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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Good news, everyone! /farnsworth Patlabor: New Files ova US-BD coming 2/17/15 http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-10-22/maiden-japan-adds-patlabor-the-new-files-ova/.80214
  2. Good news, everyone! /farnsworth Patlabor: New Files ova US-BD coming 2/17/15 http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-10-22/maiden-japan-adds-patlabor-the-new-files-ova/.80214
  3. SRC Mazinkaiser SKL reissue due out 03/15!!! http://tamashii.jp/special/pickup/201503bbmk/03_01.php so, wanna wait for the chromed version?
  4. It's not Arcadia, so prolly not. The important MWF question is which shade of green it will be in colored form...
  5. The Pillows in a very recent concert. Playing their old pre-punk(pre-1997) easy-listening hits, complete with their old outfit... I think that's original member Kenji Ueda's playing bass on these: moar good stuff at yt-channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi82jAUsYpvL8Ls_CsHpN7Q
  6. Saw it earlier and it was nice. However, it actually reminded me more of Macross Zero instead of PR...
  7. The modified-delta of the F-15 sure do look nice and pretty, but I like to think Kawamori just delta-winged the F-14 to come up with the 0D. That, and/or he's quite fond of the ancient the F7U. Plus, all the Zero (0S/0A/0D) in the anime were carrier-based, so it's gotta be a F-14 inspired instead of F-15 inspired...
  8. Ohhhhh! Yet another Rias but this one is a rather very nice one. 1/7, 23cm, and castoff-enabled. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-008724 The only issue is that it's a 12/2014 release. Already got plenty of stuff preordered for 12/2014...
  9. We'll see. It's a shop-exclusive thingy, so it wasn't even available at regular japanese shops. Thanks! It's one of the tracks of their new album "Moondust" that's incoming to me this month or so.
  10. You want a plane? here: http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG18/Sci A bit less expensive at 2240y...
  11. This is for David's earlier query about the Ghosts, and well, no scanner at home so a photo instead.... But ya know what? I think Arcadia should've done the Reactive-Armor first instead of the 0D. I'm not sayin', but I'm just sayin'...
  12. I'll be very intrigued if a 3P ever offers the Space Gandam...
  13. So. What are the chances that this VF-0D will be shelfwarming like the current VF-19Kai right now?
  14. I have this: http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00055 which is the QF-2200D-B and designated with the "Booster" monicker. The QF-2200D-A ( http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00054/Sci ) was not designated with the "Booster" monicker and comes in camo colors. I never bought it myself. I don't believe there were any differences between them except for the camo-colors and the box-designation. I think somebody here used to have a pic of using the A-version as booster on their VF-0S/A. That said, both the Roy-0S and the Shin-0A combo-versions were using the B-version as booster: http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00057/Sci http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00056/Sci
  15. I think it was simply bad plastic material that Yamato used on the Macross Zero line. I remember when I got my VF-0S that the plastic felt really softer, more fragile and not as rigid as the VF-1's plastic. Then people here reported the exploding/disintegrating shoulders/arms joints of the VF-0A first-edition and the very floppy Ivanov SV-51.
  16. moar! http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-1/arcadia-2015%E5%B9%B4%E7%99%BC%E5%94%AE-160-%E5%AE%8C%E5%85%A8%E8%AE%8A%E5%BD%A2-%E3%80%8Emacross-zero%E3%80%8Fvf-0d/
  17. saw this at taghobby earlier. buncha new(?) pics from ameblo... http://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-11918905866.html http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-1/arcadia-2015%E5%B9%B4%E7%99%BC%E5%94%AE-160-%E5%AE%8C%E5%85%A8%E8%AE%8A%E5%BD%A2-%E3%80%8Emacross-zero%E3%80%8Fvf-0d/
  18. I think it's only Most-Viewed ranking, not top-selling rank...
  19. dagnabbit! i want this album, but i can't buy it. http://pillows.jp/p/2014-10-04-out-bootleg http://youtu.be/Y9QsMpcp3oE
  20. still waiting for the US-BD of MI, so...
  21. http://youtu.be/GMHucO0TcNA
  22. Yeah. Was just gonna post that. CDJ's SAL-estimate is 1900y. no shipping-fees estimates on AE. so, commence on the shipping-fees dance among the online-shops!
  23. For this rather expensive and big bird, I don't think SAL shipping will save you much of anything over EMS. Also, HLJ has PW, so there's that to save on shipping-fees. However, this bird is still too damn expensive no matter which shop you go for.
  24. omg! it's KON!!! 1/5.5 castoff-enabled http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-008633
  25. Al-right! Charles reviews the recently-released SRC Shin-Mazinkaizer Chromed Edition Seems Charles had cut down on the coffee intake this time...
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