ezwea1/status/1743882660311941601 web-transalted snap:
  12. A bit too precise, this time. The hand/fingers on this reissue is too tight that the triggger-finger will have stress mark when you attach the gunpod. That said, here's mine with my other 2023 reissued/recolored valks...
  13. my 2023 1/60 valk purchasings:
  14. https://twitter.com/nagicolith/status/1742104617566216614 web-translated snap:
  15. I'm too lazy to unbox and take valk pics myself, but here's the latest from "Ox" with his 1/60-scale YF-19s/VF-19Adv from YamArcandai... https://twitter.com/XXXG00YSW/status/1741348377663766640 web-translated snapshot:
  16. Good deal at HLJ for this valk! HLJ has a 5^ discount applicable to the 1/60 Fire-Valk 2023-reissue: valk-page: https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-perfect-transformation-vf-19-kai-nekki-basara-special-with-sound-booster-reissue-aca82165 coupon-page: https://www.hlj.com/2024-new-year-unlimited-coupon
  17. This is a pretty shot from "Ox" with his new shiny... https://twitter.com/XXXG00YSW/status/1740567807832756444 web-translated snapshot:
  18. Yeah. I don't like over-zealous tampo, but Bandai's gonna Bandai. I do like the "blue" of this DX on the pics. Nevertheless, I think I found where Yamato got the Purple on their 1/72 YF-21v2... It's around the 00:09:02 timestamp of OVA ep-1 of the BD. Wonder what that particular ordnance they're installing/removing. It was never included in the Yamato 1/60. Maybe @Seto knows...
  19. https://twitter.com/360Hide/status/1740340745289289845
  20. https://twitter.com/colasvi2/status/1740383623285702695 web-translated snapshot:
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