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Everything posted by treatment

  1. from tfw: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-toy-discussion/345546-official-new-sales-deals-coupons-thread-964.html#post11879285 there you go.
  2. So for those who would rather purchase the Figuarts Zero Yuki, here's ami's preorder-page for her: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-009309 3120y 5/15 release That 3120y is the pre-order pricing at ami. Some other sites might have higher and/or lower preorder-pricing than ami, so check around. Not sure if Bluefin will offer her in the US.
  3. saw this over at TFW forum/thread: for those who don't have MP Prowl, yet...
  4. Toysdaily has nice shots... http://toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=231395&extra=page%3D1&page=1
  5. here's a better looking shot from moeyo:
  6. new shots... http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-1/%E4%B8%8D%E6%96%B7%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0-2014%E5%B9%B411%E6%9C%8829%E6%97%A5-megahobby-expo2014-autumn-%E7%A7%8B%E8%91%89%E5%8E%9F-megahouse%E5%B1%95%E5%93%81-variable-action/
  7. Unpainted Rei v2 is a bit underwhelming. Meanwhile, http://toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=231148&pid=7376007 MH should've sculpted with a neutral pose instead...
  8. so awesome... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-009328
  9. oh, yeah? 1/60 vf-19S hkc == 14979y (everyday pricing) vs hlj's bf-sale right now == 17820y (that's with the 10% BF discount)
  10. roflmao! hlj seems to luv trolling everybody that are trying to get some good BF discounts...
  11. RPA/Chachipower reviews the newly-released SRC Getter-1: youtu.be/aAn3rk7pcpk
  12. http://tamashii.jp/item/10892/ size: 150mm rd: 5/15 msrp: 3800y (4104y with japanese tax)
  13. 4/15 (release-date) 7500y (msrp) / 8100y(msrp+japan sales tax) tamashii.jp/item/10890/
  14. It is more important that you provide a photograph(s) of your 1J and your 25F. Otherwise, we won't be able to figure what the fugazi you're panicking about. Everyone has pretty much given you the basics of what we've known. The only thing remaining is for you to provide photographs of your valks. It'll be an exercise in futility if you keep asking for pics from everybody else. You might as well go check the multiple pictures-threads in here for your inquiry.
  15. Not sure if already posted, but Tamashii Web schedule for SOC-40th... tamashii.jp/item_schedule/201412 12/13/14 12/27/14
  16. per http://toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-231148-1-1.html Mikage Kiryu's coming Spring-2015. I think the 1/8 version that MH's been teasing for awhile. Maybe Rei v2 will be next after her...
  17. Not sure why that would be in this thread since that item's always been available shelfwarming at hkcollectibles at significantly lower pricing (2-3 years running now?) than what hlj is currently charging...
  18. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Close, but not quite. The Robot Spirits are 1/144, whereas these new HMRs seems to be 1/100.
  19. Welp! Recently joined the dark side... Usual QC issues such as minor paint oversprays, less tight (not really loose) knees, spelling issues. Despite all that, they're not that bad. The official versions have their own QC issues, fwiw. Still waiting for an official re-issue from Takara or the rumored official US release, but I ain't paying the current scalper-pricing.
  20. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Honestly, I'm most likely gonna get just the non-VF1 stuff on this line. The VF-1 on this line looks really meh to me.
  21. SRC Getter-1 pics over at toysdaily: http://toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=231010&extra=page%3D1&page=1
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